A little update (this time not in Italiano, I am too tired to think :P or no- it is too late for me to think- more accurate!). Today is already the third of May- Mon Dieu- in two weeks I turn 22 years old. Kinda shocking. I have celebrated however yet another anniversary- it has been ten years since I have stopped eating meat! This is a bummer! Ten whole years- a decade without meat. It is not the achievmentitself , that makes me shudder most- but the length of having done this! Ten years is a long couple of years, meaning THIS (not my 22nd b-day) is the proof, that I am growing OLD! Good Lord!
I have finally made myself more or less comfortable in my brand new accomodation, and I must say that I do enjoy it tremendously! I live in the very city centre- meaning I have as good as everything my heart desires right under my nose! The house I am living in is huge, beautiful and last but not least (and most importantly) I do share it with a bunch of GUYS! Yes, GUYS! As Tita called it- I have a SixPack at home. Nothing could describe it better..but I may come back to them later! As I have mentioned- the house is big. My room is on the very top- well it is actually one and a half rooms- I have something like a living-room and a very small bed-room. Absolutely fab! Four ( sticking into a big whole) windows giving me a view on the Deutsches Theater ( National Theater ),the Alt-Betlehem
( where my Mom used to work ) and the old defending wall of the city. My window goes right into the garden guaranteeing me complete silence even at rush hour (though nothing like that does not really exist here). Officially I so share my bathroom with the rest- but I can freely say it is MINE only :P. Not bad. The kitchen is on the second floor ( I am on the third, on the attic), it is fully equiped- we have everything the heart desires, even a dish-washer!!!!!!!! There are more rooms on the second floor (the guys' bedrooms) , and one more bathroom. On the first floor- is a PC room, a studying room (with a big table, that can host up to 20 people), and a ..hmmm well let's call it "fencing room" (typical coperation sport!). Than on ground zero is a BAR! Yes!And when I write bar, I totally do mean it!Looks like one, smells like one, works like one! A bar and a big party-room. Behind it we have something like a...play-ground :) . Inside : a snooker-table, a dart-corner, a soccer-table and behind that room is the tv-room :). Well it is a room with two couches and two sofas and a big tv :). Already watched two footie games and one movie innit ( avec la biere!). In the basement - washing machine and a dryer.... Moreoverly a terrace , with enough space for a juicy BBQ and a garden. This is it... It is so impressive! I still cannot believe how lucky I was/ am to get right here!
The guys are all great! Even after not a week I can freely say, that living with men is less complicated and more fun than with chics (okay of course, it does not refer to my dearest girls out there!). They are damn helpful (especially Robert, who is like the head of the coperation this semester), funny and good to talk to! Yeah and of course some are hawd! :).
I moved in on Monday ( Rudi helped me with my stuff ). On Wednesday the guys held a BBQ ( I heard they have one every week -majah!), and I got my first grand tour ;). Laters went out @Alpenmax ( you do not really miss anything by not going there...),and I must say it was really nice ! On Thursday the coperation went hiking, so I was home alone ( though later a friend of Robert- Marcel came over for snooker etc), and later we all had some beer in the garden (after the lot came back). The day was darn long and ended more or less in the TV room with Alien3 (Seid and me last ones 2 survive).
Today I met up with Conz, Rudi, Nadja, Rene (Conzi's boyfriend) and Mario ( met him on New Years' Eve some five years ago....). It was so amazing to see Conz again! Haven"t seen her since my last high-school year! Happy to have her back here! There is already one big bash coming in July (hope Katsch will come as well!).
Laters talked 2 Caroli via cell, though an estimated 80% was laughing only. Haha , I loved her vision of le marriage and the snails haha. Hillarious :D haha :D
Tomorrow (today...) I am going 2 Majka&Caro. Majka offered her help in dying my hair (it's colour is dangerously close to blond again...prevention is the key 2 success), so I am gonna kindly thank her for her gesture and let her do it :).Today's also DSDS on TV :P.
