Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wallpapers flowers

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  • lazyrighteye
    Oct 6, 04:03 PM
    I have used every major U.S. carrier except Sprint. I have used every iteration of iPhone since the original's launch date - which also represented my 1st experience with AT&T.

    Until the 1st iPhone 3G, I had no issues with AT&T and their Edge network - namely because it's speed (or lack there of) was all we iPhone users knew at the time. Often calling AT&T my favorite service provider to date. And at the time, that was true. But once the 1st iPhone 3G hit, it started to become apparent that AT&T's network was not up to task. And as the popularity of the device grew, so too did my frustration with AT&T's network.

    Living in Denver, CO, my (and several other users I know) 3G experience has been so poor, my dropped call frequency so high, that I had (yes, past tense - I'm getting there) disabled 3G most of the time. Of the two places I spend 80% of my life - work & home - neither offered a scenario that allowed me to use my iPhone for sending/receiving phone calls (let alone data). Zero bars of 3G and maybe a nub of Edge. At best. And that's having a giant AT&T logo'd tower in line-of-sight of my house and STILL can't send/receive phone calls form home. And mine and my wife's iPhones our only phones, this has been a really big problem for us. and what's been almost more frustrating than dropping all of my calls has been that all along I have upheld my end of the bargain. Every month, in full & on time, I pay our 2-iPhone Family Plan. But AT&T has not upheld their end of the bargain. A major aspect of the device, 3G, is virtually unusable to users in Denver (and other major markets). Dozens of fairly cordial calls (yes, I've been told by an AT&T rep that I'm "always polite" and that "yes, we do denote callers' behavior") to AT&T yielded the same, "we're sorry" replies. One even crediting my account for a full month of service. Nice, but that doesn't make my phone work any better. Another call to AT&T, that dropped, saw the rep called back to leave me a 4-minute message about how sorry she was about my horrible experience. Saying, on record, that their network "sucked," that they receive "a lot of calls about this from their iPhone customers." Even offering me the option to walk from my contract sans penalty. And that's when it hit me... wow - if one of AT&T's contingency plans is to bad mouth their own network and then allow iPhone customers to break their contracts, then this was a much larger issue than I realized.

    And all of that set up was meant to paint a picture. One that many of you are all too familiar with. Same story, different city. So, with as much AT&T bashing as I have done over the past couple of years, I think it only fair/I'm happy to report that it appears AT&T has fixed their 3G issue in Denver. Monday morning, I woke to 5 glorious bars of 3G at home. I even shut down my iPhone & rebooted to make sure it was really there. Sure enough, glory! And from work I was able to make several phone calls with no issue. Confused by a functional AT&T network, I called AT&T and asked why everything was working. With a chuckle, the rep sad it appeared the network was upgraded in my area (seemed a canned line, but hey - I'll take it.). So here I am - day 2 of full 3G service at home, at work, all over town. Sounds silly, but it's really nice when your network... works. Considering my only gripe with my iPhone experience has been the service provider (yeah, a big gripe), it now appears the Denver's coverage is finally working as advertised. While the rep wasn't able to uncover exactly what "your network was updated" meant, I wonder if it's the new spectrum upgrade we've been hearing/reading about? Any other Denver (or other troubled markets) users notice the improved, read: functinoal, AT&T network? Pretty nice, eh?

    So when I saw the Verizon "Coverage Maps" commercial Monday eve, it was oddly refrehing to find I wasn't yelling "YEAH! STUPID AT&T!" while waving my fist at the tv and instead able to turn off said tv and call my recently widowed mother who lives 2,000 miles from Denver - something I hadn't been able to do, from home, in 2 years. Ahh the simple pleasures...

    Here's hope others' coverage improves as well.

    wallpapers flowers. Flowers Wallpapers
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  • TheMacBookPro
    Mar 19, 06:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iPhone is a great target because of the "holier than thou" culture that Steve Jobs helped create. And now they come out with a phone with a shatter-prone back, flat/square as a brick, still retains the small 3.5" screen and the antenna problems. This is all excellent fuel for the haters.

    Even with all that it's still the best phone out there, but the 4 is an even easier target and it's starting to wobble on it's pedestal. Now, when you pull out an iPhone 4, you can expect "oh, you got one of those."

    You can thank Apple for making this all worse with it's stupid design decisions on the iPhone 4. They have a chance to fix a lot of this come June.

