Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car

Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia delta s4 rally car
  • Lancia delta s4 rally car

  • stompy
    Apr 14, 03:36 PM
    , are you sure? free, (almost) trouble free,
    Agreed. All the little things add up quickly.

    I like to do is to come in here and be reminded of some of the misconceptions I had when I first started switching over 5 years ago.

    Yep. People often confuse bias with knowledge. I'm guilty as well.

    We all know how Macs look nowadays (iMac, Mini, Macbooks, etc) and with the possible exception of the Mac Pro, none of them look much like the 1990s era Mac Quadra 800. Meanwhile, if you want to see something that looks like this today, it's readily available from Dell, HP, and half a dozen other "mini tower" PC makers. Wow.

    My company just replaced a co-worker dead desktop with this:


    Well, it's utilitarian. Some would argue that they want a computer, not a sculpture. Ok, but there are reasons behind every object designed. This object says "cheap. cheap. cheap."

    That ancient form factor is one thing I don't miss after switching. It's like somebody on the PC side hit the "pause" button when they got their 1994 mini tower PC design completed and all these years later still I see more mini towers than any other PC form factor but I see very few Macs with this ancient form factor.

    At the end of your post, you mention needs and tastes and I must admit that industrial design figures prominently in my tastes since switching to Apple gear. Even if the OS were equal (which they are not), I want stuff that doesn't take up more room than necessary, isn't noisier or hotter than necessary and looks good.

    On a checklist, those things don't seem like much, but I agree: when you put it on your desk, it all matters (some things, obviously, more than others).

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Delta S4 Group B Rally Car
  • Delta S4 Group B Rally Car

  • dante@sisna.com
    Sep 12, 06:34 PM
    Except the quality just won't be there yet with this device. As everyone runs out to buy flat screen TVs this year and next, they're going to get home and want to play iTunes movies only to be completely dismayed by the 640x480 content/quality. 4:3 resolution, yuck :confused:

    I know it's 802.11 and certainly features an HDMI out, but streaming 720p HD TV takes about 480 Mbps of bandwith, according to Ars:http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060906-7681.html Even 802.11n would have trouble with an uncompressed 720p signal, so quality will most likely be compromised as streaming video is increasingly compressed.

    I'm happy to ditch Comcast's 25 shopping channels, in favor of a paid siubscription model, but I'm guessing that the cable & satellite companies are going to do HD a heck of a lot better than Apple.

    Actually, HDMI allows the display (TV, monitor,etc) to decrypt and decode the HD content at full resolution. That means the content is still encrypted even after leaving a PC, iTV, etc. so you can't copy it.

    Without HDMI, signals are reduced to Standard Def. For copy-protection reasons, HD signals never leave any compliant device - players and monitors alike - meaning no key, no HD.

    So, without HDMI, even HD-DVD discs on an xbox, for example, will only look as good as DVDs because the hardware is programmed to reduce the resolution to SD.

    I think Apple will have a wireless solution out to handle the streaming content: if not, that is what Gigabit ethernet is for on the device. Home Theatre enthusiasts will gladly string cat 5 cable for this: most homes in the past 8 years are wired for this anyway.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia+delta+s4+replica
  • Lancia+delta+s4+replica

  • awmazz
    Mar 14, 12:07 AM
    I sure as hell would not want wind turbines on the roof of houses. The noise from them would drive me insane.

    The small ones, like satellites dishes. You can buy them at Jaycar.


    Pretty much like a weather vein or TV aerial. Provides a couple of hundred watts at 24V or 12V. I was thinking about one for if there is ever a blackout (ie a drunk hitting a power pole, it's happened) instead of needing a petrol generator.

