Tuesday, May 31, 2011

march 2011 tsunami japan

march 2011 tsunami japan. northern Japan, Saturday,
  • northern Japan, Saturday,

  • zombitronic
    Oct 6, 03:42 PM
    No the add is right. To many people drool over apple so they go with ATT. If you picked AT&T for the iPhone and knew the service was spotty in your area you loose all right to complain about it.

    The smart people out there first pick a network that offers them the price they want and the coverage. Then your worry about what phone to get. The iPhone is not game changing and it sure as hell is not THAT much better any more with all the other phones hitting the market.

    As for the add that was the exact reason why I left them. Verizon had crappy service out in Lubbock Texas and lied about them moving there network out there. They told us 6 months and that 6 months claim turn was not filled 4 years later of course I left at the end of the first year when my contract was up. I switch to AT&T because service was great there and in Houston so I choose them. I choose a network that works were I lived and spend my time.

    They are correct choose a network then worry about your phone. Apple Fan seem to not understand that.

    I still disagree with you. The device is material. The network is supposed to be invisible. You're not supposed to notice the network. AT&T's service isn't great, but I'll put up with it to use the device of my choice.

    The mobile industry has a strange business model compared to other industries. You don't buy a desktop computer that you can only use on one ISP or a car that you can only fill up at particular gas stations (excluding electric). However, If these industries were to operate this way, I still think people would go for the product over the commodity.

    To me, and apparently many others, mobile service is just a commodity. Some may be a bit better than others, but in the end you're getting a comparable service. The devices, on the other hand, vary. And, yes, I still think the iPhone was game changing. All I remember before January 2007 were RAZRs and Chocolates. Unintuitive text-based interfaces with linear button-mashing controls in a hyped-up shell.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. march 2011 tsunami japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami japan.

  • lacoste-rocker
    Apr 10, 11:29 PM
    Just ordered these from Abercrombie, they will be here on Tuesday.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Japan tsunami earthquake.
  • Japan tsunami earthquake.

  • citizenzen
    May 5, 06:29 PM
    Do you really want a "gun war"? Really?

    Dude. I haven't once suggested banning guns.

    These days I'd be satisfied with a hint of awareness.

    I think any talk of a blanket ban is pure folly and ignores the reality of the situation.

    Since there has been no talk of a "blanket ban" you have little to fear.

    Part of the reason the debate is "broken" is we seem to have a difficult time hearing what is being said.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Pictures: Japan quake and
  • Pictures: Japan quake and

  • iScott428
    Apr 8, 01:52 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    Hey Best Buy, not sure what you are waiting for but last time I checked the special iPad 2 promotion was the release on 3/11...Seriously a BS excuse and weak stuff if they are really holding back supplies.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Posted on March 13, 2011 |
  • Posted on March 13, 2011 |

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 02:40 PM
    What is Gay History? History, while interesting, has always struck me as unimportant in educating Children for essential workforce skills. Leave history for Colleges or elective courses.

    Absolutely not. History is just as essential in building a rational model of the world as math or science is. It just has to be taught properly, without the rote memorization of dates and people. More emphasis on the impact of events in the shaping of nations and civilization.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. 51 Tsunami Photos in Japan
  • 51 Tsunami Photos in Japan

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jul 28, 11:46 AM
    I think the Volt is a success in terms of meeting its intended design parameters. However, I think the whole notion of the all-electric car and plug-in hybrids are flawed due to our current infrastructure.

    As long as we burn fossil fuels to get the electricity, the electric car is just sweeping the fossil fuel/pollution problem under the rug by putting the "dirty" side of power consumption out of sight (back at the power plant). Also, there's no way our current power generation infrastructure could support even a fraction of the population switching to electric cars. California already has rolling blackouts - if people stopped burning gas and switched to electrics, the problem would get drastically worse.

    I think electric cars are a dead end for the present...At least until our entire power grid makes large-scale switches to alternative energy, and there is no timeline for that currently. Also, there is currently no guarantee that practical fuel-cell systems will ever be truly affordable or mass-producable. The current offerings are all extremely expensive, proof-of-concept vehicles with short useful lives.

    We'd be better off with diesels or diesel hybrids. People don't want to admit it, but those are currently our best options IMO.

