Monday, April 30, 2007

Kim Drops Sex Tape Lawsuit, Gets a Big Load of Cash

Report has learned that Kim Kardashian has dropped her lawsuit against Vivid Entertainment over the release of her sex tape with former BF, R&B artist Ray J ... who has now moved on to Whitney Houston.

The tape, which Vivid paid a million dollars for, is now a bestseller in adult video stores and online markets. Vivid's co-chairman tells Report, "We are pleased that Kim has dropped her legal action against us, we met with her several times and finally reached a financial arrangement that we both feel is fair." Sounds like they're bosom buddies now.

According to Kardashian will receive close to $5 million in the settlement.

But this is a limited time offer folks, as sources tell us Vivid will permanently cease distribution of the tape at the end of May.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Cameron Diaz flees paparazzi

Cameron Diaz ran screaming from paparazzi after they caught her off guard while shopping.

The Holiday' star was enjoying some retail therapy in New York fashion and lifestyle emporium Lounge when a group of photographers snuck in the rear entrance and surrounded her.

A source told the New York Post newspaper: "She was enjoying a peaceful day of shopping for some new summer dresses, jewellery and shoes when they surrounded her.

"Cameron totally freaked out, screamed and dropped the items she was going to buy and was chased through the store. She was running full speed."

The 34-year-old actress has always had a troubled relationship with the paparazzi.

She and ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake reached an out of court settlement with photographer Saul Lazo after he claimed they had harassed him. Cameron allegedly beat and threatened him and took his camera when he tried to take photographs of them.

The 'Shrek 3' star was also blackmailed by a professional photographer who took topless pictures of her when she was just 19 and threatened to make them public if she did not pay him over $3 million.

John Rutter was convicted by a Los Angeles court of attempting to blackmail Cameron and sentenced to over three years in jail.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Paris vs. Lindsay: Celebs Take Sides

As the one-year anniversary of the Battle of Firecrotch nears, Us Weekly's Hot Hollywood Party was the scene of the latest Lindsay Lohan/Paris Hilton encounter -- and camps are divided by strict party lines! School's in session, kiddies!

Paris arrived first to the championship bout at new Hollywood hotspot Sugar. She mingled with the likes of Jack Osbourne and Kimberly Stewart and then retreated to the club's backroom, where P spent the night texting. Other celebs spotted in the Hilton-friendly ring were Ryan Seacrest, "Sopranos" star Jamie-Lynn Sigler, and former NSYNC boy blanders Lance Bass, JC Chasez and Joey Fatone.

Lindsay's grand entrance came with much more fanfare as photographers and party groupies swarmed the 20-year-old rehabbed former redhead and her entourage. Lohan, with claws retracted, didn't go anywhere near Hilton's corner and set up shop in a booth off the dance floor. Members of Team Lindsay, at least for last night, included ex-Lohan enemy and lipSYNCer Ashlee "I Didn't Steal Your Boyfriend" Simpson, petite Pete Wentz, and most interestingly, Paris' former BFF Kim Kardashian!

La Lohan and crew were the first to throw in the towel and quickly exited the club, while Hilton continued to text as a group of non-famous buds kept the heiress company. It can get so lonely at the top!

With no blood (or underwear) shed, there was no clear winner in this latest paparazzi princess showdown. Can you say "rematch after school at Winston's?"

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tyra Busts on Rosie

Tyra Banks got a feel for what it's like to be on "The View' -- and what it's like to feel a "View" hostess.

Banks got couple handfuls of the soon-to-be-former "View" ringmistress during her visit with the "View"-isatas, copping a feel -- a rather long and grope-a-licious feel, we might add. This is one clip that Donald Trump will no doubt be keeping in his personal stash.

Of course, Ro isn't Banks' first bosom buddy: When the amply-breasted Katharine McPhee appeared on "The Tyra Banks Show," Tyra got a pretty good handle on the McJuggs to prove their naturalness.

