Forgot that one. In the eve we had a little (little is good..) BBQ- everyone's there- but my hunk (later he called and told me that he was in Einbeck...talking to his Ex......hmpf!). I was so freaked out- and had such a bad temper, whoa! And not because of him ( he recompensated it later anyways :P), but because of certain guys at the BBQ, who believe that I am
a.) single
b.)that I should date R. ( no way, never ever- even if he was the last man on earth)
c.)made pics of me and tried to make ME (haha) drunk
Just imagine, how much that is craving in my nerves! I was drinking beer and R. said that it looked 'wunderschön'... Oh my Fuck- since when does it look picturesque when a görl drinks beer?! HELLO?! There is only one person that knows that I was actually single, the rest thinks I am taken (but they do not know the person...tsaaa)...and R. still hits on me. Yesterday he prmoised to cook for me, and than to go to the cinema and whatever else....OH MY! Give it a go and get lost!
Than also Jörg (my big fave from the other corporation)turned up(mais sans Steffan...buhu!)...and I was like ' Holy Shizz, I am gonna kill someone this eve'. But he was so kind that eve, hardly recognised him! OH MY! Anyways, hunk turned up- and the rest (thanks God, Jesus and Maria!) went to a Party ('Sportlerparty'- I was supposed to go with them and than meet up with Giuli and Andrea), and we had the house for the two of us :P. After a cosy hour with TV Total we went to bed and were too late for lectures today in the morning- naturally :P. I hate him, he just makes it terribly difficult for the two of us to get up in the morning!!!!!!
Off to Italian History ( haha 1,5h of laughing because of Filippo and Jana), and than speeding home.... I GOTTA COOK...buhahahahaha
Lepo se imejte!
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