Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rover 214 Cabriolet

Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet

  • r0k
    Apr 12, 01:47 PM
    1) Is there any better mac software equivalent to the one i listed that i use daily?

    2) Is the mac command line a full unix one, with same commands, etc? As i said i'm used to linux command line from managing my web servers, and if i can write shell scripts in mac, it could save me good time.

    Thanks for this nice thread that was very informative about the main differences/issues i'll find when switching over to Mac.

    If you felt confortable with Linux and its command line, Mac OS X should be no real change for you. Its command line interface is no different. If I remember right, Mac OS X's standard Shell is in bash, but you can change it to the many other popular shells that are used with Unix and linux and even install your own.

    Once you are using the shell program in OS X, you will find the not much has changed UNIX wise but remember that OS X is based on BSD and not linux so I guess there are some small (very small) differences.

    I agree completely. I went from Windows to Linux to OS X. Well not quite... I went from
    Windows + Linux
    Windows + Linux + OS X
    OS X + Linux.*
    (* with windows banished from the home network and only used on the stone knives and bearskins issued to (inflicted upon) me by my employer)

    During this time I found Linux and OS X to be similar and I don't bother thinking about switching from bash to csh or sh. I'm happy with bash. If I want to run a shell script, it always begins with #!/bin/sh so all the sh dependent shell scripts I've gotten used to, written and rewritten over the years work just fine.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet. rover 216
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet. rover 216

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 18, 08:24 AM
    I pour water over my head = Data through tethering

    Don't even get me started on how ridiculous that sounds.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet

  • divad1978
    Mar 18, 05:10 AM
    Option 3; STOP trying to cheat the system, and START using your iDevice the way the manufacturer designed it and the way your carrier supports it. (Is it unfair? YES! Are all of us iPhone users getting hosed, even though there's now two carriers? YES)

    And while you're at it, knock off the piracy with the napster/limewire/torrent crap.

    (Yeah, I said it! SOMEBODY had to!)

    You do realize the phone, aka the system, was designed to do this and that AT&T is going out of their way to charge people double for what they are paying for?

    It would be no different if your home ISP tacked on a $20+ charge each month for having a router at home.

    I'm waiting for the class action lawsuit as this is wrong. The service that people have bought is not somehow giving them more bandwidth or a higher amount of download data simply because they are tethering through the phone. The phone can only download so fast to begin with so any device you connect to it will still be limited.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. ROVER 200 214 Cabriolet
  • ROVER 200 214 Cabriolet

  • SandynJosh
    May 2, 06:37 PM
    After seeing at least two posters refer to this as a "virus", I'm sitting here doing a face palm. One more "it's a virus" comment and I'm moving up to the double face palm...

    Actually there are at least five posters adding to the confusion by promulgating such ignorance. I've added maclaptop, turbobass, ElCidRo, campingsk8er, ciTiger to my permanent "ignore" list from this one thread alone.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. rover 216 SE cabriolet 1600
  • rover 216 SE cabriolet 1600

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 15, 10:11 AM
    Why does bullying have to be attached to GLBT?

    I was never L, B, G, or T, and my 7th and 8th grade were a constant fist fight as I went from class to class... kinda cool, now that I look back at it. Never a dull moment.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. ROVER 214 CABRIOLET

  • Multimedia
    Oct 30, 09:27 AM
    Im definitely ready to upgrade to a new Mac Pro, top of the line..
    The fact that the OctoMac could be released anytime between Black Friday and MWSF is really making me anxious..

    I fear that they hold it till MW.. and I jump the gun and buy a Quad. I mean Im using a Powerbook 1.67.. and multi-tasking like crazy.. The upgrade is a must.. sometimes Im running Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Itunes, Azureus, After Effects all at the same time.. Obviously as soon as I render, coffee break!

    The quad would still kick ass.. Octo would pave the road ahead.

    Keeping my eyes peeled on any indication of the TBA Octo. :cool: Post 163 (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=2994404&postcount=163)

    Running a bunch of apps simultaneously and switching around is not a multi-threaded workload but is multi-tasking. The Multi-Threaded Workload is like when you start rendering in one, then switch to another and start rendering there, then switch to another and start crushing video, then switch to another and start crushing another video with the second application of two needed to get it down to high quality mp4 like for example how I use Toast followed by Handbrake to first create high quality DVD Images then crush those further to high quality mp4 with Handbrake's 2-pass FFmpeg encoder. Toast can use up to all 4 Quad Mac Pro cores and Handbrake can use almost 3. I hope to God they still function properly on the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro.

    This would not resemble the workflow you exercise with a 1.67GHz PowerBook G4. You would be doing things in quite a different way with 8-cores at your disposal. But it does depend on how much you want to use multi-threaded applications simultaneously and as warned above, that what you use will not fold in the face of reports to them that there are more than 4 cores on board due to software authoring mistakes.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Photos de CABRIOLET ROVER 214
  • Photos de CABRIOLET ROVER 214

  • strabes
    May 2, 04:05 PM
    I despise the "X is a file downloaded from the Internet" dialog introduced in SL. Really wish you could disable it.


