Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

This story is serious. Real serious. Really. Gameplay is, of course, wrapped in a Clancy-esque story which begins almost immediately after the events in the original GRAW in 2014. The player is again cast in the role of Captain Scott Mitchell, commander of an elite Ghost team charged with retrieving a cache of pilfered cold-war era Ukrainian nuclear warheads. The game kicks off in Mexico and moves to Texas as the story progresses, but there's no mistaking this for a Cormac McCarthy masterpiece. The narrative is as thin as they come, with a couple of obvious plot diversions and dialogue so contrived you'll wince with shame for having listened. But if you can sit through a contemporary action movie, then you'll have no trouble with the story in GRAW; just take it for what it is – a vehicle for some exciting gameplay.

Newcomers to the GRAW series are advised to complete the training map. It's a fair introduction to the inventory system and weapon use, as well as the squad control that's key to the gameplay. At first, both the tactical map and the in-game command system can be overwhelming for a traditional FPS junkie; it's best to learn the ropes on cardboard targets. Thankfully, squad AI is very functional. AI units' path-finding is realistic and very capable, though soldiers who have been ordered to "Follow" will sometimes follow too closely

The story is neatly sliced into a dozen chapters, or missions. Each one is introduced in a briefing and accompanied by some of the cheesiest dialog to ever grace a video game. The small video clips which play here are laughable. 1990's era-CGI character animations loop repeatedly as dialog is overlaid (and not synced with the animations), and live video clips are interspersed for dramatic effect. Since the bulk of plot exposition takes place here, it's strange that so little time was spent on these videos. The cutscenes which play directly before a mission and after successful completion are very well-done, however.

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