Did you hear about the new Russian Party called "Solidarnost"?!? I guess every single Polish citizen heard the bells ringing :), at least I did. Chairman is naturalmente Garri Kasparov (who else?!), who also organised an inauguration last Saturday. Or he tried, since the rally was denied by Russian police (....) . Actually none really arrived at the meeting place, since police detained more than 90 people on their ways there, and the rest was simply scared away.
I have always appreciated and respected people like Kasparov ( people may know him as from former times, when he used to be the world's best chess player) and Limanov ( he is the founder of another opposition party), who have been fighting a war beyond recovery against the Russian juggernaut. Their determination is worth admiring!
I am sitting my first exam tomorrow, and decided to start learning for it. I suppose getting hold of the right part of the stick could be of advantage. This T
Last weekend we were busy, since my boyfriend's corporation held their annual christmas meeting (in German it's called "Weihnachtskneipe"). At such an event all the older members are coming and they're celebrating xmas by....drinking incredible amounts of beer. 3 days long. Even though I once considered myself as a strong drinker (auf gut Deutsch- Kampsaeufer), this still gives me the creeps (though I am more or less getting used to it). Anyaways, we have survived it and now I am off, listening to Tracy Chapman ("Talking about a revolution" - amazing song!) and STUDYING! (devo imperare!).
Warm hugs (it's the 15th already!).
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