    Every home generating 500W of their own wind power with one of these little things on their roof in a city of Los Angeles with a million homes = 500,000,000 watts. As well as a solar panel at 500W too is up to a billion watts not required from any central power source.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. The Delta S4 was one of the
  • The Delta S4 was one of the

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 04:34 PM
    Originally posted by TheFink

    One point you are missing is that I can upgrade my PC 5 times over and still have the cost be lower than buying a new Mac. So a mac can run modern apps 5 years later. For the same price, I can get a PC, drop a new HD, video card, and CPU in a few years later and then end up with a leading edge PC, and not a bleading edge mac. My B&W G3 isn't even upgradable to the speeds of the current iMacs. With a PC a new mobo and CPU will get me into whatever is the current CPU class....

    Very ture. For better or wose, that is what happens when you get locked into a single vendor that sells proprietary hardware *or* software.... just look at Sun :)

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. An exemplar of Lancia Delta S4
  • An exemplar of Lancia Delta S4

  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 01:18 PM
    Can we talk about Greenpeace's environmental track record for a minute?

    - They mourn the millions of gallons of gasoline burned by cars, but refuse to support diesel fuel, which, while slightly more polluting than gas, is nearly twice as efficient, meaning collective fuel consumption would be cut dramatically.

    - They champion E85, which provides only about 70% of the efficiency of gas and requires nearly a gallon of gas to manufacture per gallon of E85.

    - Ditto the above for hydrogen-based fuels.

    - They've indirectly caused the deaths of thousands of starving Africans by preventing the development of genetically-engineered foods.

    So who is Greenpeace accountable to?

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 Early
  • Lancia Delta S4 Early

  • alcaponek
    Apr 20, 05:18 PM
    It looks to me like they are waiting for the 2nd generation of LTE chips to implement it, arent they due to September as I heard somewhere ?

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. lancia-delta-hf-integrale-
  • lancia-delta-hf-integrale-

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 02:01 PM
    Please demonstrate specific Islamic principles to this then.

    A woman's witness is worth half of a man's: [6]

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car
  • Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car

  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 28, 09:47 AM
    Almost all of that is due to the iPad. They had around 4% of the global market for computers last year.

    Do some research. Globally Apple passed 7% last year.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia+delta+s4+rally+car+
  • Lancia+delta+s4+rally+car+

  • Play Ultimate
    Sep 12, 04:25 PM
    I just hope Apple isn't going totally consumer and forgetting the computers!

    They just released a new 24" iMac last week and updated the others.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car  85
  • Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car 85

  • Huntn
    Apr 25, 12:30 PM
    Absolutely correct. It is irrelevant because it is unknowable so let's not pretend or imagine or try to know the unknowable. Let's live our lives in peace.

    This takes responsibility away from what God would want, to what we think is right. I believe this to be a more realistic approach.

    I certainly feel that most atheists are what I would call agnostic atheists. They lack belief in a god but leave the question of such a being existing either open and yet to be proved or unknowable and, therefore, pointless to contemplate. Only a so-called gnostic atheist would say they have seen sufficient evidence to convince them there is no god and I have not seen to many of them in my travels. It's more likely that they have yet to see sufficient evidence so, while they do not specifically believe in his existence, they cannot categorically deny it either. The blurry line between atheism and agnosticism is fairly crowded, I think.

    It's easy "don't believe" as contrast to "don't know". I think it's a very important distinction for some Atheists who go beyond the "unknown" position into a more definitive negative view regarding deities. The problem as I see it is it is not so much that a deity may exist, it's all the purported rules and regs associated with said deity that makes it easy to cast doubt.

    You've just made good points, Huntn. I'm sure that many, maybe even most, people have much the same knee-jerk reaction you have. I pointed out som distinctions, though, because nowadays, when many think unclearly, the ignore those distinctions. Each time I hear someone say "I feel" when he should say "I believe" or "I think," the phrase "I feel" reminds me of subjectivism.

    Someone here, Lord Blackadder, I think, told me that I didn't understand the "pluralistic society" idea. I do understand it, and I know that many people disagree with me on many topics. I'm willing to learn from others. I even suspect that my false beliefs outnumber my true ones. But if disagreement among people proves anything, it proves that some people hold some false beliefs. If I believe that there's a God and you believe that there's no God, one of us is wrong. Today too many talk as though the freedom to believe what one wants to believe is more important than the truth.

