Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cagiva Planet

Cagiva Planet. cagiva 125 planet
  • cagiva 125 planet

  • justflie
    Mar 18, 07:12 AM
    I've never really understood this. If I'm paying for unlimited data, why does it matter how I choose to distribute it? What if i used the same amount of data on my phone as when I tether my iPad? It's flawed, greedy logic on their part. I know it's in the contract not to use it blah blah, but that doesn't mean it makes sense.

    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Planet 125 99-03
  • Cagiva Planet 125 99-03

  • twochoicestom
    Apr 13, 09:14 AM
    aside from all of this..

    HELVETICA is blatently coming to Lion. Looking good in FCP!

    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Mito Evolution.
  • Cagiva Mito Evolution.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:10 AM
    Compared to the alternative, it certainly seems to be.

    [source: human history]
    Compared to what alternative?

    Cagiva Planet. Fotos de CAGIVA PLANET 2000
  • Fotos de CAGIVA PLANET 2000

  • hanpa
    Oct 7, 03:48 PM
    This is by far far the most ridiculous request I have ever read.

    You want them to use a programming language other than Objective-C?

    I don't even know where to start. LOL.

    Ridiculous? The majority of people with developer/programming skills are more familiar with Windows or Linux than Mac OS. The need of first buying a Mac and then learning how to use it, the SDK and Objective-C will stop too many great developers from giving it a try. I suppose Apple could solve this by allowing Mac OS to run on a virtual machine, e.g. VirtualBox, including the SDK. But they don't.

    Cagiva Planet. 2006 Cagiva Mito 125
  • 2006 Cagiva Mito 125

  • Palanka
    Oct 26, 12:00 AM
    I cant stand AT&T...Their service sucks.. Your company would go under if it were to their "business services" department.

    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Mito Evolution.
  • Cagiva Mito Evolution.

  • mahonmeister
    Sep 26, 02:20 AM
    You can buy a 32 core machine today. Sun sells them. They are not cheap. I'm waiting for the day when we see "kilo-cores" and people add them like RAM, a thousand cores at a time.

    Thats an interesting concept but I think someone is a bit ahead of themselves.

    I've heard that processors have reached some sort of theoretical limit and I'm guessing that multiple cores is getting around this. But why aren't these chips at higher clock speeds? I really don't milti-task that much so I would be more interested in raw power rather then power in numbers. If the prices on the current processors drop I think I'd get the quad 3GHz rather then a 8 core 2.66GHz. But if they had a dual 6GHz that would be even better.;)

    Cagiva Planet. A Custom Cagiva Mito.
  • A Custom Cagiva Mito.

  • danielwsmithee
    Sep 12, 03:53 PM
    I have to disagree with many of the comments on this thread. I think this is an ideal device. I don't want a computer connected to my TV I want to gain access to the content on my computer on my TV. It is two different ways of looking at these products.

    As far as not having a DVR/tuner that should be done on your computer. The products available from elgato eyeTV etc. are already excellent and probably much better then Apple could start up and hope to compete with. EyeTV is already compatible with iTunes and the iPod, and it will be for this too. You just have to realize that the recording is going to happen at your computer not your TV. I really think the combination of eyeTV, iTunes and iTV is going to be much better then any competitors MCE etc.

    It all goes back to Apple's philosophy of making the computer the center of your digital life. The TV is just a tool now to view what you have on your computer.

    This does also offer one advantage over the mini besides price component video.

    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Planet
  • Cagiva Planet

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 18, 08:24 AM
    I pour water over my head = Data through tethering

    Don't even get me started on how ridiculous that sounds.

    Cagiva Planet. Model: CAGIVA PLANET 125
  • Model: CAGIVA PLANET 125

  • joueboy
    Apr 9, 12:14 AM
    Just like everybody else!

    Cagiva Planet. 2008 Cagiva Mito 125
  • 2008 Cagiva Mito 125

  • Toneaphone
    Feb 25, 03:39 PM
    Even though Android has more potential users, they will never be as successful as the iPhone until they improve their app capabilities. Once they do this, developers will make better apps and games, and customers will buy more. It ultimately boils down to the degree of consumption per user rather than the quantity of potential customers. One person can easily install 150+ apps for the iPhone in no time. Over 3 billion apps have been downloaded to date...It will be an extremely long time until Android meets that milestone.