    Basically just run this:
    defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover - 214 Cabriolet
  • Rover - 214 Cabriolet

  • Carl Spackler
    Sep 12, 04:29 PM
    Will it support third party codecs?
    Does it have an internal flash drive?
    Will I be able to order Music, TV shows and Movies using it?
    Do I need a separate computer to use it?

    So far, I'm not impressed. How's it different than a media extender?

    I don't know why it wouldn't. Isn't iTunes basically and interface for Quicktime? I would imagine anything one can play in QT, you can play through this.

    All it is is Apple's version of a media extender. I would, however, like an optical drive, but I can't see the price staying at $299 if they add Blu Ray. Otherwise, I think it's a fair price for a quality piece of equipment. Roku's SoundBridge M2000 is $299. For the same price I get to also sent 1080p content to my home theatre. Sign me up.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet.
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet.

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:23 PM
    The Christians who kill do not do so in the name of Christ, who would have been repulsed at their actions. It's not sanctioned anywhere in the Bible.Maybe not in the New Testament, but certainly in the Old.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. The 1996 Rover Cabriolet,
  • The 1996 Rover Cabriolet,

  • MattInOz
    Apr 20, 11:54 PM
    Outside of Apple's app and music apps, all other applications go into a saved state; i.e. not running in the background.

    Yes well sort of they can launch a task to complete background.
    They can keep a track of GPS co-ords. Ask to be woken based on events like distance or time, various location criteria, then ask to complete a task based on that wake up or to ask the user to make them key.

    For a skilled developer this limilted multi-tasking seems to have opened up lot of function that is useful to me as a user. While being respectful of my battery and more importantly what i want the processor to be doing.

    So I'm still confused as to what real world use advantage "Real" multitasking brings. I mean Android has it so there must be examples. What function do i miss out on.

    Admitting that the only answer I've ever gotten in the past is to have two apps active on the screen so you can reference one will working in another.
    Not sure why that needs the reference app to be active just needs to hold that view so I can scroll or copy and paste plus a UI that lets me pop that view in and out to suit.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Capote pour Rover 214
  • Capote pour Rover 214

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 01:15 PM
    So now were placing importance based on what? Suicide is suicide.

    We're placing more importance on the bullying of gays because of the historical and widespread discrimination, hatred, and violence that gays have had to endure (and still endure) that obese people have not. We discussed this 8 pages ago.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet

  • dragonsbane
    Mar 20, 06:19 AM
    It is not the law that made iTunes music incompatible with other MP3 players, it's the file format and DRM design. Further, Apple has done nothing illegal in its choices and implementation. There is therefore no legitimate reason to break the law--your rights are what you agreed to when purchasing the music and nothing more.
    By that logic, women would still not be able to vote. Look at other societies that do not allow people to protest "unjust" laws. Compare where they stand to where we stand. I am simply trying to take us further still down the road of freedom for all humans. Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans is a Bad Thing�. DRM, by definition, falls into this category.

    DRM does not, in theory, infringe on your license rights.
    Again, I am bound by these laws but I do not need to AGREE with them. Do you agree with them? [That is a direct question btw.]

    Your freedom of choice comes with certain sacrifices
    All actions (free or not free) require sacrifices. So what is your point?

    and restrictions, none of which have been imposed on you illegally or prohibit you from legal use of the product. The only reason to break the law here is for the purpose of breaking the law, not for any delusions of your rights to do as you wish with music.
    Option A (Legal Participation): Buy the music and abide by the laws
    Option B (Legal Non-Participation): Don't buy the music and not be subject to any laws
    Option C (Something Different): Think for yourself and live life according to your own laws

    I will take C cuz it allows for both A & B while reserving my ability to think for myself. Even if I end up the same place as you, the journey I took to get there will make all the difference.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet.
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet.

  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 01:34 PM
    It would help the iPad, in the manner you are describing it, if, like an Android/Honeycomb tablet it was a machine in it's own right.

    If you look at the way it works, and the way Apple have designed the OS, it's obvious that Apple do not see the iPad as an independent PC, and that Apple themselves see it, and have designed it to be just an extension of your "Real" personal computer.

    We are having to rely on 3th party apps to get around Apple's official built in limitations for the device, It's linked totally to just one computer running iTunes, you can't even connect it to say your PC, your friends, PC and your works PC to upload and download data to and from the various machines.

    The iPad, as designed, with Apples official software is made so that you set thing up and organise things on your PC or Mac, then you dock your iPad (your mobile extension of your PC) you do a few things, then you come back, re-dock the iPad and it get's backed up.

    This whole argument is asinine.

    If you don't have a PC, there's nothing that you need to "sync" or "move files" from. And the iPad works perfectly fine on its own.

    You're saying that "if I have files on my PC, I need a PC to get them to my iPad". No kidding!

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214i Cabriolet 16v Lapel
  • Rover 214i Cabriolet 16v Lapel

  • BubbaMc
    Apr 13, 03:45 AM
    What are the chances that Logic X will be released around the same time?