Meawhile, Tyra also told Ro & Co. that it was multi-multi-millionaire rap mogul Russell Simmons -- and not her -- that skipped out on a check at the Brooklyn Diner in New York, as Gatecrasher had reported yesterday. Banks explained that she offered to pay, that Russell waved her off, and then -- next thing she knew -- she was being accused of dining-and-dashing. Never fear- Miss Tyra stopped by the Diner after her "View" taping and paid the bill... and left a $100 tip. She ain't cheap!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Prime Minister Calls for Akon Investigation

The Prime Minister of Trinidad has called for an investigation into the "dirty dancing" controversy involving Akon and a 14-year-old girl. The investigators are starting with the club who some blame for allowing the young girl to party. Deena Alleyne, whose father is a pastor recently told the local press:

"This whole hip hop thing is a guise and I don't want any part of it, I don't want to be any part of it""I thought it was going to be normal," Alleyne said. "I got carried away, I started to dance as well but I never thought it was going to be like that. I was shocked, my head was hitting the floor.

All I want to know is can Akon hook up Pastor Alleyne with a new suit, tie, and some Sport-N-Waves? A new line-up wouldn't hurt either. Paster Alleyne needs to step his "offering game" up. If you haven't seen Akon freak the 14 year-old girl.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Jennifer's Big Payday

Jennifer was taking the metallic trend a little too far and she stepped out of the Mandarin Hotel this weekend with Marc.

Their new film El Cantante just released a fairly impressive trailer. Along with good early reactions, J Lo must be on cloud 9. She evidently also just scored a $1.2 million dollar paycheck to perform a 40 minute set for the joint birthday of a Russian billionaire and his wife on Saturday night.

The lucky couple, Andrei Meinichenko and Aleksandra Nikolic also forked out another $800,000 to fly J Lo, Marc and their entourage to his estate in England and put them up at the Mandarin. Still, Jennifer didn't go out and blow all that cash. She and Marc spent an hour on Saturday afternoon at Topshop! Maybe she was given an early preview of Kate Moss's new line.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Fur Flying After Celebrity Pet Eats It

The bodaciously-bosomed Barbi twins claim their beloved kitty was killed in the contaminated pet food mess -- and now they're busting out in front of a class action lawsuit against some of the world's biggest pet food manufacturers. Meow!

The Playboy Playmates turned animal rights activists, Shane and Sia, along with Shane's actor husband Ken Wahl, allege in a suit filed this week in Los Angeles County Court, that Menu Foods, Purina, Nutro and Del Monte foods are responsible for the death of their cat, Dearest, and thousands of other cats and dogs nationwide. Menu Foods recalled 60 million cans and pouches of pet food in March, after discovering a chemical in their food was found to have caused kidney damage in cats and dogs.

The Barbi twins are asking for unspecified damages to cover veterinary bills, attorneys' fees and other costs ... and "burial and disposal costs.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Victoria’s Secret Decides Who Is Sexy

Surely you want to know what is sexy to Victoria’s Secret, don’t you? Have no fear, the people behind the company are eager to share.

Victoria’s Secret is all about being sexy and so it was natural that the company shared its views on sensuality with the world. It announced Thursday what its team of executives, designers and supermodel spokeswomen had voted on as sexiest ever.

“SexyBack” singer Justin Timberlake was voted sexiest male musician, while Jessica Alba, who played in “Sin City” was named sexiest actress.

Their counterparts were “American Idol” winner Carrie Underwood as sexiest female musician and Eric Dane as sexiest actor. Other celebrities honored for their sexiness were David Beckham, declared sexiest dad (though Victoria was not named sexiest mom) and Kate Hudson (who, unlike Posh Spice, was voted sexiest mom).

Monica Mitro, a spokeswoman for the intimate apparel company, stated that being sexy is not based on looks but rather on “how you are as a person.”

Victoria's Secret says the celebrity body parts that rank as the sexiest in their book include the smile of Josh Duhamel, the lips of Jennifer Hudson, the legs of Cameron Diaz and the eyes of Adrian Grenier.

Matthew McConaughey received appreciation for his beach body, while Sienna Miller was appreciated for her trendsetting style.

Other sexy celebs: speed racer Danica Patrick (female athlete), Yankee Derek Jeter (male athlete), and Jay-Z and Beyonce (couple).

The ABC medical drama “Grey's Anatomy” has the sexiest cast.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sex Tape Shelved -- MTV Star Is "Severely Disappointing"

Celeb Spot has learned a porn company has put the brakes on an alleged sex tape featuring "The Hills" star Lauren Conrad and "Laguna Beach's" Jason Wahler -- because of the bad boy's "severely disappointing" behavior. And apparently, according to our source, the tape is severely disappointing as well.

