What can be said?
I can only tell you, that I was thinking about what happened in my life last year. I lost my dog
Snoopy, something I still hardly can't talk about, I saw strong relationships breaking- in every single matter. I was frustrated by people, who seemed like friends to me. I learned again, that not every family's bounds are as strong and supportive as they should be. On the other hand I met the love of my life. A person I thought- that couldn't exist. A person that changed my life. I watched my inner strength growing, as well as my conscience. I met so many wonderful people, and re-newed a great bunch of wonderful friendships. From my point of view, that was an extreme year indeed.
I wish this year was just as intensive in the amazing parts as last year, and less in negative experiences. But only less, since we also need them, unfortunately, to become the ones we are meant to be.
Without saying names, I can add, that a very close soul to me is going through very rough times at the moment. I know it hurts, and what is worse, I can't really help. But I do also know, it will make her stronger and later be of use.
A lot of love! Sonja
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