Better not embarrass myself in front of the guys ;)
Off to bed, even though Tita scared me ( = when claiming that this house looks like inhabited by Dracula or ghosts or similar :P). It is late indeed. I have to get up earlier , since I am planning to walk to Rosdorf!
YES WALK ( no cigarettes 2morrow!).
Oh and by the way : Einbecker is the new beer!
(One week to go.....aaaargh).
okay, I KNOW- been a long time since I last been writing here...and indeed- it should be said, that a lot has happened! Its Saturday- been here for almost 2 weeks...lets just start with yesterday.... side note : guys- but for one are all in Coburg (Convent) so I am kinda (nesten) home alone :). Yesterday was the first really hot day this year- really warm! Anyways, went to the theatre avec Seid - the piece was called "Andorra" and was excellent- naked men on the scene and music de Bushido included- awesome! I am really lucky when it comes to theatre- never seen a boring piece! Anyways- afterwards went for Pizza and than back a la maison- watched "No country for old men"- and now attention- on chairs we placed on the snooker table!!! (we have a big roll-screen in the play-room)... that was classy!!! CLASSY! Never done that before, but now THIS IS the way you deffo watch movies at home! that was good...haha sitting there in our chic outfits on the table..total royale! Champagne was missing, but we had beer..also very good! I loved the movie- absolutely my style- one more to my very fave-collection. Something totally smoothing for my soul- it was Reservoir Dogs, it was Western, it was good! Damn good! Golden!
Afterwards we went upstairs chatting- into da kitchen- til 4 am :o. I really do have to find a way to shorten these conversations dans la cuisine, getting too little sleep lately! Was cool anyways ;)
(Just texting Tita about it).
I managed- by the way to attend my first norsk classes on Thursday- after three weeks. If it was not Hildegunn, who is the coolest tutor out there I would have been thrown out for sure! She as amazingly nice to me, asked me after the course whether the date's were okay with me! She just reminded me, why I really love Norway and its people- for they are the people they actually are! I had written three essays the day earlier, so I could hand her something in after the lessons- not bad at all. Plus we have classes in a different building and room- seventh floor- you can see the east- north side and fields- superb!And the course-takers have changed a bit- was sitting next to Christina and two med students, who were such good company. But I was more or less dead anyways- since I had only ..like two hours of regular sleep...
On Wednesday they traditionally hold a BBQ eve here- and some guys from a different Corporation came over... when I entered the terrace I nearly choked and swallowed my own tongue- there was this guy from one of my Courses, Jana and me..well were amused about :). And there was a guy from Chile and one German and "our" clan naturally. It was such a splendid eve- with a hell lot of beer and Berentzen...haha... The guy from Chile, who's name is Stefan by the way, was so amazed when he learned that I loved footie :). We have a shopping rendez-vous...haha.. The other one was also fun- hmm charming ;). He talked in French - I could have killed him :P. We went indoors than , played dart and table-soccer ( I SCORED A FEW GOALS!!!!) and had fun overall ! Than went to the kitchen for a chat with Robert and Seid- and ended up in bed AT FIVE SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah at five something... I was still a bit tipsy when I got up and shaky on my legs!
Went to the cinema with Roberto on Tuesday- I wanted to see Juno (finally), but they did not play it after six p.m so we watched Iron Man (yeah I WATCHED A MOVIE LIKE THAT). I kinda liked it even- Robert Downey Jr. (if I remember his name correctly..you never know avec moi) was smashingly HOT!!!!!!!!!! HOT! And I even accepted Gwyneth Paltrow innit- really liked her, and even though this was and still is absolutely NOT my Genre- enjoyed it! Went 2 Nautilus for a few drinks and than 2 beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Shall I mention, that on Monday- I went to bed at like....4 or 5 a.m as well?! I really do need to work something out, that will FORCE me to go to bed earlier,
otherwise I will sleep at Uni!
