Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's still all about my thesis..

I am still on and about writing my seminar paper, there is simply no end in sight. But I finally managed to compose a really good introduction.... cough cough.... I really like it!
Ramazan is over today, so we are all over happy, and my Lurve's Mommy surprised me in such a lovely way- she got me a present! I was really speechless and kept hugging her for three times at least! Than we had such a laugh about Seid's bro, when we were buying Kebab. The guy in the Kebaberia got a phone call from Seid's bro, who wanted to tell us, to bring him also one. Imagine, instead of calling on our cells... ha ha.. I couldn't manage- I was laughing for 10 minutes.
Of course it is again darn cold, raining and grey- autumn has arrived within it's full strength-I feel totally unmotivated! I just wanna cuddle and sleep! Anyways, I am off to wake up my Heart, otherwise he's up to a 12 h sleep again.

A tres bientot!

P.S Evelyne - Bonne anniversaire!

Just A Toy

Monday, September 29, 2008

AC Milan won!!!!!! Inter lost!!!! AC Milan won!!!!! INTER LOST!!!!

Best weekend for sure y'all!!! There is nothing better than a derby between AC Milan (the great and best club ever) versus the rednecks from Internazionale. Nothing better, espacially when we win it. And so it happened yesterday, when Ronnie (Ronaldinho Gaucho) scored after a great assist from Kaka. It was a fierce game, and we knew better ( than Mourinho- the coach of the bastards Inter). Sheva played and so did Maldini. Fabulous! I love AC Milan!! I love them so much!
Went out to test my Hunk's new Cam ( he bought one with his bro ), and I already hate it, coz I look like a lame farmer's daughter on all pics ( I guess it is absolutely not the fault of the cam...). Apart from that, the weekend's been pretty peaceful. We tried to get further with our homeworks, and were more or less successful. At least it was a warm weekend, unlike today.
Oh I hate autumn...
My dearest Ulla had her first day at University today, and when we talked via phone, she sounded pretty excited. That was so good to hear. I am glad at least she is happy to attend school, unlike me :-).
Off to work
on my fukced up thesis,


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Changeling Official Movie Poster Revealed

Changeling Official Movie Poster

The official movie poster of Clint Eastwood’s provocative thriller Changeling has just been revealed to the public. The movie stars Oscar-winner Angelina Jolie as Christine Collins. The Changeling is a story about a mother whose son got kidnapped, when her son got returned she soon realized that the boy was not hers. Jolie’s character desperately seeks answers and is soon confronted by a truth that would change her life forever. Angelina’s son is played by 12-year-old actor Devon Gearhart. The movie will open in theaters this coming Fall season.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Back in Goettingen..

...just cooked ( me!!!!) and now it's time for a little siesta .
Not alone naturally..... A presto!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Borat actor crashes Agatha's party at fashion show

Actor Sacha Baron Cohen, best known for his eccentric character Borat, burst onto the catwalk at Agatha Ruiz de la Prada's show in Milan on Friday, bringing the playful show to a halt as security guards stepped in.

Baron Cohen is in Milan making a new film about fashion centered on his character Bruno, a flamboyant Austrian fashionista.

He bowled onto the start of the catwalk rolled up in what turned out to be a long, black caped outfit with eccentric accessories.

After a few minutes of darkness while Baron Cohen, or Bruno, was escorted off the catwalk, the show started again. Models had kept their cool but the designer was visibly upset when she appeared at the end of the show.

Baron Cohen's film is titled "Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Male."

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada's show restarted after the actor left. The designer said her show was inspired by Spanish painter Diego Velazquez and the headdresses were based on typical Spanish piƱatas.

But the dresses with their bold shapes were more reminiscent of another famous Spanish painter -- Joan Miro.

Kim and KOURTNEY Kardashian ROCK THE VOTE!

Kim, it must be hard having a sister so much hotter than you!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Polish sucks as well...

I just wrote (after a month or so) my first post in Polish.
I guess my Polish ain't the best anymore.
The glorious days of it are passe.

Writing my thesis... God help me out....

There is nothing worse than writing a thesis about the Inquisition in medieval Italy. It simply sucks. There is so little material for the specific topic I have to pen about! I will have to invesitgate in the National Library again. Sucks big time.

I am currently at my Lurve's. Yesterday we went into the forest. We got lost. It was not funny. I was scared. It was cold. It rained. It was foggy. It was muddy. One tree had in it's middle- exactly on my eye-height something that looked like a ghost-face. I nearly suffered a heart-attack. I saw two roes. That was it. Afterwards I got banana juice with wheat beer to calm down. Next time I am gonna think twice before wandering around with my Hunk. Twice if not three times....
In parallel to my thesis I am working on a little book- some art thingy- for my boyfriend. Drawing and writing things you know- to show him some affection, since he claims jokingly or to enkindle me, he misses it. For now I made only six pages full- which means I have to find some ideas for 90 more pages at least.... Love my

And some electrifying news for the end : Kanye West realeses his brand new album one month earlier- that is in ...November! Brazilliant!!!!! Can't wait. It MUST be pluperfect! I mean Graduation was simple amazing and perfect... It's truly a masterpiece... I can listen to it again and again and again...
Back to work.
Though I hate it....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eva Mendes,nude Calvin Klein Ad Banned Over Nipple/Video

There is nothing wrong with seeing Eva Mendes nude, or with Eva Mendes' nipples, but apparently, some people think there is, and Eva's new ad for Calvin Klein's new fragrance Secret Obsession has been banned from TV

Of course, that's exactly what the marketing guys at Calvin Klein were going for, because how else do you get people to notice your crappy new expensive perfume than by causing a bit of Controversy. WWD has a response from a Calvin Klein rep that pretty much admits it.

"This development is not entirely a surprise for the U.S. market," said Tom Murry, president and chief operating officer of Calvin Klein Inc.

"We believe the commercial is exceptional and hits the mark for Secret Obsession. We will reach our consumers in the U.S. primarily through the Web site, the print campaign and at point of sale. We are anticipating a very successful global launch."
Whatever. The only thing that matters is that Eva Mendes is naked, and we get to see her nipples. Everything else is besides the point.

Girl Likes Snails