A Celeb Spot source said the alleged tape, news of which first broke on Perez Hilton, is "very vanilla" with "no hard core sex." The source adds that LC and Jason are basically "messing around." But SugarDVD tells Celeb Spot they are retracting their previous offer of $500,000 for the tape, because of Wahler's recent arrest in Seattle. "We refuse to support any person who feels that it is in any way acceptable to rattle off racial slurs and slanderous language about African-American people, homosexual people and the police department." Porn with integrity, people!

Not only is Sugar pulling the offer, but they are reaching out to their network to discourage anyone from participating in a deal for this alleged tape.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Loopy Lindsay Back to Her Bizarro Ways

Fresh off her quick trip to Japan, Lindsay was back on the club scene hitting up recent favorite LA hotspot Winstons this week. Not only did that recent stint in rehab not curtail her partying ways, but she's back to giving her special brand of totally strange interviews. In the most recent one with Allure, she talks rehab, partying and her desires to lay low. We'll believe that last part when we see it. Here's highlights:

On feeling protective of her loved ones:
"When my friends and family are around me I feel like they're safe . . . When my friends have left me - I've just seen everything collapse. They're not safe without me."

On partying post-rehab:
"That's my life!" She also compared herself to Marilyn Monroe and claimed to be shocked she ended up needing treatment: "It's so weird that I went to rehab. I always said I would die before I went to rehab."

On her public life:
"Everybody's tired of hearing things about me and them . . . I think it's just better for me to lie low and get better."

Clearly even Lindsay isn't sure exactly what she wants from herself -- partying every night or laying low? Maybe she should get herself one of these t-shirts? As for protecting her friends, we really have no idea what that even means! Either way it sounds like LL is definitely back to her old self.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Salma's Ready For Motherhood

Salma Hayek has a lot of big changes headed her way - she's engaged to be married and pregnant with her first child. While we were initially shocked to get all of this news at once, Salma has obviously been planning for a family for quite awhile. In the May issue of Marie Claire, Salma talks about the challenges she faces as a woman and as a Latina.

On Being Pressured into Motherhood: "I think it's terrible women are put in that position. Motherhood is not for everyone--it is for me, but there's no reason women should feel rushed to have a child. I don't know if you've noticed, but society thinks if you don't have children, you've failed as a woman, even if you are CEO of a company. You've got to be beautiful, smart, skinny, tall, rich, successful at your job, married to the right guy--and have genius children."

On Coming to Hollywood as a Latina Woman: "I thought I was coming to this amazing place, where projects would just fall out of trees. I was quite shocked to read the scripts being made. I started out in Hollywood at the same time as Jennifer Lopez. Before us, Latinas only had roles that were part of the backdrop, as the maid or the prostitute. We changed that. Of course, you're always looking for those Meryl Streep parts, but I am grateful for the things I did."

Salma is such a strong and independent woman with a good head on her shoulders. We bet she will be a great mom and role model to that lucky little baby who will also be fashionably dressed thanks to her Daddy. Salma also has a new movie in theaters now called Lonely Hearts with co-stars, James Gandolfini, John Travolta and Jared Leto. It is an interesting group and the trailer is actually surprisingly entertaining.

Nick and Vanessa Reunited at LAX

Nick is such a gentleman carrying Vanessa's bags and going inside to pick up his lady upon her return to LAX. We figured that she wasn't going to be gone for long when Nick dropped her off at the airport last week and all she brought was that small duffel bag. We're sure these two are glad to be back together, even though Nick seemed to entertain himself quite alright on his own while she was away! As for her big smiles and smirks, perhaps it has to do with the news that the couple are getting even more serious.

IT'S getting serious between Vanessa Minnillo and Nick Lachey. The former MTV veejay is becoming bicoastal and moving into Lachey's house in Beverly Hills. We hear she's trying to become an actress and focus on gigs in L.A. - which could endanger her job as New York correspondent for "Entertainment Tonight." Her rep didn't return calls. But Minnillo should be warned: Maria Menounous, now on "Access Hollywood," was cut from "ET" after she neglected her duties to play roles in the sitcom "One Tree Hill" and the movie "The Fantastic Four."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Angelina Makes Us Sweat

No surprise here: A new poll says Angelina Jolie "makes men sweat" more than any other woman in America.