Uni was more a chill-out matter last week, no Italiano due to certain circumstances, so I did not have a lot of work. Well okay, I did not have any work at all- on Tuesday they gave away beer for free so we (Funda , Assal and me) ended up in front of our Faculty with beer and Wasa and older editions of "In Touch" . Well what can you do, once the weather is soooo great?!
I have so much stuff 2 do before leaving for Schweinfurt next week (on Thursday!!!!!!!), and I still haven't answered Marjorie. I NEED TO DO THAT!!!
Rudi's gotten in the wrong lane, even though he should have KNOWN, that this is a one-way street! There is a boarder- where friendship ends and relationships start- and some people should absolutely NOT cross it, since there is NO land for them on the other side..simple as that. It will never work out, when one side's in love and the second not. It's just as logical as maths!
Okay just came back from a lil coffee break- and was online for a second.. or two :) Anyways, gotta move my asset/ do some homework and than shopping (need los drinkos and pane) and than..well we will see.. have the opportunity to go to a party to Hannover... hmmmm je ne sais pas...
Tita just wrote me, that Dima Bilan (Russian Singer) will compete for Russia for the second time at the Eurovision Song Contest (held in Serbia this year..). He is a really, really hot hunk!
Back again, after a really eventful weekend! A lot has happened, or better- a lot of good things've happened :). Went indeed to Hannover- what was just perfect! Well I was not really sure about it, meaning - to go or not to go?! I was kinda forced anyways- so at eight I was sitting in da metronom til (ahhhhh Norsk!) Hannover- we also met Stella there :). Well we arrived some time later in Hannover - and went to Said (Seid's friend, who was hosting the bash. It was fun and great- we went meanwhiles into the city (DER KIEZ haha), and we had some alco and everything was just great overall :). Folk over there was more or less fun and good company..okay mainly guys, just a few chics..but still...lot of laughing and drinking and Seid et moi were the first ones to dance y'all!!!Best part as naturally, when Said asked us- Seid and me- whether we were a couple..I just wanted to say something idiotic (in my manor u know..) when Seid actually said YES!!!!!! Capisce?! Additionally: since a week!!!!!!!!BAH! If you leave out the fact that we did not sleep both for like almost 40 hours, it was really perfect. Came back yesterday at eight (you cannot imagine how very peaceful this city IS at this early hour on Sundays..)..Seid made some Pasta for us ( haha yes Pasta con funghi e frutti di mare in mattina..) and than we watched a few episodes de SPONGEBOB , learned a bit, slept for two hours, learned, mocked, watched Spongebob, I COOKED (yeah... o_0), Spongebob, supper, than Spongebob and than we watched " Shot 'em all" or something like that- good movie with Clive Owen and Monica Bellucci (two beauties in one movie, must be goodie :P). Was cosy, and because I was so cosy I stayed in his room for the night. Genau.
Today is amazing, sun sun sun- talked to Ulla (they call me ENTON in Schweinfurt), Rudi, Maman (haha Mom called me in the early morning while I was still laying in bed)... did some norsk oppgaver...peace is over me. I just want it to stay like that, because I am really happy...just about it as it is!
Fady made it into the final of German Idol (jippiiiiiiii), Massa won in Türkiye, my room's still neat and tidy (but still no internet and still no desk...hrrrrr),I am to turn 22 in a few days (BIG SOB)...
The world is mine as for now, and for that I have to thank!
Lepo se imejte!
Yesterday...we did watch another movie- "There will be blood"- again in the same manor naturally :P.
Once you tried the same out, you gonna LOVE it :).