    Sure, it's often better to say "I don't know" rather than "I don't believe" because most people probably haven't learned the distinctions I've described. On the other hand, although knowing that a belief is true implies believing that it's true, believing that it's true doesn't imply knowing that it's true. If believing always implied knowing, everyone would be all-knowing.

    Say I've deluded myself into believing that my honorary Brian is still living when he is, in fact, already dead. No one is helping me by saying that "Brian is still alive" is true for Bill but not for Brian's family." If I were deluded, the longer my delusion lasted, the more painful my disillusionment would be. I want to know the truth, even if it's unpleasant.

    The problem is that the concept of God is subjective. And if any God exists, then 1)It is a horrible communicator or 2) It does not really care because if it did, it would rely on more than ancient scripts, and it would take more care to ensure those scripts were accurate. (They don't appear accurate to me).

    We exist, there may be an afterlife. I really do hope there is a spiritual plane where consciousness may continue. And there maybe judgement but these are huge IFs mostly based on our desire that there is more to life than our meager existence on this planet.

    For fun please judge this statement: God can't prove its existence. If anyone disagrees, what real proof would be required? I'm not talking about those very subjective "feelings". ;)

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car  85
  • Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car 85

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 24, 08:02 PM
    Archbishop Silvano Tomasi said the Roman Catholic Church deeply believed that human sexuality was a gift reserved for married heterosexual couples. But those who express these views are faced with "a disturbing trend," he said.

    He may find a "disturbing trend", but I would characterize it as "social progress".

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 rally car
  • Lancia Delta S4 rally car

  • spicyapple
    Oct 25, 11:18 PM
    HDV render = 60% on every core. WTF?
    What type of filters are you applying? Perhaps the plug-in hasn't been optimized for multiple cores.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car.
  • Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car.

  • beaster
    Sep 12, 06:49 PM
    Just because you can't see the difference between 480p and 720p doesn't mean that other people can't. I think this distinction is like night and day, but quality is subjective, I'll give you that.

    DVD = 480i, not 480p.


    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 - RAC Rally
  • Lancia Delta S4 - RAC Rally

  • spicyapple
    Sep 20, 12:46 AM
    The hard drive (if not used as DVR) will likely be used as temporary storage buffer. So if you buy a movie off iTS, it automatically streams to iTV and saved to the hard drive until you consume it.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car
  • Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car

  • cambox
    Apr 13, 01:03 PM
    So basically what you are saying is that you are a two bit hack and a kid with just an ounce of creativity can easily replace you because any kid can afford a $300 program, whereas a $900 one keeps them artificially out of the game.

    The really ironic thing about your post is that FCP 1.0 was a cost revolution itself bringing video editing to he masses for really the first time ever, which you took advantage of. Now that Apple is doing it again and you are at risk you seemingly outraged.

    Try and get your facts right before spouting off and obviously you are no pro app user. Premier was before FCP and FCP was taken from premier as the person who built FCP was the same. Premier was the first cost revolution not FCP.1 as Macs didn't sell many at that point. It stands to reason that if you dilute something in price it will then be worth less, and in business you need a premium product to keep your head above water.. Its all very well Apple releasing garage band as this is ment for kids and individuals to play around with and when or if they decide to go and pursue this for a career they can up sell them to Logic or Pro Tools etc. This is a huge step up for that route, but what I am saying is this: If everyone has the same tools then how can it be called a pro app? The new FCP is pretty much based on Imovie and for those who dont except that try and use them both together and then you will see.

    Take the Red camera.. this could sell for 5k and everyone would have one, so why would you pay a daily rate of $1500 to have someone use a camera that only costs $5k? Wake up and smell the coffee but as your post indicates you dont live in the real world as companies will pay more for something they feel is better than it really is. Its simple business logic and psychology. Companies pay a premium for a professional using professional gear not an app you download from the app store.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Martini Lancia Delta S4
  • Martini Lancia Delta S4

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 24, 12:36 PM
    If you strike a bias and confrontational tone, you get one in return. ;)

    And people wonder why PRSI conversations revolve in endless circles, rehashing the same tired subject matter...

