Wallpaper AC Milan Maldini
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Muallaf muallaf Asal China
Barangsiapa dikehendaki Allah akan mendapatkan hidayah (petunjuk), Dia akan membukakan dadanya untuk (menerima) Islam. Dan barangsiapa dikehendaki-Nya menjadi sesat, Dia jadikan dadanya sempit dan sesak, seakan-akan dia (sedang) mendaki ke langit. Demikianlah Allah menimpakan siksa kepada orang-orang yang tidak beriman”.
(Al-Quran, surah Al-An’am :125)
Setelah melihat Ka’bah dari televisi, tiba-tiba hati mereka bergetar. Pintu hidayah seakan terbuka. Dan Allah SWT pun melapangkan jalan mereka untuk mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat. Lebih dari 600 pekerja asal Cina berpaling menjadi Muslim setelah mendapatkan pengalaman spiritual di Arab Saudi.
Mereka adalah bagian dari 4.600 warga Cina yang sedang mengerjakan proyek rel kereta api yang menghubungkan Makkah dan Madinah. Rel kereta itu nantinya akan melalui Jeddah dan Khum. Peristiwa yang sempat menghebohkan itu terjadi tahun lalu. Awalnya, kedatangan ribuan pekerja Cina itu sempat dipertanyakan warga Arab Saudi. Pasalnya dari 4.600 pekerja itu hanya 370 orang yang Muslim. Warga meminta agar pemerintah mempekerjakan buruh Cina yang beragama Islam. Namun Allah mempunyai rencana lain dengan kedatangan para pekerja itu.
Kedatangan ke Arab Saudi ternyata membuka peluang bagi mereka untuk melihat Islam langsung dari tanah tempat agama ini diturunkan. Seperti yang dikatakan seorang pekerja yang telah menjadi Mualaf. Pekerja yang telah mengganti namanya menjadi Hamza (42) ini mengaku tertarik pada Islam setelah melihatKa’bah untuk kali pertama di televisi Saudi. ”Ini menggetarkan saya. Saya menyaksikan siaran langsung sholat dari Masjidil Haram dan umat Islam yang sedang berjalan memutari Ka’bah (tawaf),” katanya.
”Saya bertanya ke teman yang Muslim tentang semua hal ini. Dia kemudian mengantarkan saya ke Kantor Bimbingan Asing yang ada di perusahaan, di mana saya memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar tentang berbagai aspek mengenai Islam,” tuturnya. Kini Hamza merasa lebih bahagia dan lebih santai setelah menjadi seorang Muslim.
Pekerja lainnya, Ibrahim (51), mengalami peristiwa yang hampir serupa pada September tahun lalu. Dia yang bekerja di bagian pemeliharaan perusahaan negara, Kereta Api Cina, menjadi seorang Muslim usai melihatKa’bah. ”Meskipun kami berada di Cina, kami tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar tentang Islam. Ketika saya mencapai Mekah, saya sangat terkesan oleh perilaku banyak warganya. Perlakuan yang sama bagi orang Muslim dan non-Muslim memiliki dampak besar pada saya,” tambahnya.
Sementara, Abdullah Al-Baligh (51), terinspirasi untuk memeluk Islam setelah melihat perubahan positif dari rekan-rekannya yang lebih dulu menjadi mualaf. ”Enam bulan setelah saya tiba di Makkah, saya melihatmenjadi Muslim, telah benar-benar berubah. Tingkah lakunya patut dicontoh. Saya menyadari bahwa Islam adalah kekuatan penuntun di balik perubahan tersebut,” ujarnya. bahwa rekan saya, yang sudah
”Ketika saya bertanya padanya, ia mengatakan bahwa ia sama sekali tak tahu tentang agama ini selama di Cina. Sekarang, ia memiliki pemahaman yang tepat tentang Islam dan ingin menjadi lebih teladan.”
Begitu pula dengan Younus. Pekerja asal Cina ini baru mempelajari Islam ketika berada di Makkah. ”Islam di Cina begitu kurang. Aku baru mengetahui Islam setelah datang ke Saudi,” ujarnya.
Sementara itu di Dubai
Empat orang narapidana terpidana penjara, berkebangsaan Cina menyatakan diri masuk Islam di lembaga pemasyarakatan Dubai.
Menurut surat kabar Al-Khalij, alasan ke empat narapida berkebangsaan Cina tersebut masuk Islam adalah setelah mereka melihat cara hidup umat Islam yang dipengaruhi oleh ayat-ayat di dalam Al-Quran dan perlakuan secara adil dan baik yang dilakukan umat Islam terhadap mereka.
Surat kabar itu menunjukkan bahwa beberapa alasan mereka untuk masuk Islam adalah selain mereka telah membaca ajaran-ajaran Islam yang benar melalui pamflet seruan yang menyerukan untuk masuk Islam yang tersedia di perpustakaan penjara, mereka juga sering mendengar kaset audio keagaman, selain sering menyimak ceramah agama Islam yang disampaikan oleh seorang da'i Cina bernama Ishak Han.
Pernyataan masuk Islam ke empat narapidana keturunan Cina tersebut dihadiri oleh Mayor Abdullah Yakub, Direktur pendidikan dan pelatihan narapidana Dubai dan seorang ulama Syaikh Saud Aziz Rahman, dari administrasi publik untuk pelayanan keagamaan Dubai.
