Saturday, May 31, 2008

Britney 'not fit' for probate trial

Troubled pop star Britney Spears is not yet fit to participate in court proceedings in her power-of-attorney case, her lawyer told a superior court commissioner.

Samuel Ingham, Spears' court-appointed lawyer, and lawyers for her father and conservator, James Spears, spent 90 minutes in Los Angeles commissioner Reva Goetz's chambers.

Mr Ingham told the court afterwards that Spears' medical condition was "fluid" because her treatment was changing.

Spears' probate case is due to go to trial on July 31, but Mr Ingham said it could be "harmful" for her to participate.

Ms Goetz agreed and said Spears' diagnosis was not complete.

The 26-year-old singer and her estate have been under the conservatorship of her father for four months.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

French Open

...yeah it's the end of May, everything's in full bloom (hehe) and it's time for the French Open ( also known as Roland Garros) again. Of course I do believe, that Marat (Safin) is gonna win his third Grand Slam title.
Don't you think?! :).... providing he beats Davydenko in the second round :S
The draws are here to find ( I have no time to write them all down here). Hewitt plays vs Fish, Novak (Djokovic) meets Miguel Angel Lopez Jaen , Nadal plays against French Fry Devilder..and...where is Federer?! ah against Montanes.... Tursunov against Garcia-Lopez and Youzhny against Gonzalez...where is Baghdatis?! No idea... More to follow some time later. Marat's the best anyways :P.

Bene Grazie a Tutti!

I already got so many songs- so a big huge thank you from me to you all for the songs.

I am screwed, oh I am so screwed....

Forgot that one. In the eve we had a little (little is good..) BBQ- everyone's there- but my hunk (later he called and told me that he was in Einbeck...talking to his Ex......hmpf!). I was so freaked out- and had such a bad temper, whoa! And not because of him ( he recompensated it later anyways :P), but because of certain guys at the BBQ, who believe that I am
a.) single
b.)that I should date R. ( no way, never ever- even if he was the last man on earth)
c.)made pics of me and tried to make ME (haha) drunk
Just imagine, how much that is craving in my nerves! I was drinking beer and R. said that it looked 'wunderschön'... Oh my Fuck- since when does it look picturesque when a görl drinks beer?! HELLO?! There is only one person that knows that I was actually single, the rest thinks I am taken (but they do not know the person...tsaaa)...and R. still hits on me. Yesterday he prmoised to cook for me, and than to go to the cinema and whatever else....OH MY! Give it a go and get lost!
Than also Jörg (my big fave from the other corporation)turned up(mais sans Steffan...buhu!)...and I was like ' Holy Shizz, I am gonna kill someone this eve'. But he was so kind that eve, hardly recognised him! OH MY! Anyways, hunk turned up- and the rest (thanks God, Jesus and Maria!) went to a Party ('Sportlerparty'- I was supposed to go with them and than meet up with Giuli and Andrea), and we had the house for the two of us :P. After a cosy hour with TV Total we went to bed and were too late for lectures today in the morning- naturally :P. I hate him, he just makes it terribly difficult for the two of us to get up in the morning!!!!!!
Off to Italian History ( haha 1,5h of laughing because of Filippo and Jana), and than speeding home.... I GOTTA COOK...buhahahahaha

Lepo se imejte!

What a no-go!

Today must be the...28th?! I have no idea- time goes by too quickly ....much too fast, really! Never thought I am gonna say that- but it's just like that!
Just came back from Uni/ Shopping- I am so darn effed up. I was supposed to do a presentation with Andrea- but allo we could find for our topic was 12 pages in a very suspiscious-looking book! Unbelievable! Just give youself that : Göttingen has one of the biggest libararies- it is huge- really huge- and than all you get is 12 pages. And I am really not the worst when it comes to research... well at least I am in the upper half.. we asked a woman, who accidentally works there to help us- til tomorrow we shall get two more books. I hope she keeps her word!
Afterwards we went for lunch- I had a craving for something green, and whom did we meet on our way to the Mensa (Cantine)?! ( it is also the person I was totally mad with yesterday)..oh I should add that I had a cigarette in my hand, which is no good (generally speaking.... well I reassured just lately a certain person, that I hadn't been smoking for ages of course..). It is a miracle, but I managed to hide it. He was on his way to his next lectures with Alex ( who is hmm... well). I was so mad at him- he was lucky that we both had company- Andrea and Alex- otherwise I would have killed him! It is okay with me, when he goes home- I would do it as often as I could as well if I had the possibility (= private jet), but he does know that I am one, who worries much (too much). Its the second time he did something like that! I have a vivid imagination- the fuck (sorry!) could have happened! Damn him! Luckily Marcel came over yesterday- so we watched House together with Calle, which was fun, since they both have this particular kind of laughter that automatically forces you to join them :).
Ania welcomed a baby boy yesterday!!!! Finally! It was high time :). He was actually to come along at the 18th (or even 17th?!), but she was told not to DARE to give birth on my birthday :P. I am awful I know . Well anyways- now he's not a taurus (which is a pity, since we are the best :P) but gemini- also quite splendid! Anyways : Wilkommen kleiner Mann!

