Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jon Gosselin Makes Unauthorized Withdrawal Of $200,000 From Joint Account!!

Things have been tense between Jon and Kate Gosselin for quite a while now, but Jon Gosselin could reportedly be held in contempt for withdrawing $200,000 from he and Kate’s joint bank account. Read more on this story below.

Kate Gosselin’s lawyer, Marty Singer, said that Jon never informed Kate that he was going to remove a large sum of money from their joint account last week. And the court had already stated not to take significant amount of money out of the joint accounts without the other’s approval.

Singer says he e-mailed a stern letter to Jon’s attorney on Friday Jon hasn’t responded.

“They have not responded. I’m sure he will respond by going on another TV show,” says Singer.

Kate Gosselin learned about the withdrawal after receiving overdraft notices on the joint account. She contacted the bank who informed her that Jon had removed $200,000 and left her only $1,000 in their account.

This week Jon Gosselin was dropped from the TLC series Jon & Kate Plus Eight, and they were re-vamping the show to be Kate Plus 8. But now Jon suddenly finds the show damaging to his children.

Can Jon Gosselin get any more pathetic?

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