I am so cheesed off, this is why I am not writing in here that frequently. University keeps me busy as hell, so I try to use the little free time I have left for my boyfriend and to catch up with e-mails etc. Apart from that- Novemeber seems, just as July and May to be the month, when most of my friends celebrate their birthdays. It's incredible, but I had to congratulate someone every day! Quite impressive.
I wish you all, one more time- all the very best. With many happy returns of the day!
Anyways (seems to be my favourite word for starters by the way, did you notice?!), I just wanna survive this week and concentrate on my next tasks. I am sitting an exam in political science next week, which is said to be tough. I already hate the fact that the exam will have something to do with science. More theoretic stuff no one really needs.
Today is footie time, and I have a meeting with my girls. I do not know how to keep it short, but I have to,priorities are priorities..... The biggest clash for sure : England versus Germany. Two teams I sincerely do not support and never will. They are just as bad as the Dutch and France!
I am currently reading some really good articles by Rick Stevens about the former Yugoslavia. I love them. If you wish to catch a glimpse as well, here is the link.
Righty right, below a video by Beyonce. It's one of her newest singles, called "If I were a boy".
I love the lyrics, the idea and her voice, perspectively!
This is it,
Loads of hugs!
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