    I really wish I didn't sound so cynical, but that's the picture as I understand it.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Anyway let see how the Tsunami
  • Anyway let see how the Tsunami

  • spazzcat
    Mar 28, 06:54 PM
    Before it was sooo.... hard. My wrist still hurts from dragging one single file to the Applications folder. Oh, and I just love having to pay sales tax on the apps. :rolleyes:

    I don't hate the Mac App store, I just don't think it should be a factor in the award. With that said, its Apples award and they can do as they please with it, including making acceptance of onerous terms a prerequisite to compete.

    So they shouldn't be able to make the rules for their awards on their platform???

    march 2011 tsunami japan. march 2011 tsunami in japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami in japan.

  • Northgrove
    Apr 29, 01:41 PM
    Yes! Now analyze this build and post an article about it for me, minions! :D

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Tsunami in Japan. 1237Z 11
  • Tsunami in Japan. 1237Z 11

  • Mexbearpig
    Apr 13, 09:54 PM
    Got some new running shoes at the Nike Factory Store. These will make a huge difference from my vans.
    Also got some Polo Ralph Lauren all white canvas landers. I walked into journeys planning to get some vans and wanted their version of docksiders. Unfortunately they only had smaller sizes. So these seemed good enough.
    Also a pack of 5pairs of no show socks for the landers.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Japan March 11, 2011.
  • Japan March 11, 2011.

  • Leoff
    Oct 29, 08:36 AM
    Perhaps, (but I still maintain that it's 'easier' to run 'non-Apple' software on a Mac than it is to run OS X on 'non Apple' hardware. But it's true to say that calling Apple exclusively a 'hardware' or 'software' company is a little short sighted, so we're in agreement there.)

    It is the hardware sales that keep them afloat, and it's the software that makes the hardware more attractive.

    Which is what a lot of people have been saying already :)

    To clarify:

    Apple is not a normal company. It's a one-off, niche company that do things differently from the rest of the industry. If OS X is licenced to other PC makers then part of the Mac eco-system is lost, and that will kill Apple.

    To clarify further:

    We both agree. Apple is not a Hardware OR Software company. I was simply responding to the earlier rediculous notion that Apple is simply a Hardware company, which both you and I know it isn't. :)

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Tsunami swirls near a port in
  • Tsunami swirls near a port in

  • cpucrash0
    Mar 17, 01:39 AM
    Your probably on camera and your probably going to get Banned from Best buy or if the see you in their they will ask for their money or call the cops. You knew you were getting it cheaper then the price it sells for so it's basically you stole from them. so if I were you I would not go into that Best buy ever again. The security guy probably knows who you are now.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Japan Tsunami - March 2011
  • Japan Tsunami - March 2011

  • arkitect
    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    Was this really a much requested feature? :confused:


    march 2011 tsunami japan. march 2011 tsunami map.
  • march 2011 tsunami map.

  • benzslrpee
    Mar 13, 01:52 AM
    easy answer to the original question. they have different product strategies. why does BMW crank out sexy M3s while Toyota and Honda try to make every sedan look as conservative as possible?

    can BMW switch markets? sure. however, BMW will dilute their brand equity by playing in a lower market segment. so for better or worse, BMW always has to produce products that are in comparison more luxurious, innovative and unique compared with Detroit and Japan.

    Apple faces a similar situation.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. march 2011 tsunami japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami japan.

  • Eraserhead
    Oct 29, 05:36 AM
    Say good bye to programs like InsomniaX/Sleepless and other hacks.

    I mention the two first apps because they were relying on the 10.4.8 source code to see what has broken the software from 10.4.7

    The front page on macrumors says (for this article) that the source is available to anyone with an Apple account, this is really clever, as it's free to get the access but when you sign up for a developer account you have to agree not to share the software as it's "pre-release" and that's breaking the NDA. Basically if OSX86 Project stick 10.4.8 online now they have to get the source from an Apple developer account, so if OSX86 stick this source on their site Apple can make them pull it, AND developers can still get the access they need, it's a win-win situation.

    Pirates can still also get the source at stick it on Bit Torrent trackers but they cannot get the publicity except in black hat circles so Apple cares less, as there's nothing they can ever do about that.

    Being in IT, I have seen MS's progression on OS's and let me tell you this - they turned their heads to piracy in the NT/9x/2k days. Why? They wanted marketshare. They were willing to forgo some sales for the tie and lock in to Windows. Then once it's firmly entrenched in business and homes, they started to crack down. Makes sense - you are hooked on their software and have your stuff firmly entrenched with no migration out path and now you have to pay. It's like the crack dealer that gives you your first few hits free only to hook you later once you can't quit.

    That's the sole reason for activation. Has little to do with piracy although they will claim that.