And something really rough : I forgot Mother's Day :(((( I am such an awful piece of a child! And just give yourselves that : My brother remembered both- the Polish and the German one .He is such an idiot- could have reminded me. I am screwed either way...
I met Aneta at the Uni today- she was in my Italian Language Course, but she gave it a go. I intended to write her for.... ages?! Was cool to chat with her anyways. It was just a proof that you simply cannot go incognito to University. Sucks :P
I have moreover such a long (very much extended) to do list- and there is no end in sight. I need a secretary
( if possible : Male!), I need one so bad. Applications to my electronic mailbox please!!!!!!
What else?! Oh yes : It was Dunia's Birthday yesterday :)))). Once more : Happy Birthday Girl! And remember what you promised to do at my blind wedding next March :P.
This is all for now, my head's so empty , sucks !

Monday, May 26, 2008

Kim Kardashian Says She's Pregnant At Her White Party

Kim Kardashian hosted her own White Party in the Hamptons last night with boyfriend Reggie Bush, and told reporters, "I'm about two months pregnant right now and we're getting married on August 8th of 2008." Obviously she was kidding, but she scared Reggie there for a second!

The couple hosted the soiree at The White House in the Hamptons, and that was a first for Kim, who said she had never partied out there before. She's giving Diddy a little competition! His infamous bash comes at the end of summer on Labor Day.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Keira Knightley's funny seduction

Keira Knightley says the best way to get her into bed is to make her laugh.

The actress - who stars in upcoming movie 'The Edge of Love', which is about Welsh poet Dylan Thomas - finds a good sense of humour very attractive in a man.

She said: "I think people get laughed into bed, don't they?"

Although Keira doesn't think the late Dylan Thomas was a good looking man, she can understand why women were attracted to him because of his wonderful poetry.

The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actress - who stars opposite Matthew Rhys, who portrays Dylan, in the movie - explained to Total Film magazine: "Dylan Thomas did s**g around but you look at pictures of him and he was no hunk. However, his poetry is extraordinary. He's a mischief-maker, a puck. He just wants to prod and see what happens.

"There is a spirit and a sexiness to Matthew Rhys' Dylan that's quite dangerous because you know he's a s**t. But that doesn't mean he's not attractive. Do you think only nice blokes get girls into bed?"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pamela Anderson’s Mystery Man

She’s had a pretty rough time with romance, having been divorced three times from ex-husbands Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, and Rick Salomon. But Pamela Anderson isn’t giving up on love.

The former Baywatch babe was spotted out and about in Malibu, California yesterday enjoying the company of a mystery man. And they were looking mighty friendly together!

Pammie took her gentleman caller on a romantic stroll around her gated community before taking him back to her house. Both of them looked comfy in their workout gear as they made the most of the beautiful weather.

On a related note, it sounds like Miss Anderson’s assets are getting other people in trouble. At least, that’s the case for a 32-year-old woman who was just convicted of unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 17.

Apparently, the whole thing started back in January 2007 when Courtney Isabella Bailey substituted a picture of Pamela Anderson’s breasts for her own in a text message conversation with her 15-year-old co-worker. The two ended up hooking up, with charges being filed later.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Next update..I know I am slow...

...but its too much going on here :-P

Anyways here we go :

B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b- day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so egocentric- I really am- there is nothing better than being in the centre of everything and all the attention you get! It happens at least once a year to me- on the day I get actually one day older... Went to Bavaria on Thursday... We overslept again (naturally) so I had like 2 hours to pack and get all my (done!) laundry together- take a shower and stuff..and anyone who knows me, will remember that I am extremly chaotic (= it takes a whole day for me to get ready)... I arrived @ my secondo hometown in the afternoon (ICE delayed) with the very first surprise waiting for me : Ulla did not work til Monday, so we kinda had four whole days for us! Majah! We got ourselves some sixpacks and started simply drinking on their balcony ..Abi went lavorare after eight so we had a chilly girls' eve! Was awesome- especially since we both fell asleep be4 23 :-P I am really getting old!

Friday was rough- I kept repeating everyone (= playing on their nerves), that this was my last day as a 21 year old ..we went shopping a bit with Ullchen, and than started simply a bash at their home, which was magnificent- totally splendid :-P It 's been a long time, since I had THAT much fun :-) (haha mainly due to Ser's corking rap and Bora's ENTON ENTON hahaha...and naturally Alex and Sedusch dancing Flamenco.. hrrr) at punto 12 am Kadusch came in with a teddy-flower (looks like Enton!!!) and a present (I love gifts, oh my how much I LOVE THEM!!!!!!)...I got the coolest gift from them - a brand new Italy Jersey- just in time before the ECH!!!! I was so flabbergasted! You cannot imagine!!!! Well than we started drinking Absolut and went together to a certain club...called MAD.... well went to bed at 5 or so ;-)

Birthday was cool, I was kinda either talking on the phone or reading/ replying text messages ;-) not bad.. and this is the moment, where I have to thank you ALL very much for your wishes!!!!!!!