Artikel : Islam
Muallaf muallaf Asal China
Barangsiapa dikehendaki Allah akan mendapatkan hidayah (petunjuk), Dia akan membukakan dadanya untuk (menerima) Islam. Dan barangsiapa dikehendaki-Nya menjadi sesat, Dia jadikan dadanya sempit dan sesak, seakan-akan dia (sedang) mendaki ke langit. Demikianlah Allah menimpakan siksa kepada orang-orang yang tidak beriman”.
(Al-Quran, surah Al-An’am :125)
Setelah melihat Ka’bah dari televisi, tiba-tiba hati mereka bergetar. Pintu hidayah seakan terbuka. Dan Allah SWT pun melapangkan jalan mereka untuk mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat. Lebih dari 600 pekerja asal Cina berpaling menjadi Muslim setelah mendapatkan pengalaman spiritual di Arab Saudi.
Mereka adalah bagian dari 4.600 warga Cina yang sedang mengerjakan proyek rel kereta api yang menghubungkan Makkah dan Madinah. Rel kereta itu nantinya akan melalui Jeddah dan Khum. Peristiwa yang sempat menghebohkan itu terjadi tahun lalu. Awalnya, kedatangan ribuan pekerja Cina itu sempat dipertanyakan warga Arab Saudi. Pasalnya dari 4.600 pekerja itu hanya 370 orang yang Muslim. Warga meminta agar pemerintah mempekerjakan buruh Cina yang beragama Islam. Namun Allah mempunyai rencana lain dengan kedatangan para pekerja itu.
Kedatangan ke Arab Saudi ternyata membuka peluang bagi mereka untuk melihat Islam langsung dari tanah tempat agama ini diturunkan. Seperti yang dikatakan seorang pekerja yang telah menjadi Mualaf. Pekerja yang telah mengganti namanya menjadi Hamza (42) ini mengaku tertarik pada Islam setelah melihatKa’bah untuk kali pertama di televisi Saudi. ”Ini menggetarkan saya. Saya menyaksikan siaran langsung sholat dari Masjidil Haram dan umat Islam yang sedang berjalan memutari Ka’bah (tawaf),” katanya.
”Saya bertanya ke teman yang Muslim tentang semua hal ini. Dia kemudian mengantarkan saya ke Kantor Bimbingan Asing yang ada di perusahaan, di mana saya memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar tentang berbagai aspek mengenai Islam,” tuturnya. Kini Hamza merasa lebih bahagia dan lebih santai setelah menjadi seorang Muslim.
Pekerja lainnya, Ibrahim (51), mengalami peristiwa yang hampir serupa pada September tahun lalu. Dia yang bekerja di bagian pemeliharaan perusahaan negara, Kereta Api Cina, menjadi seorang Muslim usai melihatKa’bah. ”Meskipun kami berada di Cina, kami tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar tentang Islam. Ketika saya mencapai Mekah, saya sangat terkesan oleh perilaku banyak warganya. Perlakuan yang sama bagi orang Muslim dan non-Muslim memiliki dampak besar pada saya,” tambahnya.
Sementara, Abdullah Al-Baligh (51), terinspirasi untuk memeluk Islam setelah melihat perubahan positif dari rekan-rekannya yang lebih dulu menjadi mualaf. ”Enam bulan setelah saya tiba di Makkah, saya melihatmenjadi Muslim, telah benar-benar berubah. Tingkah lakunya patut dicontoh. Saya menyadari bahwa Islam adalah kekuatan penuntun di balik perubahan tersebut,” ujarnya. bahwa rekan saya, yang sudah
”Ketika saya bertanya padanya, ia mengatakan bahwa ia sama sekali tak tahu tentang agama ini selama di Cina. Sekarang, ia memiliki pemahaman yang tepat tentang Islam dan ingin menjadi lebih teladan.”
Begitu pula dengan Younus. Pekerja asal Cina ini baru mempelajari Islam ketika berada di Makkah. ”Islam di Cina begitu kurang. Aku baru mengetahui Islam setelah datang ke Saudi,” ujarnya.
Sementara itu di Dubai
Empat orang narapidana terpidana penjara, berkebangsaan Cina menyatakan diri masuk Islam di lembaga pemasyarakatan Dubai.
Menurut surat kabar Al-Khalij, alasan ke empat narapida berkebangsaan Cina tersebut masuk Islam adalah setelah mereka melihat cara hidup umat Islam yang dipengaruhi oleh ayat-ayat di dalam Al-Quran dan perlakuan secara adil dan baik yang dilakukan umat Islam terhadap mereka.
Surat kabar itu menunjukkan bahwa beberapa alasan mereka untuk masuk Islam adalah selain mereka telah membaca ajaran-ajaran Islam yang benar melalui pamflet seruan yang menyerukan untuk masuk Islam yang tersedia di perpustakaan penjara, mereka juga sering mendengar kaset audio keagaman, selain sering menyimak ceramah agama Islam yang disampaikan oleh seorang da'i Cina bernama Ishak Han.
Pernyataan masuk Islam ke empat narapidana keturunan Cina tersebut dihadiri oleh Mayor Abdullah Yakub, Direktur pendidikan dan pelatihan narapidana Dubai dan seorang ulama Syaikh Saud Aziz Rahman, dari administrasi publik untuk pelayanan keagamaan Dubai.
Artikel : Islam
Happy Vegas Halloween!