    I don't think I did and that certainly is not what I got in return.

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. 1985 Lancia Delta S4 PHOTOS
  • 1985 Lancia Delta S4 PHOTOS

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:53 AM
    More hate from the god squad. :rolleyes:

    So true. And yet I am always told Christianity is all about loving one's neighbour… (as long as you don't covet his ass, I guess).

    Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
    Looking at that list, heaven is gonna be a tad empty…

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car 1985
  • Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car 1985

  • faroZ06
    May 2, 10:20 PM
    Unchecking a single box isn't justification for switching browsers. If you don't like Safari, fine. But this isn't a reason for anyone to leave Safari.

    Yeah. I actually like Safari way more than anything else because of all of the features and integration with Mac OS X that Firefox and Chrome lack. Also, Chrome hogs RAM, and Firefox takes a while to start. Don't even talk about IE :rolleyes:

    And for me Firefox seems MORE bloated, but I haven't really run any tests. I've tested Chrome just to respond to eMails from my friend, a Google fanboy, about Chrome being "faster". :D

    Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car. Lancia Delta S4 (1985)
  • Lancia Delta S4 (1985)

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 09:01 PM
    As I understand it, the issue of using music in your wedding video has nothing to do with breaking DRM, but instead with violating copyright. Even you get the music off of a CD, it would still be illegal.

    That was a poor example, I admit. The wedding video situation is fairly complicated, depending on whether you're selling the video (which doesn't seem to be the case) and on the manner in which the song is used. If the song is played in the background by a DJ and it winds up in your video, there's not really an issue. Putting it in in the editing process would fall under fair use for private viewing, but because it's something you're sending out, I can't say off the top of my head whether this is also fair use. You are protected under the law for making mix tapes and CDs, even if you give them away in small numbers. If you make a wedding video and send out two or three copies, I believe this is still considered private viewing. If you send out the video to more than a handful of wedding guests, then you are redistributing and have to obtain permission.

    May 2, 06:37 PM
    After seeing at least two posters refer to this as a "virus", I'm sitting here doing a face palm. One more "it's a virus" comment and I'm moving up to the double face palm...

    Actually there are at least five posters adding to the confusion by promulgating such ignorance. I've added maclaptop, turbobass, ElCidRo, campingsk8er, ciTiger to my permanent "ignore" list from this one thread alone.

    Sep 12, 06:39 PM
    The HDD space worries me a little. I'm betting they'll offer different versions with $299 being the entry level model with the smallest hard drive. More space will come on higher priced sets. But the harddisk size is something I'm a little concerned about. Does anyone know if it was mentioned wether movies bought can be transfered to another harddrive for safekeeping, or something along those lines?

    I don't think the box will have local storage per-se. - it isn't advertised (yet) as a DVR. It's more like the Elgato EyeHome as it streams content stored on your computer. So the HD issue will be on the computer.

    Mar 15, 09:19 PM
    A cold comfort considering it is now already thought to be close to a level 6 incident on the INES scale. :(

    Yes, you're right, it's still unstable and still has the potential to become a real disaster. I was more working from the angle that this is the result of a truly devastating natural disaster: a real freak of nature. Calling the safety of nuclear energy in general into question on the back of it is silly.

    Apr 21, 08:46 AM
    Yeah, I wonder that too sometimes.

    Jul 12, 10:08 AM
    I'm still wondering why not both - Xeon Woody in pairs for the top of the line Quad and Conroe in the mid and low Core 2 Duo models. I can't see Apple spending all that extra money to support two cores from one Woody when it will cost them a lot less to use Conroe and a Conroe motherboard for the same two core performance. Can you?

    I expect MacBook Pros will get Merom ASAP up to 2.33 GHz and that mini and MacBooks will go Merom later by January at the latest only 2GHz max.

    because the price difference is not that much and it saves apple more on design/engineering/testing/support ect. it makes great financial sense to consolidate your product line into one platform.

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