Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vauxhall 30 98

Vauxhall 30 98. Vauxhall 30/98, 4398cc,
  • Vauxhall 30/98, 4398cc,

  • myamid
    Sep 12, 06:35 PM
    Just because you can't see the difference between 480p and 720p doesn't mean that other people can't. I think this distinction is like night and day, but quality is subjective, I'll give you that.

    Ok, I didn't see I didn't see it... but It's not enough to warrant 4GB extra download for a iTunes purchase... Let's put it that way :)

    I'd take VERY good 480p versus mediocre 720p any day.
    I apply that standard even today for HD DVD / BluRay... Movies in those 2 formats right now DO NOT warrant the extra expenditure... HD sure... on paper, but in practice, it's still not all it's cracked up to be.

    On a sidenote, don't get me wrong, I can barely stand watching SD channels on TV these days... You get used to HD really quick... But I don't think the download/streaming market is "right" for HD content...

    Vauxhall 30 98. 1924 Vauxhall 30-98
  • 1924 Vauxhall 30-98

  • jefhatfield
    Oct 8, 12:12 PM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac
    These test that this guy puts up are crap! The Athlon is overclocked to be a 2100+, none of the systems have the most current OS. I personally have seen great variations in his tests over the years, and personally, I don't buy it. Why test for single processor functions? The Dual is a DUAL! All of the major Apps are dual aware, as is the OS!

    Try that with XP Home.

    i don't think there is an easy way to test a mac vs a pc for speed issues

    but overall, i like barefeats and i think those tests give one a general idea of what a machine can do and are not specifically one hundred percent accurate all the time in the tests

    sometimes magazine comparisons between two pc machines are not equally matched in terms of ram, video card, etc...

    one thing is certain, the athlon is faster than the duron, the pentium 4 is faster than the celeron, and the G4 is faster (in photoshop) than the G3...but beyond that, it is hard to get a perfect reading

    my overclocked 2 cents;)

    Vauxhall 30 98. Vauxhall 30-98 Velox,
  • Vauxhall 30-98 Velox,

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 25, 12:32 PM
    You misspeak and mischaracterize.

    This is a thread on the Vatican correct? So far as I know, the Vatican is the leadership hierarchy for the Catholic Church. Please correct me if that's not right.

    A conservative member of this board has already narrowed the discussion from "hate" to "specific acts of violence linked diretly to the catholic church". A distinction that gives a massive amount of "stretch" and eliminates things like a Roman Catholic pastor in Texas comparing homosexuals to rapists or Mexican catholic priests fomenting hate in the wake of a same-sex marriage bill. And yet we are working within his narrowed definition.

    I can't and don't speak for that member. I've already presented my views on why I think that speech is different from physical acts.

    Vauxhall 30 98. lt;pgt;Vauxhall 30-98 of Paul
  • lt;pgt;Vauxhall 30-98 of Paul

  • entatlrg
    Apr 24, 11:55 AM
    It's just another way of the 'stronger minded' to power and control the 'weaker minded' in the world. That's it.

    Vauxhall 30 98. 1921 Vauxhall 30/98 E Type 4
  • 1921 Vauxhall 30/98 E Type 4

  • henrikrox
    Apr 20, 08:56 PM
    Ive had macs sine the late 90's, ipad, all iphones etc.

    But this summer im getting the galaxy s2. But i like to customize stuff. I feel the iphone is generic. Everyone is the same with a different background.

    I feel they can do so much more with their os. And yes apple fanboys will say just wait for ios 5.0. Problem is we have this disucussion last year to.

    Also with honeycomb android actually made a tablet os. I hate that theipad is just a scaled version of the iphone os. Use the screenspace.

    Dont get me wrong. I love apple. But they have their shortcomings. Dunno why the iphone 5 (rumors) will get delayed. Then android will get a surge the next months.

    Also i feel sorry for those who are mindeless zombies and just buy whatever the company makes. That goes for both parts ofcourse.