The Black Canary is my favorite comic character- Dinah Drake Lance made her first appearance as the crime fighter way back in Flash Comics #86 (August 1947). In the 1980's her daughter Dinah Laurel Lance, took up the mantle and has continued the Black Canary legacy.

Guess who I am going to dress up as tonight...
Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween to my zombies, ghost and goblins!!
Rica participated in a pumpkin carving contest at Crest Hardware store. It's been a very long time since we carved a pumpkin. Either way we had a great time doing it and almost thought we had a slight chance in winning. Then we got there and realized there was some serious competition. We had no chance in hell.
Tonight should be fun for us. We are going to see Karen Black for her halloween show and then head to Nublu to check out our friends Jessica 6 perform.
Rica participated in a pumpkin carving contest at Crest Hardware store. It's been a very long time since we carved a pumpkin. Either way we had a great time doing it and almost thought we had a slight chance in winning. Then we got there and realized there was some serious competition. We had no chance in hell.
Tonight should be fun for us. We are going to see Karen Black for her halloween show and then head to Nublu to check out our friends Jessica 6 perform.
Here is ours! Had a few to many.
We Tried :(
The Situation
Andy Warhol
Jean- Michel Basquiat
This one came with lights
Next year we have to step up our game!
Protecting Your Beloved Car with Auto Floor Mats

Sometimes, you do not realize that your shoes are dirty and wet when you step in your car. Especially when it rains, your boots or shoes are covered by mud and stuff like that. Or, maybe your little kids, nephew and nieces get in your can after playing in yard. When you see your car floor dirty, you would be upset as it is not that easy to clean your car floor. If you have this kind of problem, you must need something that can protect your floor car. You can use auto floor mats.
The mats will protect your car floor, so it keeps the bottom floor clean. If the floor happens to get dirty, you just need to take it off and wash it outside. It is easy and more convenient. You can get the auto floor mats in automotive stores or visit them online. They will assist you if you have some questions about the mats. You can also let them know about your budget, so they can show you their offers that encounter with your fund.
However, there are so many kinds of different auto floor mats available. You have to think about the right choice for you, because it is sometimes difficult to decide. There are certain categories and classification of auto floor mats, you can pick up the right type of floor protection depends on your need. You probably want to choose the type based on the weather. There are some types that can protect your car floor in all weather. You can also choose it based on what it is made out of, as they are made out of many kinds of material such as rubber. They definitely have their advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the material and the function, you must want to have the nice one. The companies which sell the mats also have them with different models; you can pick up one and meet your favor.
Reference for Wheels And Tires Size Modification