The Right Guard Good Sport Index polled more than 1,000 sweat-ers who ranked Jolie (27%) far above Jessica Alba (17%), Beyonce (16%), Scarlett Johansson (8%) and Charlize Theron (7%).

At the other end of the spectrum, Ozzy Osborne was voted "Sweatiest Rock Star" and George Clooney was ranked the number one cool guy who "Never Gets Caught Off Guard" (get it?).

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Prince William Is Looking for a New Princess

Earlier this month there were engagement rumors that PrinceWilliam would marry his long time girlfriend Kate Middleton.

Looks like that isn't going to happen anymore. Today it has been confirmed that Prince William is back on the market.

The Sun broke the news claiming the split was due to his new lifestyle in the Army with the boys where he would prefer to go out drinking with his peers instead of heading back to London to see Kate.

Apparently it was an "amicable breakup." We thought Kate and William looked like a wonderful potential King and Queen but looks like William will be looking for a new mate. Somehow we don't think he will have any problem finding himself a new princess.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Snoop in more trouble with the law

Me arrested? Nah man never happened.
This picture?I got this at one of them
photo booth places!

Snoop Dogg had himself a bad Tuesday as he was chargedwith felony drug and gun charges in Los Angeles. The one time hard core rapper who has mellowed out in recent years still hasn’t learned how to stay out of the police blotter.

Snoop Dogg faces charges of gun possession by a felon and sale or transportation of marijuana.

He was arrested Oct. 26 by Burbank police at Bob Hope Airport on suspicion of transportation of a controlled substance. Burbank police later discovered a gun at his home.

If convicted, he faces up to four years in state prison.

What’s nice to know is that if you are rich enough you will be able to get out of all kinds of trouble no matter how much you messed up in the past. I once got a speeding ticket and my insurance went up like $30 a month for 5 years, but if I was Snoop I could have used the ticket as rolling paper and received free insurance for a decade. They should just save tax payers some money and issue celebs a license to get out of trouble and charge them a few grand a year for it… just cut out the middle man.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jordan -- I'm Hotter Than Posh!

Katie Price and her sexpot alter-ego Jordan, just landed in the U.S., but she's making enemies with another UK import -- Posh and Becks.

The surgically enhanced model-turned-reality TV star and her perfectly waxed hubby, Peter Andre, are taking aim at Mrs. Beckham, with Andre telling "'EXTRA" that Jordan's "better looking than Victoria" but rightfully adding, "I'm not as good looking as David."

Jordan, not satisfied with her hubby's potshot, added, "It's not hard to be better looking than her, is it really." Somewhere a robot is crying.

Fergie to Nelly Furtado: "Say it to My Face"

The Fergie/Furtado feud flames on!

On "Impacto," Fergie's latest collaboration with Daddy Yankee, the self-proclaimed Duchess fillets the "Promiscuous" singer, saying, "I ain't promiscuous, the realest chick up in this," and threatens with an old fashioned "I'ma pull your wig back!".

This isn't Fergie's first shot at Nelly. In "Fergalicious," she also says that she's not promiscuous. Obviously, she doesn't feel that Nell's gettin' the message. SHE AIN'T PROMISCUOUS!!.

Ooh! Take that, Nelly!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Snoop Dogg hit with gun and drug charges

Snoop Dogg was scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Pasadena on felony gun and drug charges, Los Angeles County prosecutors said.

The 35-year-old rap star faces charges of gun possession by a felon and sale or transportation of marijuana.

He was arrested Oct. 26 by Burbank police at Bob Hope Airport on suspicion of transportation of a controlled substance. Burbank police later discovered a gun at his home.

If convicted, he faces up to four years in state prison.

"These were changes we fully expected," said Snoop Dogg's attorney, Donald Etra. "They will be dealt with in court tomorrow. The matter will be resolved tomorrow."

The rapper was convicted in 1990 of cocaine possession and charged with gun possession after a 1993 traffic stop. He pleaded guilty in exchange for three years' probation and a promise to make public-service announcements against violence.