    Not that they need to change anything, obviously. Keep the same shatter prone design, horrible ergonomics, 3.5" screen and just bolt on the A5 chip and everyone'll still lap it up ;)

    One a slightly more serious note- the 'haters' hate the iPhone because of 1)Jobs and his (stupid) smug-ness (iPhone is the best phone the world. The screen is far better than anything else. Everyone is copying us, we are the benchmark and everyone else should bugger off) and 2)the fanboys who lap it all up and 'spreads the word' like door to door salesmen.
    Then, when someone disagrees with them (God forbid), the fanboys call the 'iHaters' retards because obviously the iPhone is the best, Android users are just too poor to afford an iphone and thats why we 'envy' (LOL) iUsers and so on.

    Rant directed at nobody in particular. Just getting it out of my system.

    wallpapers flowers. Day Flower Wallpapers,
  • Day Flower Wallpapers,

  • artifex
    Oct 3, 05:32 PM
    I'll be the iPhone also has the ability to act as a FrontRow/iTV remote.

    That really would be the complete experience. Well, that, and also roll out something like the ancient X10 interface, so you can turn your house lights off and on. OMG, imagine being able to use voice control. And a little iPhone acting as a local mic when at home!

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  • jared1988
    Apr 9, 09:10 PM
    ipodtoucher -- that desk is pretty cool

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  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 12:50 AM
    Nice. Too bad some kid is going to have $300 docked from his pay...

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  • flowers pictures wallpapers.

  • briand05
    Mar 28, 04:52 PM
    That is so crazy it's ridiculous. There is no evidence to support your statement. Mac OS X is not headed towards the "walled garden" universe that everyone seems to freak out over. Apple's just giving people who don't know anything about computers an easy way to purchase and find applications.

    I do agree, however, that by not including applications outside of the Mac App Store Apple is diminishing the value of the award. I believe it is within their right to do so, although I don't like it.

    I honestly wouldn't put it past Jobs. I really believe he wants the Mac to be a walled garden just like iOS.

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  • Flowers Wallpapers SCREENSHOTS

  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 21, 02:40 PM
    The voting on the front page has nothing to do with what's good for Apple. Sorry you've been deceived into thinking as much for so long, though.

    oh so Apple being sued isn't bad for Apple? and Apple sueing somebody isn't good for Apple because they are defending their patents? :rolleyes:

    wallpapers flowers. Flowers With Ice Wallpapers
  • Flowers With Ice Wallpapers

  • BJNY
    Jan 14, 12:37 PM
    My computers dedicated for pro digital photography don't require more than ~5GB for the OS and apps, so that would leave 25GB for RAW data. 64SSD would certainly give more breathing room since most sessions are 20GB to 50GB.

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  • wallpaper summer flower.

  • mikelegacy
    Dec 13, 12:23 PM
    We can all dream right? I hope to god this is true. I need better service. To me, it'd be worth the $200 termination fee...

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  • laptop flower wallpapers.

  • acslater017
    Mar 28, 05:28 PM
    Before it was sooo.... hard. My wrist still hurts from dragging one single file to the Applications folder. Oh, and I just love having to pay sales tax on the apps. :rolleyes:

    I don't hate the Mac App store, I just don't think it should be a factor in the award. With that said, its Apples award and they can do as they please with it, including making acceptance of onerous terms a prerequisite to compete.

    Respectfully, I think you're missing the point. In its totality, installing an app is more like:

    1) Google or otherwise search for an app. Make sure its the Mac version, compatible with your OS version, processor, etc. There probably won't be any reviews, more like select quotes from people who liked it.
    2) IF you trust that website, fill out your credit card information, PayPal account, etc.
    3) Download it and do the process you described for installing.
    4) If you need to re-install the app, buy a new computer, etc. hope that the company allows you to re-download it.
    5) If you have a good/bad experience, good luck reviewing it or rating it.

    I'm a pretty tech-savvy guy and I still appreciate the ease of the Mac App Store.

    wallpapers flowers. Flower Wallpapers
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  • gugy
    Aug 8, 12:15 PM
    I have an old 23" monitor and it's flawless.
    I heard about people having issues, but I guess I am a lucky guy.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 4, 01:52 PM
    So when I talk to my 28 year old son in law school, it becomes a different issue. He's a 3L in the thick of things seeing "both" sides of everything, without any moral consideration, and his conservative leanings tend to buy the myth that unions and "liberals" are anti-business. He can talk the liberal argument, because he may have to one day, but his conservative bias is hard to break. I wish him all the best, always, but God help us should he ever make the bench anywhere. ;)

    All anyone has to remember in a liberal vs conservative discussion is one simple fact: There has been no law ever initiated by conservatives to help working class citizens. All of these ideas- min wage, child labor laws, max hours per week, workplace safety, etc, all spring from liberal thinking, because liberals give a damn. Conservatives as a rule are too worried about who might take their hard earned money. You know the "sorry we just can't afford it" argument.

    wallpapers flowers. wallpaper flowers.
  • wallpaper flowers.