Wheels and tires are two parts that can not be separated. In the world of modifications, wheel and tire size is very influential on the appearance of a car, but outside of it, keep in mind, too great a measure of both greatly affect the comfort factor while driving.
Therefore, when changing wheels and tires can not be arbitrary, there are many things which should be noted that there are no regrets in the future when it mencangkoknya ditunggangan favorite.
Combination Wheels Size And Tires
Recommendations from the car manufacturers can change a car wheel size without reducing the performance of the engine and the driving comfort is the maximum level 2 (+ 2) of the standard size can be from the factory. But in the modification of a car can change the size up to 4 levels peleknya (+4) over the standard wheel size without the need to make changes to the car body.
Of course change the size of wheels with a larger (up-size) should be followed by the turn of the right tire size so it will not be happen gesrot symptoms or fixed to the body in the car or the car fender.
Effect of Changing Tire and Rim Size
Many people ask, whether there is influence or effect if it has changed the wheel and tire size? .. The benefits of making changes and tire rim size so much of which is handling the response for the better car when changing direction or maneuver, because the tire contact area with the road surface becomes wider, making traction a tire larger than a car’s appearance becomes more catchy.
But the weakness of the up-size wheels and tires replaced with a thinner profile and the width will slightly reduce the damping force cars to the road surface is uneven and a little more noise (noise road) due to the tire contact with road surfaces became greater.
Reference for Wheels And Tires Size Modification

Wheels and tires are two parts that can not be separated. In the world of modifications, wheel and tire size is very influential on the appearance of a car, but outside of it, keep in mind, too great a measure of both greatly affect the comfort factor while driving.
Therefore, when changing wheels and tires can not be arbitrary, there are many things which should be noted that there are no regrets in the future when it mencangkoknya ditunggangan favorite.
Combination Wheels Size And Tires
Recommendations from the car manufacturers can change a car wheel size without reducing the performance of the engine and the driving comfort is the maximum level 2 (+ 2) of the standard size can be from the factory. But in the modification of a car can change the size up to 4 levels peleknya (+4) over the standard wheel size without the need to make changes to the car body.
Of course change the size of wheels with a larger (up-size) should be followed by the turn of the right tire size so it will not be happen gesrot symptoms or fixed to the body in the car or the car fender.
Effect of Changing Tire and Rim Size
Many people ask, whether there is influence or effect if it has changed the wheel and tire size? .. The benefits of making changes and tire rim size so much of which is handling the response for the better car when changing direction or maneuver, because the tire contact area with the road surface becomes wider, making traction a tire larger than a car’s appearance becomes more catchy.
But the weakness of the up-size wheels and tires replaced with a thinner profile and the width will slightly reduce the damping force cars to the road surface is uneven and a little more noise (noise road) due to the tire contact with road surfaces became greater.
Expressing Yourself with Car Modification Accessories

Some people like to modify their cars for their convenient and pleasure. This kind of people usually wants to show who they are through their beloved cars. If you are one of these people you certainly need car modification accessories.
To find car modification accessories, you can easily find them in the automotive stores in your city. You might want to take a look or figure out what kind of accessories you want to have by visiting online automotive stores. As car modification accessories, they normally have many kinds of accessories from different types of cars with different brands. This can be very confusing, because too many choices make you not know which one you want to get for your car. Therefore, you might want to talk to the sellers, because they can tell you the advantages and disadvantages of certain brands, and also the cost. You can also get online and take a look at their websites and see what they have. They usually have a live chat customer service online that you can talk. This is important for you because you do not want to spend a lot of money for low quality products.
Having a Better Performance by Car Engine Modification

When you buy a new car or a pre-owned car, in some points, you do not know how strong and fast the car is. You can always try and ask before you purchase it, but it is usual that certain types of cars have certain level of strength and speed. If you are one of the person that like to express yourself when you are driving, or need to have a car with a stronger machine, it is time for you to get a car engine modification.
Car engine modification is one way to pimp out your car. Once you change replace the engine with different capability, your car will turn to a fast modified car. Besides, by modifying your car engine, you can just improve the car performance to be a better one. It might be the sound that bothers you so much, so once you change it, the sound will not be a problem anymore. Moreover, you may want to change your car engine due to its pollution, because there is lot of cases that cars engine produce so much smog that disturbs the health of environment. The other thing that people really care about is the capability of the engine to use too much fuel. That is certainly not good for your budget.
Showing your Identity through Car Modification