    I jusr love the open feel of android. Play a 1080p mkv if i want. Download torrrnts. File system. Widgets, cusromaztion. And i love the apple ecosystem, just not how closed the experienced gets.

    I just hope we can respect people for having different taste, and jusr enjoy our purchase. And dont pick on eachother

    Vauxhall 30 98. Vauxhall 30-98 sorted out.
  • Vauxhall 30-98 sorted out.

  • fpnc
    Mar 18, 06:31 PM
    But can a user be considered to be a party to that agreement if they have not used iTunes to access the store - does the purchasing process still involve an agreement approval stage using this software? Presumably not.

    Why don't you try it and find out? :)

    Vauxhall 30 98. 1921 Vauxhall 30/98 E type rad
  • 1921 Vauxhall 30/98 E type rad

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 05:36 AM
    As sassy as that sounds- I am quite serious. :) I know, you wouldn't have got so far if you weren't serious.

    Vauxhall 30 98. The-Blueprints.com - Blueprints gt; Cars gt; Vauxhall gt; Vauxhall 30-98 Wensum
  • The-Blueprints.com - Blueprints gt; Cars gt; Vauxhall gt; Vauxhall 30-98 Wensum

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 06:28 PM
    It has nothing to do with being a "fanboy". It has to do with facts.

    100% bullcrap. I just waded through this god-awful thread and almost every single post that said anything positive about Windows in any way, shape or form (truth or nonsense alike) got zapped with negative votes. Anything that contradicted the idea that OSX is 100% safe and that there's no possibility of any kind of malware got zapped with negative votes. Any time anyone says anything against Apple or Steve Jobs or any feature that someone doesn't like about either OSX or hardware offerings from Apple (no matter how true), it gets zapped by the usual suspects. You don't need a flipping degree in rocket science to make that observation dude. But then you ARE one of the usual suspects, so I shouldn't be shocked.

    Here's a great example of 100% BS from YOU. A claim was made about 100 million Mac users and growing. A guy replied with proof that the number of OSX users is currently 50 million. Here's your reply:

    That's Mac OS X installed base, not the installed base of Macs, as I said. Mac OS X is not the only Mac OS out there. Reading comprehension is fun!

    You are clearly implying that the 'other' 50 MILLION "Macs" out there are pre-OSX (i.e. OS9 or earlier). And don't tell me you meant "iOS" devices as they are not "Macs" and your reply specifically says Macs.

    That is just a laughing crock of BS it's just unbelievable. For god's sake man, you are telling me that there are JUST AS MANY OS9 and earlier Mac users out there as current OSX users?????? REALLY?????????? WTF!? Man, why isn't Chrome offered for OS9 if there's so many OS9 users out there? Firefox and Google alike declined to even offer it for PPC users because their statistics showed only a tiny percentage of active users even show up at their sites using PPC (let alone OS9!) and yet you want me to believe HALF of all current Mac users are using something other than OSX. I can smell that BS from a thousand miles away dude. WTF should anyone believe anything you say ever when you post such obvious BS on here?

    If that's not a prime example of fanboy DRIVEL and the total biased slant against everything that isn't Apple/Mac around here, I don't know WTF is. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    The report I read in 2009 stated "OSX" users went from 25 million in 2007 (including a lot of PPC users who have since dumped their machines because they are not terribly useful or have upgraded, which is 1:1, not an increase) to 75 million but the article specifically said it included iPhone and iPod Touch devices, which aren't Macs (iOS is derived from OSX, but it's not quite the same thing and they aren't called Macs). 50 million is a fair estimate, IMO for actual active Macs. It's certainly nowhere near 100 million without iOS devices.

    In any case, SOME of us don't give a crap about Apple Vs. Microsoft. I don't like EITHER company. I use whatever computer and OS suits me. Right now I have more OSX computers than Windows/Linux, but I use all three. That could change in the future, particularly IF Apple at some point decides to make OSX closed like iOS. But the point is I hate fanatical BS around here. This is not the Mac Advocate Forums, but some days I'd never guess it. I come here for news and rumors and I wish useful discussion, but I see more arguments over STUPID BS than I'd care to see and it gets OLD.

