Saturday, December 18, 2010

Proud to be a redneck? American Redneck Society now offering membership.

Are you a fan of NASCAR? Do you like to hunt or fish? Can you fix just about anything with duct tape?

You might be a redneck.

But this is not a Jeff Foxworthy joke. A new organization "The American Redneck Society", formed last week, is trying to bring together what it claims is the millions of rednecks in America.

The group, according to its founder Rob Clayton, was formed to help members stretch their hard-earned dollar and break the stereotype surrounding the word "redneck" with an AARP-like society.

"There are rednecks from any religion, culture, creed, north of the Mason-Dixon Line, South of the Mason-Dixon line," Clayton said. "I'm hoping that I can use the organization as a lightning rod to break stereotypes."

The society charges a $20 membership fee, 10 percent of which it said it will set aside for a scholarship fund for rednecks. The rest, according to Clayton, will go to cover expenses to help members get more benefits - and of course recoup the original investment Clayton, a CPA by trade, had to make to get it up and running.

Currently, members of the group get discounts at stores including K-Mart, Chili's, Petco and Sears.

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