People buy a car because they need it for their quick transportation. However, there are people who like to buy cars for their pleasure. Therefore, for these people, taking care of car is more important instead of using it all the time. To have more stylish cars, they usually get their cars done. On the other hand, they do what is called car modification.
Car modification is a very fun thing to do. It has something to do with the personality of the owner, because usually the result of car modification represents how the personalities of the owners are. You are one the people who modification, you are certainly interested in installing and changing some of your car’s parts. If you like music, you can put audio tools, such as DVD players. You can also replace the headlights to be more stylists. To lead you better when you travel with your beloved car, you can put navigation tool such as GPS. Moreover, if you want to spend more money, what you can do is changing the color or the type of the car door. It would be awesome. However, if you do not have that much budget, you can just do small part of car modification.
Ford F-150 SVT Raptor SuperCrew 2011 Reviews
The Ford F-150 SVT Raptor is the first-ever high-speed off-road performance truck offered by any manufacturer and highlights 33 years of Ford truck sales leadership by emphasizing F-150′s Built Ford Tough durability, innovation and engineering. Developed with the DNA of an off-road pre-runner, comprehensive modifications focused on chassis and suspension enhancements.The Ford F-150 SVT Raptor is 7 inches wider than a base F-150 to make room for the additional suspension components that give Raptor its unparalleled off-road abilities. The wider stance also gives the truck an aggressive appearance. Internal triple-bypass shocks by FOX Racing Shox – the first on a production truck – provide position-sensitive damping and extra suspension travel for extreme off-roading and a smooth ride on the road.
Rear Seat Entertainment System in the BMW X5.

Rear-seat air conditioning in the BMW X5

BMW Junior Seat I - II for the BMW X5.
BMW provides innovative safety solutions for its youngest passengers with the BMW Junior Seat I - II. The child seat specially designed for vehicles with the ISOFIX mounting system consists of a height-adjustable and inclinable seat as well as a seat hook. The seat is suitable for children who weigh 9 to 18 kg (seatbelts are used to secure children weighing 18 - 26 kg) and is available in the following designs: grey/blue and Formula 1.
Rear-seat air conditioning in the BMW X5.