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 29, 04:00 PM
    1. Dang, I liked the sliders. Wish Apple would set an option in the system preferences to enable/disable them.

    My bet is that you'll get sliders if you use it on a touch screen based mac which we all know are coming.

    wallpapers flowers. desktop wallpaper flowers.
  • desktop wallpaper flowers.

  • Arip
    Sep 25, 06:37 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."

    Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:

    1. Use the straightening tool.

    2. Try to rotate it 180.

    3. Use the patch tool.

    Let us know what you find.


    nothing strange happend

    http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/9180/picture2jz1.th.png (http://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture2jz1.png)

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  • kcmac
    Mar 28, 05:39 PM
    Apple does not offer all of its own apps in the app store. Is Final Cut Studio in the app store?

    This requirement will have two effects

    (1) make the award irrelevant because everyone will know that the best apps were not even in the race and
    (2) Shows that Apple is greedy by asking others to do what they don't.
    At least now we know office 2011 won't be under consideration.

    wallpapers flowers. Flower Wallpapers
  • Flower Wallpapers

  • cal6n
    May 2, 10:47 AM
    Google's approach is completely different. When phones running the Google OS detect any wireless network, they beam its MAC, ssid, signal strength and GPS coordinates to Google servers, along with the unique ID of the handset.

    You can check if any androids have reported your home network to google by inputting your router's MAC here:


    wallpapers flowers. flowers pictures wallpapers.
  • flowers pictures wallpapers.

  • DeathChill
    May 3, 11:34 PM
    But have you actually *touched* the internet before? Browsing the internet is a really magical experience on the iPad. ;)

    I touched the Internet before. I got charged. :(

    wallpapers flowers. flower desktop wallpaper
  • flower desktop wallpaper

  • Applejuiced
    Apr 22, 09:02 PM
    Working on the IE issues.


    Thank you.
    On the iPhone safari browser it works fine.

    wallpapers flowers. Tags: Flowers Wallpaper
  • Tags: Flowers Wallpaper

  • Macnoviz
    Oct 11, 06:55 AM
    It may kill the first iteration of the Zune, but MS has stated it�s a multiple years effort � they acknowledge it�s going to be hard to beat the iPod bastion, and if at all possible it will take time. But, I suspect Apple have plenty of different prototypes in their labs, ready to be launched to complement new market demands.

    And of course, multiple years effort is eufemism for pumping billions of dollars into the Zune withouth making profit until the market is flooded, and then abusing the monopoly.

    Oh no, there goes the market

    Apr 29, 02:43 PM
    And I'll take this any day over Windows.

    so, u'd let steve jobs decide what u can and can't do with your computer? thats kinda sad ...

    Whew!! They also brought Safari's "Drag Image to Desktop to save Image File" back in this Preview Build. :D

    In previous Lion Builds, dragging an image to the desktop resulted in a Safari Link file to the Image's location on the web.

    this got already fixed with the last update tho

    Apr 3, 08:43 PM
    Sorry to hear it didn't get better at this point... I was hoping to hear that they busted down the door to find some idiot teenagers playing on the console.

    I'm surprised the police have gone down this far with you over the matter. It's at least refreshing to know that they would attempt to find the item. My roommate in college got his laptop stolen and they were pretty damn apathetic.

    They went to the house and a lady answered the door. She was more than willing to let the police in to search the place. After searching, they came up with nothing. Not even a single game, controller, anything. The house is a rental house. The guy with the pawn record had moved out two months ago. His lease was up December 31st and this new lady had moved in during January.

    Apr 15, 01:11 PM
    LOL at the perspective on the text in the 3rd photo. :D


    Sep 28, 04:25 PM
    I do love the pocket door idea.

    I wonder if he will have a glass spiral staircase?

    Apr 8, 06:20 AM
    I got http://m.UploadEdit.com/b92/45298487.gif'd recently and this one arrived at my doorstep today.

    These just died, after giving me a whopping 23 days of usage:
    I'm wondering why the Magic Mouse comes with batteries intended for Canada (http://data.energizer.com/PDFs/AX91.PDF), though.

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