Saturday, June 27, 2009

We won't rush Michael Owen into decision on joining Hull City, says Phil Brown

"We are not at a discussion point just yet but let's remember that Michael is under contract at Newcastle and he is the type of person that honours contracts, and that is a quality that I fully respect," Brown told Telegraph Sport on Saturday.

"So, of course, I will be patient and we also know for certain that Michael will have a lot to consider because there is bound to be a lot of interest in his services when his contract expires at Newcastle at the end of this month.

"But I have to emphasise this isn't a publicity stunt or anything like that. We are deadly serious about bringing Michael to Hull.
"I think he's a reasonable man and just want the opportunity speak to him to convince him that Hull us the right place to be."

Hull are poised to sign Marc-Antoine Fortune, with Nancy sporting director Nicolas Holveck confirming that a deal is “very close” for the French forward.

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