Friday, February 25, 2011

Former MADD Chapter President Arrested For Drunk Driving

Meet Debra Oberlin.

The 48-year-old realtor, a native of Gainesville, Florida -- and former president of its' local Mothers Against Drunk Driving chapter -- was arrested in connection with driving under the influence, has learned.

Oberlin was pulled over by police at 1:10 am ET February 18 after officers reported seeing her driving erratically, swerving and crossing lanes, according to the area's local paper, The Gainesville Sun.

Oberlin's field sobriety test told the rest of the story, the paper reported, as she rang up between a .234 and .239 blood-alcohol level, far surpassing the state's legal limit of .08.

Is that CBT's Ex wife?
-Big Drew

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