    Vauxhall 30 98. 1921 Vauxhall 30-98 E429
  • 1921 Vauxhall 30-98 E429

  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 10:17 AM
    Um, they're everywhere. Statistics show gays have higher incomes. Gays are 3% of the population, yet you can't name a single new show on TV in the past few years that doesn't have at least one gay character.

    They're doing fine, and I find it hard to believe kids aren't already seeing examples of that on the internet.

    Sorry, but I have to disagree (respectfully) there. You bet; theres plenty of Will and Grace examples of successful Gays. Thats like saying Seth Rogan is a beacon of hope to fat Jewish kids everywhere (coming from one..well, not fat anymore). :D

    When you're a gay kid who doesn't fit into the archetypal-media gay role...its hard to find those examples of normalcy. Theres so many gay kids out there that want to be Doctors, Firefighters, Soldiers, CS Engineers...etc. No different from any other kid.

    Vauxhall 30 98. lt;pgt;Beautiful Vauxhall 30 98 on
  • lt;pgt;Beautiful Vauxhall 30 98 on

  • Mord
    Jul 12, 05:57 PM
    This is no longer the case Hector , same CPU , same stupid Intel Chipset , a custom design Mac Mobo is no different from an Asus / DFI / MSI board , in a sense they are all customized however all derived from the same chipset. So this make no difference other then small tweaks apple might make , just like the other vendors make thiers through bios updates. Apple is not going to get a custom Core 2 /Xenon , aside from the case / mainboard / OSX , there is nothing in a mac i can't buy on newegg.

    each motherboard uses it's own caps, chips, fets, IO controllers, port config, firmware ect, if you think asus ect just magically get a design from intel and print them off your patently wrong, allot of work goes into designing a motherboard all intel does is provide a north and southbridge. i'm not saying apple is all that different with their choice of parts (though they do tend to make more educated choices) it's more the fact that they have to choose parts and design the boards which will end up vasty different if they have both a conroe and woodcrest mac pro.

    go take courses in electronics/computer science/cisco certs/apple certs/buissness then come back when you actually know anything rather than making stupid assumptions.

    do you even think at all when you post, you spurt BS to prove a point i was not contesting.

    we start out argueing weather mac users are acting snooty about conroe, now your talking about how you can buy the same parts that will go in a mac pro and to that i say "whoppty do"

    anyway to get back OT, the point is that conroe makes no sense for apple to use in the mac pro, woodcrest is only slightly more expensive and even cheaper when you consider the 3GHz version compared to the extreme edition conroe, though i'd like an all quad line they will probably have a single dual core tower but it still makes sense to keep it using woodcrest due to economies of scale, that 50 bucks to so saved is more than made back up on logic board design, support, education of technicians and the costs of having separate production lines.

    Vauxhall 30 98. vauxhall-30-98-wensum
  • vauxhall-30-98-wensum

  • rickdollar
    Apr 13, 12:57 AM
    I need more information before I can form an opinion about this.

    Sorry, this is MacRumors. No rational statements are allowed. It's in the rules.

    Vauxhall 30 98. 1921 Vauxhall E Type 30-98.
  • 1921 Vauxhall E Type 30-98.

  • R.Perez
    Mar 14, 02:17 AM
    I understand your point abut Japan.

    You're facts about solar and wind are both wrong, and I think you dismiss "bogus green technology" too quickly. That said, I still get what you are saying about Japan.

    However, I think this thread applies more to Europe, and EVEN more so to the US. In the US we have 5% of the worlds population and use well over 30% of the worlds energy. We also have an abundance of space, and countless amounts of aging infrastructure that needs investment anyway. The US is actually in a very good position to switch towards much more renewable energy while at the same time, upgrading our aging infrastructure. That said, what we lack is the political will and political capital to actually push such initiatives.

