Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Greddy Swift Mods update

Here are some updates on Greddy product for Suzuki Swift

Supercharger System

SC Pulley upgrade

Extra Fuel injector

High flow extractor with Cat and center pipe

Greddy Grill

CF Side Scuff
Air guide for better cooling

Greddy Air RAM

HKS Kansai mods and Customer car

Some photos of HKS Kansai Swift latest mods and Customer car

HKS Kansai Turbo charger

Oil Cooler

HKS Kansai Customer Car

Cristiano Ronaldo Transfer to Real Madrid Posters

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Cristiano Ronaldo Transfer to Real Madrid, Pictures

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Cristiano Ronaldo, Transfer to Real Madrid, Pictures Gallery

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Cristiano Ronaldo, Transfer to Real Madrid, Photos

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Cristiano Ronaldo, Transfer to Real Madrid, Images

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Beat it!

Had a long and really tiring day at university. In the morning I had to give a presentation in my OPC course. I just don't wanna talk about it, but the feedback was disastrous. You have to picture, that til May I always got very good feedback on my English skills, til I started some courses with a certain lecturer. I can't deny, I am making some mistakes- everyone does, who isn't a native and never visited an Enlish- speaking country. And this is where the problem starts, as it seems. He compares the ones who never were in England (or wherever) with those who were. And this is wrong. It can't work, it just can't. So bad. And cruel. I watched fellow students of mine leaving classes crying. He made me furious today, I was really surprised how cool I stayed ( even though two hours later I had to shed a few tears in my Hunk's arms . I literally ran into him at campus. He was so furious seeing me in that state, he wanted to beat him down u know..). I had one course after that and on the last one I had to give yet another presentation, this time about fascism. I did it together with a fellow student, who went to kindergarten with me ( I think I already told you about it). Well she has a little baby-daughter. And just before we got started she got a phone call from her baby sitter, that her daughter didn't stop crying. You can imagine how anxious and worried she was, so I understood she wanted to leave the course immediately. She did however give her part of the presentation, which was like u know- impressive! Cause I guess I would have run out after the call. Than she left, and I did my part ( the lecturer helped me a bit with the power point, that was cute :D ). After the course she sent me a text message, that she felt miserable, since she left me all alone, and that I must have been really angry with her. I had to explain her I really wasn't. I mean how on earth could I be? She a multi-tasking genious one should really admire. She manages to be a Mom, girlfriend, student and friend. This is impressive. I hope she really believes me, I am not angry or something!
Now I am listening to MJ, doing some stuff- time to turn into a crammer :P
I know I will fail again though...

Za mną naprawdę długi i męczący dzień na uniwerku. Rano miałam prezentację z angielskiego. W sumie to mi się nawet nie chce nic pisać na owy temat, powiem tylko , że komentarz prowadzącego był druzgocący! Wyobraźcie sobie, iż dotychczas miałam raczej bardzo dobre wyniki z tego przedmiotu, chwalono mnie i w ogóle. Dopóty nie zapisałam się na zajęcia do pewnego wykładowcy. Oczywiście, że popełniam parę błędów, w końcu nie pochodzę z anglo-języcznych krajów!I to leży pies pogrzebany- jak mi się wydaje. Porównuje on bowiem tych co nie byli nigdy dajmy w Anglii , do tych co już taki pobyt doświadczyli (mam na zajęciach dziewczynę, co mieszkała 5 lat w Londynie). To błąd! To nie będzie funkcjonowało. Tak być nie powinno, poza tym to wstrętne poniekąd! Nieraz się widziało innych studentów jak opuszczali zajęcia płacząc! Strasznie mnie wkur... dziś, i przyznam , że byłam zaskoczona jak obojętnie reagowałam na jego krytykę . Dwie godziny później wszak wpadłam w objęcia mego chłopaka i wówczas łezka się zakręciła w oku. Po tym jak mu opowiedziałam co nieco chciał pójść go pobić... Po tym zajściu miałam jeszcze jedne ćwiczenia a po nich kurs o historii Italii, na które musiałam wespół z koleżanką (którą znam jeszcze z czasów przedszkola, o czym bodaj już pisałam) przygotować referat na temat faszyzmu. Tuż przed zadzwoniła do niej opiekunka (ma malutką córeczkę), że Mała nie przestaje płakać od dłuższego czasu. Widziałam po niej , że była znerwicowana lekko, i się zdziwiłam, że jeszcze przedstawiła swoją część referatu- ja bym pewnie od razu poleciała do dziecka! Po tym poszła i ja dokończyłam ( do mnie należała bowiem druga część) przy pomocy naszego wspaniałego profesora, który za mnie nawet przesuwał prezentację hehe. Po zajęciach biedna wysłała mi kilka sms'ów bo według niej , to ona mnie zostawiła na zimnym lodzie i pewnie nie chcę już z nią rozmawiać. Powiedzcie mi, jak można się gniewać z takiego marnego powodu na kogoś, kto sobie tak daje radę ? Wręcz przeciwnie. Napisałam jej, mam nadzieję, że mi wreszcie wierzy!
Słucham sobie właśnie trochę Jacksona, i staram się trochę uczyć, sesja się zbliża. Ale ze mnie żaden kujon :/.

