Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Britney Spears No Longer Allowed To Leave House Without Bra

Britney Spears’ overbearing father has banned the pop star from leaving her Los Angeles home without a bra.
Former chef Jamie Spears – who has legal control over all Spears’ affairs – fears his troubled daughter is getting close to the brink again and has imposed
a host of new rules on the “Womanizer” singer to help keep her in line. First order of business: “Put a bra on.”
Papa Spears is none to pleased about recent photographs of Britney — which almost always seem to feature guest appearances by her nipples — that have popped up on the blogosphere as of late. Jamie, 57, has allegedly threatened to fire one of the 28-year-old’s security guards who has let her be photographed bra-less several times in recent weeks.
“Jamie’s control over Britney’s life is incredible,” a chatty pal blabbed to the media.“He hates the pictures of her with her nipples all over the place so he has banned her from leaving the house without a bra. He wants her to put across the right impression.”

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