The rapper's manager, Constance Schwartz, said a written statement would be issued Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Not another Pinay Scandal

Pinay Scandal? Haven’t you heard about the latest buzz about the recent pinay scandal? They are all over the web. If you try to search for particular keyterms in Google you’ll probably get accurate results for those particular keywords. But hell do I know anything about SEO. I’m just here to write about anything current about the entertainment world. So I’ll just give that part to those experts in the SEO arena.

What is it that people like about this recent pinay scandal trend? Filipinas today are different from before. Now women in the Philippines are liberated, acts westernized, and are way more superior, not like in other countries wherein the male are superior and dominating. It is frustrating to know that others (foreigners) today tag Filipino women as sex slave, mail-to-order brides, scammers, exotic, and easy-to-get with money.
Since this recent trend arose, videos of nude women and couples making out are all over the web. This recent trend not only gives shame to our country, but also buries us deeper into the thirld-worldish kind of life we are living in. So how can we stop this kind of maltreatment to our Filipino women community? We do this by disseminating positive information about women here in the Philippines so that they will not be perceived as low-profile.

Express and exercise your freedom of speech, you’ll likely become famous like Orpah.

P Diddy and Rio team up

"Put the guns and the knives down
and live to see another concert"
- P Diddy

Hip hop legend P Diddy is teaming up with footie star Rio Ferdinand to organise a huge anti-violence gig in the UK.

The hip hop mogul and Manchester United football star both represent campaigns to fight gun and knife crime.

Their message comes after a wave of high profile stabbings on Britain's streets.

At London's exclusive Paper nightclub P Diddy said: "I promise I will bring one of the biggest hip hop shows to London. I'm going to bring all my friends over, we're going to do a big show.

"One of the most important messages we can get across to fans is the seriousness of gun and knife crime here.

"Put the guns and the knives down and live to see another concert."

Monday, April 9, 2007

Elizabeth is extremely hurt, but angry too, say close friends

A day after reports surfaced of Vinod disowning his sons because they humiliated him during the Arun-Liz wedding celebrations and treated him like a “second-class citizen”, the Daily Mail has reported that Liz is outraged at the way he’s washing dirty linen in public - and the British actor is blaming mom-in-law Joanne for stoking the flames.

Sources told the tabloid that the rift developed after Vinod’s second wife tried to “upstage the bride” at the Indian ceremony in Jodhpur. A close friend is quoted as saying, “Elizabeth is extremely hurt, but angry too. She can’t believe he has gone public like this. Some of us think Joanne is to blame for this and encouraged Arun’s father to speak out.”

Interestingly, in an earlier interview to After Hours, Joanne had said that she had no problems with her new daughter-in-law. She had claimed the post wedding party, they were to host a party that was later cancelled because Liz and Arun were tired after the 10-day long wedding celebrations in the UK and Mumbai.

But now Vinod has revealed the real reason was something else. “I figured if they could treat us so shabbily, there was no guarantee they would actually come.”

The unpleasantness has even left Mumbai circles with a bitter after taste. Arti Surendranath, who was part of the celebrations, is appalled by the turn of events. “I genuinely don’t want to be involved. Vinod is my friends’ father and I don’t believe he could have said all those things. Poor Liz is unnecessarily being maligned. It is really unfortunate.”

So what’s the bottomline if Vinod actually disowns his sons? “There is a difference between disowning and disinheriting someone,” says Mahesh Jethmalani. “One may disown a son, but he can still stand to inherit through his father’s will. I don’t know what is meant by ‘disowning’ in this case. However, this is a private matter and best resolved within the family.”

However, a close friend of Niki who was at the wedding says, “I don’t think this is true at all! I saw the dynamics at the wedding and everything seemed okay. C’mon, Niki lives two floors below his father! In fact, just ten days ago someone warned me about this story - that I’d see it coming in the papers. It’s all just sensationalism. I don’t think they’d ever go on record to say something like this.”

The source adds that what should be looked into was why there were very few of Liz’s relatives at the wedding. “Isn’t that strange?”

Nicole Kidman and Keith show

THEY are both used to performing but there was only one show on the minds of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban yesterday.