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. rover 214 convertible slammd
  • rover 214 convertible slammd

  • Jo-Kun
    Sep 20, 04:52 AM
    Iger also indicates that the device does indeed contain a hard drive... a fact that was not entirely clear from the preview.

    actually... he doesn't indicate a HD... why? well the iTV (sorry, not really impressed with this name) streams media from your mac/pc trough wifi or ethernet... so if you buy an episode on iTunes... it will be stored in your iTunes library on the content-hosting mac/pc in your house and thus be available for iTV to play on your TV...

    since it has a USB port I guess it will be possible to attach a USB HD... and store files locally instead of on a remote mac/pc...

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 cabrio tutti i
  • Rover 214 cabrio tutti i

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 01:42 PM
    Because it's not required, and not the law. If Apple was not complying with current EPA regulations, they'd be investigated by the US Government. Greenpeace is asking them to go beyond current laws, which are quite stringent as is.
    But if they really are environmentally conscious, they have no risk at all in releasing this information. If it is good news, it would bolster their standing. Put them at number one in the Eco-company category. Free publicity. So: what is stopping them?

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Zoom sur photo 3 | Rover 214
  • Zoom sur photo 3 | Rover 214

  • milo
    Jul 13, 11:17 AM
    Apple will offer a New Form Factor 64-bit Dual-Core Conroe Mini-Tower whether or not a single chip Woodie is in the lineup. They'll have no choice.

    Not necessarily. They could also just put the conroe in the base model with the same form factor, although they probably wouldn't be able to get it as cheap. I don't really care if they go with the mini form factor or not as long as the price is low enough.

    the single xeon configs i was refering to were netburst based ones.


    apple tried the powermac mini as it were and you did not buy it, it was called the g4 cube.

    That's a $300 difference in list price. Even if apple pays half of that, it's a significant amount, not to mention that the difference goes higher the more ram you buy.

    Sure, it makes sense for companies to offer a single woodcrest config IN ADDITION to conroe configs. It mostly makes sense for users who want to add the second chip themselves in the future. But all those companies also will sell conroe configs, and they will be cheaper. It just doesn't make sense to sell single woodcrest as a substitute for conroe, apple would likely be the only company doing that.

    And the cube failed because it was simply outrageously overpriced (I would NOT consider it "powermac" by any stretch of the imagination, but it still cost almost as much as the full towers). They brought it back as the mini which has sold very well and demonstrated that people DO want smaller, cheaper alternatives.

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet

  • iMikeT
    Jul 12, 12:47 AM
    With all of these options, I don't know what to think any more.:confused:

    Rover 214 Cabriolet. Rover 214 Cabriolet
  • Rover 214 Cabriolet

  • kdarling
    Jul 10, 09:18 AM
    Is the battery life as bad as I've heard? I think I prefer the Incredible to the Droid X (mainly because of size), but I hate not being able to make it through the day without charging my phone.

    The Incredible lasts all day (or even two) for me with an internal-sized extended Seidio. If I Slingplayer'd more, I'd get a physically larger one.

    The first thing I get for any smartphone (if the maker allows it) is an extended battery. Not only do I immediately get longer usage time, I still have the original as a spare to swap in if necessary (like coming home after using up my phone and wanting to go right back out again - great on vacations).

    It took a few days to adapt to Android, but if you've used lots of smartphones it's not a difficult transition. Especially once you discover the joy of universal voice input.

    Oct 14, 08:21 AM
    HP to announced quad-core workstations on Nov. 13th


    Oct 26, 01:22 AM
    well i must say i'd be kinda suprized to see an update this early with apple. especially since i just bought a mac pro. i'd be mad if the prices of the one i just bought goes downIt is not early. You should have known about this since August. I did.

    Apr 15, 07:09 AM
    I still miss the ability to easily control the computer with only a keyboard without reaching for the mouse/trackpad all the time.

    Sure, there are many shortcuts, but no real equivalent to the underlined entries in menus, and the obvious keyboard navigation in dialogs. But then again, I'd been primed to that since Windows 3.0 through XP and other systems.

    I'm sure some people will want to correct me now by pointing out the keyboard control possibility available in the accessibility settings, but that'll only end with uncontrollable laughter...

    Mar 18, 10:23 AM
    How exactly are they able to tell if someone is tethering or not?

    Every OS and application creates network data in a way that network sniffing can do a pretty good job of detecting where it is coming from.

    In the simplest case, browsers put User-Agent strings into every HTTP request. For a more complex case, just looking at the TCP packets can often tell you where they came from. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP/IP_stack_fingerprinting for more details.

    It's not a hard problem to tell if you are tethering or not.

    Apr 21, 11:00 AM
    i don't have an iphone, but i do have an ipod touch. My wife has an android phone. I can't use her phone well but i feel i could use an iphone with zero learning curve just because everything is so consistent across apple mobile devices. That's what i like about apple devices. No big surprises.

    The manual for her phone is 156 pages long. I couldn't find the buttons illustrated in it to set up another email address other than gmail.



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