  • eawmp1
    Apr 22, 08:14 PM
    Didn't you know? Aside from owning Apple products it's also quite trendy being an atheist. They think they don't need to back up their points with Reason or facts so it's a kind of intellectual laziness which compels most people.

    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.

    What a lazy, unreasonable opinion.

    Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterward;

    OP - how can one believe is a compassionate god when there are lyrics like these in the world?

    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Mito 500 Likewise 4tak
  • Cagiva Mito 500 Likewise 4tak

  • matticus008
    Mar 19, 01:29 PM
    But can a user be considered to be a party to that agreement if they have not used iTunes to access the store - does the purchasing process still involve an agreement approval stage using this software? Presumably not.

    Yes. By signing up for an account to use the iTunes Music Store, you are bound to their terms of service. Those terms only appear in the official iTunes client because that's the only source for the music. Just because those terms don't pop up on the screen if you use this PyMusique thing doesn't mean you aren't responsible for knowing. For example, if you do not receive a bill in the mail for your credit card, you are still responsible for making the payment and paying any late fees--it is your responsibility as the borrower to make the appropriate payment on time. By using the service, you are implicitly agreeing to the terms of service and use, including Apple's rights to prosecute (should they choose to) for your violation of those terms (i.e. using a non-approved client application). This is enforceable; whether Apple chooses to do anything about it remains unclear.

    Also enforceable is the DMCA violation (and yes, it is a violation, because you are BYPASSING technology designed to secure DRM). Even though you paid for the songs, you also paid for the license for that song (which includes DRM), and you are breaking encryption by bypassing it. Walking through a hole in a fence is still trespassing, whether you made the hole or not. Again, from a legal perspective, this is a punishable violation.

    I'm not saying that I like having my digital music locked down more vigorously than a CD I buy. But there are logical reasons for doing so. Namely, that the digital version, if un-DRMed, can be copied and transmitted with no special software or effort. If I want to share a CD, I have to burn a copy (requiring hardware and software) or extract the audio digitally and transmit it. Digital music does all that for you, and Apple's DRM gives you appropriate fair use rights. The DRM is designed to prevent casual copying that results in lower license sales.

    You don't own the music you've bought, and you don't have any legal right to redistribute it because your license does not allow it. Should you be able to use it on any type of device you choose? Yes. Does DRM prevent that from happening? Often, also yes. Can you choose a different format that works with all devices (standard MP3 imported from a CD)? Yeah, but not on purchased iTunes music. Until DRM and file format technology becomes standardized, you have to deal with "early adopter syndrome" in a volatile market, which can result in purchases not being universally compatible (betamax/VHS/laser disc/DVD anyone?). Make a choice that works for you.

    By purchasing AAC with Apple's DRM, you are choosing a file format with known and public limitations that will only work with a specific combination of hardware and software. You chose the delivery platform; you can't buy Windows software and then complain that it doesn't work on your Mac without buying it again. That's the way business works. Of course it would be fantastic if buying a license of Office for my PC gave me a corresponding license for all the other computer platforms I use, but that's not the case. Even say, Dreamweaver, which gives you Mac and PC installers, is only licensed to be used on one of the computers. I can install it on both, but that doesn't make it right or legal, even if I think that Macromedia is horrible (which I do).

    In conclusion, breaking or bypassing DRM, while understandable on a basic level for getting compatibility with everything, is against the law. Using tools to do this which violate the iTMS terms of service is also a legal violation. The best way out of this situation is to support a universal standard that ensures compatibility with all devices and file formats. DRM isn't going away, and it shouldn't. But it should also not work against honest customers who just want iTunes songs to play on their Rio. Long post, my apologies.

    Cagiva Planet. The new Cagiva Mito is coming
  • The new Cagiva Mito is coming

  • Salacion
    Apr 20, 07:14 PM
    Good for you.

    I'm a former iPhone user.
    The cost difference in an Android was great, and I don't regret it one bit because the experience is far superior FOR ME.

    Live and let live, your iPhone is not a Ferrari.

    After hearing some parts of your mind, you definitely correlate well with your Android device.