A propos 17th- Fady did not win DSDS (German "Idol") :-((((((. Unfair and bitter!!!! ;-( WHY???????!!!!!!! Anyways...on Sunday after yet another rough loooong night went to Mena and Wolfi for their B-day dinner. Oh Lord, maybe I did really overstrain my stomache, but it was so good... I am sure I am gonna dream about this food for ages! (especially since my cooking skills are below zero..totally negative!). Kadusch had too much Rossbacher (lecka!)....Ulla too much food and I was totally exhausted... and mind had to catch the early train at four something...well I even made it, but : the train started BURNING!!!!!!! (haha and I accidentally stumbled upon my today's horoscope, which says- that I am gonna breathe bad air today! Stunning!) ... so I arrived in Wuerzburg with a one hour delay!!!!!My first ICE to Hamburg was gone, so I could not make it for Text analysis 0_o..... yeah...but give yourselves that: My train was burning!!!!well I do not precisely know what was wrong with it- but the smoke was EXTREMLY thick and I thought I am gonna vomitt in a minute...we were standing in the middle of the Bavarian nowhere and I was considering calling a cab to Wuerzburg ( not because I wanted to make it to the 6 am Intercity Express but more or less coz I was SCARED!). Well the situation cleared and the train started moving again... Grandissimo! I had to wait in WUE for the ICE til Bremen and now I am back here...
You cannot imagine - but the guys are ALL asleep and its grey in Gottinga! And I am so darn tired! I really need a break....

Surprise in El Sol

Okay I came back on Monday...was pretty weird that day- I mean everything. Than suddenly in the eve, Funda called me - telling me that Assal had broken her leg, and we need to visit her in the evening. Okay, first I was like : Oh well I am so tired and everything, but than eventually I agreed. Ulla called me- and Monsieur Seid got me the receiver- but he was kinda.... mad at me (and I had absolutely NO IDEA WHY!), we talked for nearly two hours (shall I mention, that we saw each others on Sunday?!Also on Saturday, Friday and Thursday...), than I took a shower and Funda called me again asking me where I was ..I really did not hear her calls earlier and had like 10 minutes to dry my hair, put some make up on and dress up..and I REALLY MADE IT..
Funda and Isy were waiting in fron of the National Theatre- they needed to go to the EL SOL, to check their timetables (they both work there)...we were chatting a bit and than arrived at ES.... and there was a decorated table and around it my friends!!!!!!!! I could not believe it!! That was THE surprise within!! I was so speechless! Words and everything failed me, I did think that we were under way to Assal WHO HAD A BROKEN LEG!!! and now she was sitting all grinning on the right side of the table... But what was actually on the table was magnificent- a red and white rose- italian colours, a book about football, a cake- with strawberries, green gelee and cream (italian colours again), a huge lollipop with a whistle (also the same colours), a card (red card :D ), and candles- on each was a letter- and they were all forming one word : HAPPY BIRTHDAY. That was so glorious! Amazing!!!! I got free drinks and the company was ace!!!! Love you girls!!!!
Well than it turned out, that Jana also invited Philipp (hehe), and he was supposed to tell Seid etc..well actually Philipp called Seid, telling him that he was out of town, and could not come to SONJAS PARTY...well Seid did not know anything about a party (neither did I of course), but he thought I was throwing that bash on my own- and did not invite him :). Guys are so funny :P
Yesterday we went eating together and he forced me to Saturn ( I hate that kinda shops since my Dad forced me to join him... bleee)... than we both learned again :P. Later Joerg and a friend from a different coperation came over ( I will slamm him today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joerg du bist faellig!!!!). I am the queen of playing on ppl's nerves- but he seems to be as good as me! I could hit him with a baseball bat! Damn! Of course he is coming over today... (Champions League final tonite!!!!!!!!!!).. we watched "Rambo" together... such a ... WONDERFUL and deep and moving masterpiece...never seen one like this before ;-) but it was fun anyways. Joerg and his friend (after mocking Seid and me every now and than) got lost soon after the movie and the rest of us (Robert and Calle joined us) played table-soccer til 1 am. Well than we went to bed..some alone and some not ;-)

Mom and Darek are here
Yesterday we (Seid, Marcel and me) went to Media Markt to buy a home cinema system (it took us HOURS ....MEN! but luckily I was rewarded- we went to Toys'r us as well :-P), than we had a BBQ a la maison... and watched il finale della Champions League ...there were so many ppl around-but suddenly i was of course Seid and me and American History X ;-).
Today we had - as always our lil difficulties with getting up- well I actually managed it (eventually...though being late AGAIN!!!), while le monsieur prefered to stay in bed (and afterwards he complained that he did not go... MEN).
After Italian Country Sciences I had to hurry, since my Mommy and Darek arrived !!!!!! I am more than over the moon to see them!!!
Now its time for me to go to BED!

Womens (PHOTOGraphy)