IADs 2500-HP Twin-Turbo Land Shark

American supercar builder Mosler and its MT900S model put up a pretty good fight in the world’s fastest car category. The supercar hits 60 mph from a standstill in less than 3.5 seconds, has a top speed of well over 180 mph and runs the quarter mile in 12 seconds. But that’s not good enough for some builders, like Intense Automotive Design, who looked to completely smash the specialty car’s performance numbers.

Its creation is called Mosler MT900 GTR XX Twin Turbo (aka “The Land Shark”) and uses generous amounts of carbon fiber, magnesium and titanium throughout the bespoke chassis and 381 cu. in. engine to create a monster of a Mosler. The chassis has been completely stripped and replaced by a modular composite structure said to weigh less than 100 lb. Dripping wet, curb weight comes out to a scant 1898 lbs.

Its engine is just as surreal. Cranks, rods, sleeves, cams and just about every other mechanical component were replaced by an aluminum, titanium or magnesium copy. Regular LS7 V-8 powered Mosler MT900Ss make a respectable 550-hp, whereas the IAD Land Shark cranks out 2500-hp. Yes, you read that correctly. And according to IAD owners, it’s fully street legal and qualifies as a ‘hybrid’ in California due to its multi-fuel type (hydrogen, ethanol, gasoline) fuel system.

Significant work also was done to the Mosler’s exterior. Numerous splitters, diffusers, intakes, outlets and a sealed flat belly all keep the supercar planted and not in the air. Twenty-inch rear, 19-in. front magnesium and carbon fiber Dymag wheels wrapped in rubber big enough to make a steam roller envious ensure grip is always on tap.

Supposedly, with everything tuned and ready to rock and roll, the Land Shark speeds past 62 mph in 2.5 sec on its way to a limited v-max of 305 mph. Engineers state their wind tunnel and computer tests show a possible 375 mph top speed, but they smartly haven’t tried. Check out its other numbers: 0-150 mph in 6.7 sec.; 0-250 mph in 17.5 sec.; 0-150mph-0 takes 8.7 sec. Pretty amazing on paper, yes. But until this thing is put to the track and tested, we’re not yet true believers.

And for these reasons of skepticism, IAD has scheduled to run the Land Shark at this year’s Bonneville Speed Week. After this speed attack is certified by the Guinness Book of World Records, IAD will ship its creation to Germany for some runs on the famed Nurburgring circuit with non other than seven-time F1 world champ Michael Schumacher behind the wheel. Again, we’ll have to see it to fully believe it, but as it stands on paper, it’s safe to say the IAD Land Shark is one impressive machine. source