    I'd doubt Apple would do a WGA thing as they are not looking for world domination and control like Microsoft.
    Exactly, just what everyone else does on Piracy (just like Apple)

    march 2011 tsunami japan. Japan+march+2011+tsunami
  • Japan+march+2011+tsunami

  • cynerjist
    Jan 8, 10:45 PM
    When you spend the whole year waiting for the event you want the moment to be perfect.

    What are we doing here...losing our virginity? Yeesh!


    march 2011 tsunami japan. march 2011 tsunami japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami japan.

  • Belly-laughs
    Oct 3, 04:26 PM
    Hmm...interesting. Adding wireless capability directly to the iPod would make it more similar to the Zune. I wonder if they could add Bonjour technology to really go head-to-head. Except instead of the stupid (play 3 times) thing that the Zune has, you could actually browse and play shared playlists from other people's iPods (work exactly the same as shared playlists from iTunes now do...).

    I believe the scope of a wireless iPod, or any other mass distributed wireless product, will go further than music and playlists. It�s already implemented in museums, etc. as downloadable tour guides; when you enter a town you can get your hands on local maps, local news, history; we might soon see ad boards that will allow you to download more info on products and services – there are endless possibilities.

    Closer to the living room I feel iTV needs wireless communication with other Apple products; the iPod or iPhone to control it, even provide media; iPod Hi-Fi to deliver the groove.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. march 2011 tsunami japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami japan.

  • jayducharme
    Apr 29, 06:49 PM
    The main problem with the "slider" idea is that it wasn't intuitive which selection was active (since we're so used to a depressed icon indicating selection). I like the concept of a slider; it reminds me of the old tile games. Perhaps a compromise would have been to have the selected item's text glow, as if a little LED were behind it. That would have made it really clear which item was active.

    march 2011 tsunami japan. 17 March 2011. Japanese
  • 17 March 2011. Japanese

  • Doctor Q
    Jan 5, 08:35 PM
    Although the data transferred may be the same or more with on-demand streams, when it's live there will be much higher simultaneous usage. With high-end hosting in general, simultaneous usage is the killer and not really total bandwidth usage. With the popularity of Apple these days the number of simultaneous streams could be extremely high (I mean, if MacRumors gets 100,000 visitors simultaneously think what Apple would get themselves).If they tried to offer a live audio stream, would that produce the same simultaneous usage problem, even though the bandwidth would be reduced?

    march 2011 tsunami japan. japan, tsunami, 4x3
  • japan, tsunami, 4x3

  • MacBoobsPro
    Sep 12, 04:09 AM
    At 10am in Cupertino it will be 6pm in London.

    What will it be where you are Chundles? :D

    Apr 8, 12:38 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/08/best-buy-not-in-trouble-with-apple-holding-ipad-2-stock-for-upcoming-promotion/)


    Mar 24, 03:33 PM
    I remember the first time I saw OS X at CompUSA in Burbank. I fell in love and that's when I became a MacHead.

    OS X Birthday Party tonight at my place! Drugs, girls and booze... :)
    *Adults only*

    Sep 28, 02:27 PM
    I wonder if he's going to rent any rooms out?

    Mar 18, 09:03 PM
    Perhaps the word we should be using is "ignorance" rather than jealousy. Very often the rabid iHaters (in my experience) have had little hands on experience with an iPhone and are quick to dismiss it without having actually seen some of its strengths and what makes it so popular with so many people.

    And that goes two ways: Apple fans can be quick to dismiss Android phones for being "fragmented" or clunky or whatever, when in fact they do have some killer features which Apple could learn from.

    But then there's those who have owned or used one and genuinely don't like it for whatever reason, but I'd bet those people are a lot less quick to attack someone's personal preference like the more ignorant ones are.

    I once had a friend who disliked Macs, and when I asked her why, she said "because they can't run MSN Messenger or browse web forums." :rolleyes:

    May 3, 11:02 PM
    - if you asked an iPad 2 speculator, it is $$$ and more $$$
    - if you asked an iPad 2 user who want to buy one from shop, it is queue up, disappointed, queue up, disappointed, queue up, disappointed, (endless)
    - if you asked the Apple Online shop, it is "Ships: Currently unavailable"
    - if you asked the retailed shop manager, "you need to buy this with a protected screen at USD70 and case at US60"
    - if you asked the retailed shop staff, "No stock....but we have reserved for other customer, do you really want one urgently? Take it, with the crap accessories at USD100."

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