Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezvinsky get married.

Big Drew:
They didn't invite Barrack Obama to the wedding because they already had a porter for the job.  Besides this is a white thing and everyone is expected to behave so no blacks allowed. They were all hopping up and down and screaming real loud like Swahili warriors at a snake handling church in their home country.  They should have invited Mrs. Obama though,, as ugly as she is she would make Chelsea  look ravishing!

I can't believe these people get so much publicity. The only things I can remember about Clinton's presidency are Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers, Whitewater and the botched cruise missile attack on Bin-Laden that fast tracked Al-Queda's attacks on us. So how can it be that this family almost seems to tout itself as successor to the Kennedy's?
The gall these people have to snub their noses at us then purport to be our leaders hasn't been seen since before the magna carta. And........, that political climbing wife of his with her lofty presidential ambitions and power hungry agenda shouldn't be anywhere near DC.   Their hubris as a family is astounding. I wish they would show some class and all just go back home to Arkansas.

Obama may be the worst president this country has every had, and maybe the worse it will ever have, but Bill Clinton has nothing to be proud about. His presidency was also a crying shame.  -Big Drew

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