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Makeup Solutions For Sensitive Skin: You Must Know
Makeup Solutions For Sensitive Skin: You Must Know
Makeup is considered to be a way of highlighting one’s features and enhance the way one looks. However, this may not be true for people who have sensitive skin. This is because every time they apply makeup on their face, they have to deal with acne and other skin related problems on the next day. This can be quite frustrating, especially for women who have to use makeup as a part of their everyday routine.
However, one need not have to worry anymore as companies manufacturing beauty products have come up with cosmetics and makeup products that suit people who have sensitive skin. So, if you have sensitive skin and are tired of dealing with the skin problems caused by regular makeup, it is necessary for you to know about sensitive skin makeup.
Having sensitive skin means you need to take extra care when purchasing makeup products. Avoid items that can irritate, dry your skin and clog your pores to help you use makeup properly without damaging your skin. Skin Care Guide notes some of the common symptoms of sensitive skin are tingling, tightening, reoccurring irritation, dryness and redness. Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet, as providing your body with the proper hydration and nutrition will help to promote and maintain healthy skin.
Silicone – Based Foundation
One of the golden rules of selecting the perfect foundation for sensitive skin is to choose the liquid formulas as these are rich in silicone which makes them more compatible with your complexion. Also, it is important to mention that these won’t generate acne as well as irritation so often as the solid ones. Besides pairing it to your skin type make sure it also suits your complexion tone. This way you’ll guarantee the spotless effect of your makeup base.
Water – Proof Products
Skip waterproof make up, is one of the basic tips when we deal with sensitive skin. Those who have a similar skin type would have to pay special attention to the fact that these product work with an ingredient that might need a harsher handling in order to be able to resist various effects and make up removers . Sebum is essential to fuel your skin with hydration therefore it is important to spare your complexion from any solutions that might eliminate this conditioning factor. Those who refuse to stick to this principle might expose their complexion to various damages.
Colored Eye Make Up
Indeed colorful and vibrating make up is in vogue, however no matter how stylish it would be it is still dangerous for those who have a sensitive complexion. Colored mascaras and eyeliners as professionals claim might produce some severe allergic reactions that would irritate the skin and could produce irreversible damages to the skin. Therefore black should be for you the safest option. Appeal to the skin friendly products to prevent any deterioration.
Pencil Eyeliner
Eyeliners come in various formulas both in liquid as well as pencil shape. However the ones that are the most suitable for sensitive skin are pencils since these are wax-based and that might be enriched with less preservatives and more pigments. Their liquid counterpart however might contain a high amount of latex which is often the main source of allergies. The sensitivity might not be as prominent in the case of wax as it is with latex. Moreover the removal of pencil eyeliners is also much easier and wouldn’t require the use of harsh chemicals and products.
Earth – Tone Eye Shadow
Surprisingly the shades that would protect sensitive skin from irritation are also extremely voguish this season. Earth tones as beige, brownish tones as well as a natural tan would all be included in the group of eye shadow shades that have the chance to cause the less irritation to the eyelids. Various experiments proved that these light tones would spare you from allergic reactions when exposed to the sun or other potential enemies.
Makeup is considered to be a way of highlighting one’s features and enhance the way one looks. However, this may not be true for people who have sensitive skin. This is because every time they apply makeup on their face, they have to deal with acne and other skin related problems on the next day. This can be quite frustrating, especially for women who have to use makeup as a part of their everyday routine.
However, one need not have to worry anymore as companies manufacturing beauty products have come up with cosmetics and makeup products that suit people who have sensitive skin. So, if you have sensitive skin and are tired of dealing with the skin problems caused by regular makeup, it is necessary for you to know about sensitive skin makeup.
Having sensitive skin means you need to take extra care when purchasing makeup products. Avoid items that can irritate, dry your skin and clog your pores to help you use makeup properly without damaging your skin. Skin Care Guide notes some of the common symptoms of sensitive skin are tingling, tightening, reoccurring irritation, dryness and redness. Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet, as providing your body with the proper hydration and nutrition will help to promote and maintain healthy skin.
Silicone – Based Foundation
One of the golden rules of selecting the perfect foundation for sensitive skin is to choose the liquid formulas as these are rich in silicone which makes them more compatible with your complexion. Also, it is important to mention that these won’t generate acne as well as irritation so often as the solid ones. Besides pairing it to your skin type make sure it also suits your complexion tone. This way you’ll guarantee the spotless effect of your makeup base.
Water – Proof Products
Skip waterproof make up, is one of the basic tips when we deal with sensitive skin. Those who have a similar skin type would have to pay special attention to the fact that these product work with an ingredient that might need a harsher handling in order to be able to resist various effects and make up removers . Sebum is essential to fuel your skin with hydration therefore it is important to spare your complexion from any solutions that might eliminate this conditioning factor. Those who refuse to stick to this principle might expose their complexion to various damages.
Colored Eye Make Up
Indeed colorful and vibrating make up is in vogue, however no matter how stylish it would be it is still dangerous for those who have a sensitive complexion. Colored mascaras and eyeliners as professionals claim might produce some severe allergic reactions that would irritate the skin and could produce irreversible damages to the skin. Therefore black should be for you the safest option. Appeal to the skin friendly products to prevent any deterioration.
Pencil Eyeliner
Eyeliners come in various formulas both in liquid as well as pencil shape. However the ones that are the most suitable for sensitive skin are pencils since these are wax-based and that might be enriched with less preservatives and more pigments. Their liquid counterpart however might contain a high amount of latex which is often the main source of allergies. The sensitivity might not be as prominent in the case of wax as it is with latex. Moreover the removal of pencil eyeliners is also much easier and wouldn’t require the use of harsh chemicals and products.
Earth – Tone Eye Shadow
Surprisingly the shades that would protect sensitive skin from irritation are also extremely voguish this season. Earth tones as beige, brownish tones as well as a natural tan would all be included in the group of eye shadow shades that have the chance to cause the less irritation to the eyelids. Various experiments proved that these light tones would spare you from allergic reactions when exposed to the sun or other potential enemies.
Artists craft Europe map from Lego blocks
Lego is an easy and fantastic way for artists to express their thoughts and craftsmanship. Some found stadiums a catchy idea while others go after monuments, but Bruno Kurth and Tobias Reichling picked a different theme altogether and crafted a Euromap. This art piece is built on 3,84 m x 3,84 m area and consumed 53.500 Lego pieces. The Euromap project took six months to come in the present form.
To make it more interesting, the artists embedded famous monuments of Europe over the map. There are 44 monuments on the map built by Vanessa Graf, Tanja Kusserow-Kurth, Torsten Scheer, Bruno Kurth and Tobias Reichling collectively.
To make it more interesting, the artists embedded famous monuments of Europe over the map. There are 44 monuments on the map built by Vanessa Graf, Tanja Kusserow-Kurth, Torsten Scheer, Bruno Kurth and Tobias Reichling collectively.
lovely twins Babies
lovely twins Babies
Nadine and Caroline tell it like it is
Nadine and Caroline tell it like it is
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