Well I slept in Seid's bed again ( I SLEPT!) and I tell you- waking and standing up was never so difficult as today in the morning- instead of getting up at seven - we stayed in bed for yet another hour- I was eventually fifty minutes late for Uni, Seid some... 20?!Well Monsieur escorted me to my Faculty- I guess it was thx 2 the kiss I got through the day so good.. Went also shopping today, I just could not stop myself...I spent so much money, I really should start to sort out my priorities.... :/
Well at two I had finally an opportunity to chat with Funda, Assal, Stella and Jana (I saw Jana in the morning, so we already had our 20 minutes of laughing about Filippo haha hrrrr)...Haha I guess next session we will be all thrown out... Assal fell asleep, Jana was chatting with Funda, Funda was chatting with me, I was playing some games with Stella and threw papers ( Yeah I am 21...) at Jan... I nearly fell asleep in lectures about Scandinavian Literature( text messaging kept me alive)...than went to Coffe Bay with Assal and Funda ( did not have a single Iced Chai this week! Scandaliscious..)..than went back hjemme... had a shower and fell asleep while combing my hair :s . I am really mad.. and you know what woke me up?! ME COUGHING! Insane! Seid came over just so (he is meeting up with some guys.... whatever...due to the Influence from Kadusch I am more or less sceptical.... well well we gonna see!!!!!by the way haha now he is running around with lipgloss :P Selber Schuld..). Went also out (said "hi" to Afghani and than back again..)..Ulla just called me
( Stahnke!!!!!!) on my cell, and of these 22 minutes we talked some feeled 18 were pure laughing... OMG..I just cannot wait till Thursday (even though I am gonna miss someone?!)!!
Mom just went to the Balticum- I do envy her so much! I would love to be there right now as well! It's been a year since the last time..this is really rough. It just proves how fast time passes by, and how very little we actually really got of it! There is simply no time. And when someone stops by telling me, that I simply gotta take some- he talks nonsense in my eyes! Snoops is much better..luckily!
Gotta do my laundry 2morrow, hardly any socks left..at least my room's tidy as ever..gives me props! Franzi just sent me a link to teh songs Fady and Thomas (Tomasz do cholery!) are performing.. yeah maybe it is a bit embarrassing, but I am kinda into it...
Okay this is all for now, gotta find much time tomorrow- wanna meet up with Stella and Finja (keys..), laundry, pack- plus we have yet another BBQ in the eve.. my brain's too small to remember all these things :s And call Majka!!!!!!!!!! and Rudi...ahhhhh
Oh I just remembered : You know Seid said something really great on Saturday , when we were out in Hannover city- he (and he was sober as I was today in the morning- meaning : very sober) told me that I looked like Angie J.!!!!!!!!! You know- when I am tipsy- I am everything but never ever speechless- but he made me that with his statement- I was just somewhere among the stars!
Well anyways- just read that Youssef has finally applied for the Visa- so I am holding my fingers crossed my two Angels- and certainly- as promised be4- Dunia- my thumbs belong 2 you on the 20th!!! Since Jürgen won 800 Euros, I really believe they can do magic :P
I do not know how and why- but my skin's very brown! Roma...hrrr
Okay, this is all for now! Hope Seid's soon back, I am so sleepy...
P/S Just browsed some pics- and still the pic from Vicky of David et moi is my fave.. well still my fave and I guess will always be...unless I get a new one :P
PP/S Hope Kadusch's free on Friday
PPP/S Why does Vodka make me feel sick even once I only see it?! HOSPITAL!!!!
PPPP/S My blanket and Spongebob are both in Seid's room :s
Okay no more P/S's - but I was just thinking- what about Seid and me- I mean how are the guys gonna react- especially M.- whom I have dropped more or less?! Heh?! I really have no idea how it is gonna look like...
Okay Le fin!
Well Seid woke me up at 2 something- I tried to be mad at him, but failed totally :o.
First wanted to sleep in my room, but somehow...I woke up in his again... What can we do?!
Met up with Stella and Finja- went than shopping and again SPENT MONEY!!!!! Verdammt!But the earrings were so amazing- you can't say NO!!!!! Okay gotta run now, or in some few minutes- Robert's gonna show me how to do my laundry, I gotta pack, wash my hair , Norsk lekse and last but not least : BBQ :s
Bisous et a bientot!
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