Tuesday, May 31, 2011

artful dodger oliver twist

artful dodger oliver twist. olivertwistdesign
  • olivertwistdesign

  • Bonte
    Oct 28, 04:49 PM
    Apple will need to open up osX to generic PC's but i can understand they'll want to wait until the Mac growth is stalling. Maybe at about 10% marketshare ?

    artful dodger oliver twist. PERRY CLEMENTS - OLIVER TWIST

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 03:52 PM
    What's go good about it?

    It's like dropbox but free for 5GB. :rolleyes:

    You get 20gbs if you purchase an mp3 album...or pretend to. I purchased 6 foot 7 foot by Lil Wayne one song and 99 cents

    artful dodger oliver twist. The Artful Dodger Teaches
  • The Artful Dodger Teaches

  • ChaosAngel
    Apr 16, 02:18 AM
    I've attempted to highlight the main new features that have been leaked for Windows 8. I have to say, things are looking good:


    I am especially a fan of "portable workspace" and "factory reset". Hopefully they make the release version.

    artful dodger oliver twist. The Artful Dodger from Oliver
  • The Artful Dodger from Oliver

  • roadbloc
    Mar 13, 04:34 AM

    The industry is undergoing a massive paradigm-shift, thanks to Apple

    No. A new market has been opened by Apple. That is as far as it goes. An iPad is not for everyone. Tablets will never kill off Laptops or Desktops or Servers.

    artful dodger oliver twist. Twist is a modern retelling of
  • Twist is a modern retelling of

  • huskerchad
    Apr 5, 03:32 PM
    Apple loves its customers so much, they let you view ads for free!

    artful dodger oliver twist. Artful Dodger, The
  • Artful Dodger, The

  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 07:24 AM
    For conformation the Canadian site is down. First I had the check connection mentioned above, then I tried again and got the message.

    artful dodger oliver twist. Fagin (Oliver Twist)
  • Fagin (Oliver Twist)

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 17, 02:04 AM
    Google is finding out just how difficult it is to negotiate with record labels. :pMy thoughts exactly.

    artful dodger oliver twist. Artful Dodger and Oliver Twist
  • Artful Dodger and Oliver Twist

  • BlackMangoTree
    Mar 24, 10:33 PM
    10 years on and we still have the crap and totally useless finder.

    artful dodger oliver twist. as Artful Dodger
  • as Artful Dodger

  • mcrain
    Apr 25, 04:11 PM
    There aren't exactly good public restroom options for a transgendered person. I think when it comes to restrooms, you probably should pick the door that reflects the body parts as you have them, not how you want them. Wouldn't these same girls be widely considered justified if this was some skeevy guy in a trench coat?

    Does anyone know if there is an affirmative duty for non-security employees to intervene in fistacuffs.

    (edit) I can't watch the video, but I'll take your word that no one called the police. If so, that may subject the entity to liability for failure to minimally protect customers. The yelling may be despicable, but that won't be enough to subject McDonalds to liability.

    artful dodger oliver twist. Artful Dodger was originally
  • Artful Dodger was originally

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 23, 10:27 AM
    I would love for apple to use 10 billion to innovate fantastically, enter new markets, go green, and more. I don't think it's going to happen- the purpose of 10 billion in the bank for apple is having 10 billion in the bank. Apple's expertise is in taking big risks (at least large for a compnay of their size), a good number of which pay off very, very well. But people- investors, CEOs, are risk adverse, and a huge pile of cash to operate on, so big they can operate and continue to invest in risky and exciting products, mitigates their risks. For apple, a pile of money might actually be worth more than investing that money at a high rate of return.

    Huge cash hordes are only good for three things, in order of desirability: reinvesting in future growth (which is why it's called capitalism); returning to the stockholders in the form of dividends; or holding for a rainy day. The last reason, which you seem to think is the best one, should be seen by investors as a signal that the company lacks confidence in the future.

    Actually, there's a fourth use of excess cash: a stock buy-back. Apple isn't doing this with the money currently, either.

    I agree, the huge stockpile of cash is an issue. That's money that should be working for Apple, and IMHO that should be in the form of purchasing other companies that will strengthen Apple in key areas, like music distribution and/or audio/video/graphics production.

    And I also agree with you on the dividend issue. A small investment of that money into dividends may have the exact effect as you describe. On the other hand, putting that money into new products/enhancing existing products, may do more for Apple's long-term health vs. providing a dividend to improve the 'optics' of the company in shareholders' eyes.

    New investments in technologies and products would be by far the best use of the money. With Apple's cash, they could set up a research arm similar to Xerox PARC or the old Bell Labs and place themselves in the forefront of new technology for a long time. Instead, they seem to be notably stingy with their R&D dollars. Purchasing technologies by buying out smaller companies could also be advantageous, and Apple does do some of this, but not much -- not enough to make even a dent in their cash hoard.

    artful dodger oliver twist. Oliver!
  • Oliver!