The couple took Sydney's Royal Easter Show organisers by surprise when they made a low-key arrival with their nephew, Hamish.

Even other showgoers failed to notice them.

But once word had got out that the famous couple were at Sydney Olympic Park, they were flanked by the show's security guards and police.

They took in the woodchop and wandered down sideshow alley where Hamish, who is Antonia Kidman's son, won a stuffed Crazy Frog.

Excited fans Emma Finlayson and Sian Davies, both 16, from the Blue Mountains, were disappointed they couldn't get a photograph or autograph from their favourite star.

"We couldn't believe we saw her in person. It's pretty exciting," Ms Finlayson said.

At lunch the Kidman clan were drawn to the NAB Arena for the action of the Xtreme Korruption, Globe of Death and Lady Cannonball.

They sat among the packed crowd. Kidman gritted her teeth and cheered when freestyle motocross riders flung themselves 60m into the air.

Royal Agricultural Society events and marketing manager John Aitken said it was great to see the couple at the Show.

He said that obviously, like every other visitor to the Show, Kidman and Urban wanted to get cow dung on their boots.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Halle Berry Pissed at Parade

Halle Berry rarely speaks about the time, ten years ago, when she tried to commit suicide by poisoning herself with carbon monoxide. Which is why she's upset with Parade magazine for "regurgitating" the decade old story about her suicide attempt that ran last week.

"It wasn't my wish to go into all of that again in this time of my life. I talked about it on Larry King Live and Oprah when it was relevant, and I felt like it was important to help other women and share it with them," she says.

"But it's just not where I am today and I really hate that it's been presented like it is... I'm in such a great time in my life right now, it wouldn't be my wish to really revisit that period, but this outlet did and made it seem as if it were current again."

Catwoman took one more swipe at Parade, saying, "Because I have a movie out, some magazine has sensationalized some old material and it's not something that I want to talk about. It's 10 years old and I'm so past it."

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Britney Spears having trouble selling Malibu mansion

Britney Spears appears to have gotten her life back together since she left rehab, but she may be having trouble letting part of her old one go, as reports surfaced this week that the singer has had to slash a million dollars of the asking price of her Malibu mansion. TMZ reports that the 9,200 square foot Serra Retreat mansion, one that comes with seven bedrooms and a recording studio, was going for $13.5 million originally but that the price has been slashed to just under $12 million. The website reports that the listing appears on Coldwell Banker's website but without a mention of Spears and that there have been no offers on the mansion, even with the reduced pricetag.

In other BritBrit news of the day, Star Magazine reports that the singer, who had recently been playing nice with estranged husband Kevin Federline, lashed out and told him that he was "the biggest mistake she ever made." Of course, in typical double-edged Britney Spears fashion, the comment came as a part of a last-minute open door to save their marriage. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline finalized their divorce last week and Star reports that a source tells them, "Britney said, 'Do you really want to do this?' and Kevin said yes. Britney replied, 'You're the biggest mistake I've ever made, but thank you for my babies.'"

Star Magazine implies in the same story that Kevin Federline led Britney Spears to believe that they would get back together if she went to and completed rehab, which may be why we heard so many rumors to that end while Britney was at Promises. Perhaps it was just something to help Britney Spears get through what she needed to get her act together. Monsters and Critics reports that Kevin Federline will get $13 million in the divorce settlement with Britney Spears. According to a prenup, K-Fed was only supposed to get $500,000 for the marriage, but Britney upped that number to a million in the settlement last week. Federline will also get half of the proceeds from the mansion, should it ever sell, and $25,000 a month in child support for Sean Preston and Jayden James until they're eighteen. Federline will also get custody of the kids four days a week.

One more piece of Britney Spears news - Life and Style Weekly magazine reports that Britney Spears and singer Howie Day fell for each other at Promises in Malibu. A source tells the magazine, "Britney has fallen hard for him. Britney just lights up and seems back to her old self when she talks to Howie or tells people about him. She thinks he's very talented - and says he's the best kisser ever!"

Someone claims to have already gotten momma Spears' opinion on the whole thing with a source telling Life and Style that Lynne Spears isn't happy about her daughter's new fling - "Lynne wants Britney to be with someone outside the music industry. Howie is always on the road and exposed to influences that are discouraged in rehab."