    Nuclear is not a necessity in the US like it MAY (I say may because I am skeptical but will take your word for it) be in Japan, and I think the current crisis going on there should make us seriously stop and think for a minute. The combination of wind, solar, tidal and geo-thermal could be quite effective here. Especially when you start consider the option of offshore wind farms which they have already approved in some parts of the NE.

    Vauxhall 30 98. Vauxhall 30/98, Dick Nicholson
  • Vauxhall 30/98, Dick Nicholson

  • pkson
    Apr 13, 12:05 AM
    Anytime FCP is brought up there's a *body part* measuring *stuff*storm about who's "professional" and who's not.

    Who gives a cuss?

    I think bringing down the price makes it within reach of students and hobbyists which might miff some "pros" but old editing hardware/software is... old. Just because someone has had experience in obsolete tools doesn't ever make the person "better."

    The pros should be the ones welcoming a change in old/complex UI. Better UI results in a better workflow, resulting in a better final product. That's the point, isn't it? Isn't that why the unveiling received a standing ovation from a bunch of pros?

    Computing has come to a point where most previous sophisticated tasks have become easily accessible. I personally think all these advancements should be embraced and not shunned.

    Oh, btw and FCPX looks awesome!

    Editing can start immediately during importing of AVCHD and other media, switches silently to local media as it ingests
    Uses every available cpu cycle to keep things rendered. Also highly scalable. Will even work on a Macbook
    No interruption for rendering. No transcoding, EVERYTHING native. (incl DSLR footage–assume this means AVC)
    These features look like a real time saver and workflow streamliner! I, for one, am probably gonna buy it.

    Vauxhall 30 98. Vintage Vauxhall 30 / 98 at
  • Vintage Vauxhall 30 / 98 at

  • ReanimationLP
    Oct 14, 03:38 PM
    Wow, the Quad Xeon is the Pentium D all over again!

    The Quad Xeon is two Dual Xeons glued together, and the Pentium D was two Pentium 4s glued together.

    Its still faster than the Dual Xeons, but it isnt as good as it can be.

    Vauxhall 30 98. 1921 Vauxhall 30/98 E Type
  • 1921 Vauxhall 30/98 E Type

  • deus_ex_machina
    Apr 21, 04:40 AM
    I live in a country of excess. Excuse me if I don't weep at night because Kanye West or Lil Wayne are missing out on my $1+ for their songs.

    If an artist isn't mainstream, I'll gladly pay for their music to support it. But since my musical tastes tend to gravitate towards major artists, I don't think twice when I torrent their albums.

    No worries gwangung - anyone who admits to listening to Lil Wayne isn't worth your time lol

    Vauxhall 30 98. Vauxhall gt; Vauxhall 30 98
  • Vauxhall gt; Vauxhall 30 98

  • GGJstudios
    May 4, 10:33 AM
    Did you read about this solution on Apple web site? Not everybody reads MacRumors.
    If you Google "Mac Defender" you'll run across any number of sites that will tell you the same thing: Don't install it and remove it from your system. You don't need to be a MR forums reader to find that out. After all, the information about the threat didn't originate from this site, and neither did the solution.

    Vauxhall 30 98. 1925 Vauxhall 30/98 Wensum
  • 1925 Vauxhall 30/98 Wensum

  • Thanatoast
    Sep 20, 03:16 PM
    Why in the world are so many people complaining about the lack of a DVR and DVD?

    In the case of the DVR, what the heck are you people watching? The last time I saw cable (Dish Network) there were over two hundred channels, and not one thing I wanted to see. I'd much rather pay for a season pass for the one or two shows worth watching than around $60 for cable + Tivo every month.

    Yes, I know, that puts me outside the norm. But I can use the time to read a book, cook a good meal, or go running/work out. All better uses of time than sitting in front of entertainment programing that is 1/3 ads and 2/3 not worth watching.