  • JAT
    May 3, 11:50 PM
    You're getting negative votes on your post just because people here know that Apple will never do that, but I think I have to agree with you. I mean I own the iPad 1 now and love it, but I'd love it even more if I could write on it with a pen. It would be amazing for taking notes. I can't take notes by typing on the thing, I still have to bring a notebook (as in an actual notebook, made of paper lol) or my MacBook.
    Uh, there are pens that work on these. The Apple Stores use them on their Touches for signatures and whatnot. I have a family member who takes perfect notes on her iPad by typing. Maybe you need more practice. She found the MBP too noisy, but the iPad she loves for notes, faster than paper.
    Since I am the local technology guru, people are just shy of harassing given the constant barrage of questions just asking if I own one. They are amazed that I do not own an iPad or tablet since they are "popular".

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.
    I think your problem is that you apparently only have 2 uses for a piece of electronics. So no, probably not a product for you.

    artful dodger oliver twist. The Artful Dodger and Oliver
  • The Artful Dodger and Oliver

  • Corndog5595
    Nov 15, 07:25 PM
    I would be perfectly okay if Infinity Ward spent 10 months on nothing but multiplayer.
    Campaigns are great and all, but the development time they take is not worth the amount of gameplay you get compared to multiplayer.

    artful dodger oliver twist. (Oliver Twist).
  • (Oliver Twist).

  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 02:25 PM
    well that didn't last long...

    artful dodger oliver twist. Oliver Twist with Fagin the
  • Oliver Twist with Fagin the

  • Killyp
    Jan 10, 04:09 PM
    The first few times was mildly amusing, but to do it multiple times is just stupid...

    That looks really bad. I honestly though Gizmodo were professional reporters, but evidently not.

    artful dodger oliver twist. Artful Dodger from Oliver
  • Artful Dodger from Oliver

  • Knox
    Jan 5, 03:24 PM
    I wish they at least did that still. I mean, they offer a streaming video after the event, is it really so much more expensive to to offer it live?

    Although the data transferred may be the same or more with on-demand streams, when it's live there will be much higher simultaneous usage. With high-end hosting in general, simultaneous usage is the killer and not really total bandwidth usage. With the popularity of Apple these days the number of simultaneous streams could be extremely high (I mean, if MacRumors gets 100,000 visitors simultaneously think what Apple would get themselves).

    artful dodger oliver twist. Oliver Twist (1997)
  • Oliver Twist (1997)

  • VicMacs
    Apr 16, 07:50 AM
    I had seen these before, wasnt this from a guy who made his own metal iphone? it looks cheap

    artful dodger oliver twist. Artful Dodger (centre),
  • Artful Dodger (centre),

  • testcard
    Sep 29, 08:32 AM
    Man, that is a crummy little house by Silicon Valley standards if I ever saw one. I live in the neighboring town (Portola Valley), which is essentially the same as Woodside, and hence know many homes in the area (including the one I live in). And by current standards around here, not having a private bathroom for EACH bedroom, and a LARGE closet, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* walk-in in the master rather than 2 is not good. No home theater? Large gym with panoramic views? Sauna/steam room/? Sun room? Library? Detached guest suite or guest house (in-law/nanny quarters, etc.)? Swimming pool? Hot tub? This honestly doesn't look like a place where a man of his caliber would be living full-time. Of course his house in Palo Alto isn't huge, either, but at least it is charming, historic, enchanted.

    He has a number of kids, so I'm not sure how they would all fit into this small space with their friends when, e.g., everyone comes home for summers, holidays, etc. Typical houses for higher level people in the Woodside area would have at least 6-7 bedrooms, a bathroom for each bedroom, plus several additional half bathrooms, and probably about 10,000 squ. ft.

    Still living the American Dream over there? ;)

    artful dodger oliver twist. From left, Artful Dodger
  • From left, Artful Dodger

  • Jasonbot
    Mar 21, 09:29 AM
    Well now you have an escuse to go out and buy an Elite xbox 360 in black :D

    artful dodger oliver twist. as Artful Dodger
  • as Artful Dodger

  • a17inchFuture
    Sep 12, 03:17 AM
    no, I wouldn't prefer osx media player, i'm not saying that I would prefer anything different, imedia would make more sense, but there's no way apple would change the name of there most well known software.

    Yeah, for the time being, I think iTunes is still safe. I can imagine some change at some point -- iLife was once just a bunch of individual applications, maybe they'll go a similar route, and start calling it the iMall or some **** (obviously not that), and just have the individual "stores" as subheadings the way the tv store is now.

    Jan 5, 03:17 PM
    Feel it people. A million geeks, all achieving orgasm at the same time. It's such a thing of beauty. :)

    It's in my head forever!!!

    Jan 15, 03:37 PM
    Rentals should be $2 MAX.

    Nov 8, 02:03 PM
    I'm worried about getting banned for getting it (a few hours) early.

    I was on multiplayer earlier, you'd be surprised at how many thousands of people are already on it, via pre-orders I assume and different timezones judging by the different accents people had.

    May 4, 12:01 AM
    I love this commercial. It is beautiful on so many levels. The photography is beautiful. The pacing is calm. The ideas are high minded.

    Sep 25, 11:34 AM
    You are kidding right? There's a whole guide on "next Tuesday" right here on MR.

    His entire comment was in a joking manner, but that part he meant. :p

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