    As for the DVD player issue, Apple wants you to buy your movies from them. They neither need nor want a DVD player on this device. If you already own a movie on DVD, rip it for goodness' sake. Large collections of DVD's look impressive, but really all they do is take up space.

    My conclusion: drop the cable + Tivo - save money, time and brain cells. Only watch the content you're willing to pay for rather than letting Hollywood/Madison Ave shove whatever they wish down your throat while you slowly vegetate.


    Vauxhall 30 98. 1921 Vauxhall 30-98 (M Parkin)
  • 1921 Vauxhall 30-98 (M Parkin)

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 02:22 AM
    Oh really.
    Ok, tell me what's out there that can substitute on a professional level Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator.

    I am sure you don't work on the business, so you have no clue.

    A follow-up question: why the obsession with Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator? There are other apps out there as well. Why does it seem that about 105% of Mac-users are Photoshop-users as well (I bet that PhotoShop-users are in fact in the minority)? Everything related to Apple, OS X and Macs seem to boil down to "but what about PhotoShop?". Well, what about it?

    You are worried about the fact that Adobe's apps are not yet Universal? Fine, then don't buy a MacIntel. Problem solved.

    Vauxhall 30 98. engine in a Vauxhall 30-98
  • engine in a Vauxhall 30-98

  • jsw
    Mar 18, 03:01 PM
    It's actually a little shocking that it wasn't designed to do that in the first place!
    It's a lot easier to use the buyer's CPU to add DRM than to task the iTunes servers with doing it - so making the servers do it will cause Apple to either add more horsepower there or slow down iTunes' response times under load.

    Mar 18, 09:26 PM
    I think this program is great. It will make it a lot more convenient for people to play their music anywhere they like. DRM is one of the reasons (in addition the the crummy AAC format) I don't buy music from the iTunes music store. I like being able to play my music where *I* want; I don't want Apple/RIAA putting any restrictions on that.

    Apple OC
    Apr 24, 12:58 PM
    Why do you think the concept of the afterlife began? Because of fear of death.

    I do not believe it is the fear of death ... I have never met a religious person that spoke of the fear of death ... it is the afterlife that gets them all giddy.

    May 2, 04:18 PM
    Bravo, this is the funniest post ever.

    I bet there's a lot of fan bois with soiled underwear.

    Could it be true? Their perfect computers now quite vulnerable.

    Ya gotta love it...the slap of reality :) :) :)

    …and in come the Engadget trolls… ;)

    Reality check is that I make 75% of my part-time communications and IT work from Windows based systems, fixing errors, virus removal, bloatware, instaling third party software such as mail, photo and calendar apps (Office), configuring their WLAN to work properly, et al.

    My OS X work, mostly teaching people how to use OS X (Apple's One on One but without the noise and lack of experience from minimum wage "Creatives"). Funny how the switchers fall in love with OS X and never switch back to Windows.

    Not knocking it, I got W7 on one of my 6-Core Mac Pro SATA bays and it runs amazingly. Of course, some of this is due to the hardware and drivers supplied by Apple, making it seamless as opposed to writing code for a myriad of hardware profiles…

    Bottom line, both are good, but Windows would be better following Apple's lead in producing the hardware with the product, ensuring less compatibility issue and adopting EFI (Bios? REALLY?). Course this would mean millions of large businesses reinvesting in MS built hardware, and with MS's product quality/industrial design, I'm not betting on it...

    Apr 9, 07:49 PM
    I 'm waiting for Apple to BUY Nintendo.

    I'm hoping/expecting they're the next to get into the ring from a console standpoint and they've come out of nowhere to be sneaky good with the portable gaming.

    I'm a gamer and my original iPad had kept me surprisingly content since my Asus G71G-Q gaming notebook died (and I waited until it was out of warranty to finally send).

    Apr 28, 12:32 PM
    I'm sure if you rated all the companies on profit, Apple would be #1. Apple's margins are better.:)

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