    Cagiva Planet. Motosport Cagiva Planet125
  • Motosport Cagiva Planet125

  • theBB
    Sep 12, 07:24 PM
    Does this thing have an Ethernet port, and it apparently does. I'd rather not rely on wireless. Right now I have a VGA cable from my iMac to my TV, so I'd gain something by replacing it with a simple CAT5.

    I'm a bit surprised not to see any USB or FW ports on there though. I was betting on being able to hook up an optional HDD.

    It's got USB.

    Cagiva Planet. [topic officiel] Cagiva Planet
  • [topic officiel] Cagiva Planet

  • Macsavvytech
    May 3, 04:48 PM
    My sister was fooled by this up to the point of it running its "scan". Just had to talk to her about it, seems it targets bootcamp people by seeming to be a message reporting their Windows side is infected (The normal my computer scam screen). Anyway guided her through removing it.

    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Mito Evolution.
  • Cagiva Mito Evolution.

  • yoak
    Apr 13, 07:59 AM
    It looks promising in my book, but I�m a DP/cameraman that sometime edits (for broadcast), not a "proper" editor.
    I have used FCS enough to know of many of it�s short comings though.

    For anyone interested have a look at what Larry Jordan says in his blog from after the event. It�s a very interesting read from someone I know it�s a pro at least.

    Leathal has good points (as always) though, but I don�t think they bothered with all the "trivia".
    For one, I would almost bet my life that you can still do multiclip editing


    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Planet/Mito Wheels,
  • Cagiva Planet/Mito Wheels,

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 02:53 PM
    The first part of you statement is not a very intelligent one. If you believe a law to be immoral or against the freedom of the people then it is your duty especially in this country to stand up against it, not cower away and create a separate place to dwell. If everyone took your stance then when major changes need to happen to our laws people would have gathered together to leave the country instead of trying to work and fix the problem and raise awareness of the problem.

    Yes, they would. Most countries are started because the old one was unjust or inadequate in some regard. Working to change the law is not the same as breaking the law. You have every right to write to your Congressmen, lobby whomever you'd like, and voice your protest against the law. You do not have the right to break it.

    Bound? Yes. But that does not mean I abdicate my responsibility to T-H-I-N-K for myself. You seem to be happy letting those who pass laws think for you. I care about my own life and sanity a bit too much to let others tell me how to live. Thank you very much.
    You can think for yourself all you like, but the law is still the law. If you choose to break it, then you choose to break it, but that does NOT make the law irrelevant. You are breaking the law. That is my only point.

    Glad you belive this junk. I don't. but then, I think for myself. You do make me laugh with the whole "protect the weak" nonsense. Let me guess, the RIAA are protecting the weak again those strong 13 year-olds who want to listen to free music. Riiiiight.

    PS: Your basic social theory has led to a world order ruled by the strong over the weak
    If you'd read more carefully, you would see that I didn't say that we aren't living in a society dominated by the strong. You would see that I was pointing out that no laws at all would make the situation even worse. The RIAA is not the government or the law. They might have successfully lobbied for it, but the law is well within their rights as the owners of the music. Take a step back and look at the rest of the law. Are murderers caught and taken away? When people steal something from you, are they not caught and not prosecuted? Do people regularly go around, shooting and stealing, with no one to stop them? The answer might be "sometimes," but with your "think for yourself attitude" the answer would be "all the time." People would do whatever they had the power to do, because there would be no consequences and no one to protect the weak at all. The main point of that part of my answer was to point out your argument failure: the fallacy of argument from ignorance (that your own evidence can be used AGAINST you, rendering it invalid).

    By that logic, women would still not be able to vote. Look at other societies that do not allow people to protest "unjust" laws. Compare where they stand to where we stand. I am simply trying to take us further still down the road of freedom for all humans. Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans is a Bad Thing�. DRM, by definition, falls into this category.
    That, sir, is a load of crap. The law allowed only men above 21 to vote. Women were not covered in that. Therefore, the rights of women were constricted. This is not the case. You have "fair use" laws, and DRM laws to protect fair use. The DRM laws do not narrow your scope of access to those "fair use" laws--and if you have a problem with fair use, bring it up with someone who will do something about it. You also don't live in a society where you are not allowed to protest. Sit ins and marches during the Civil Rights movement were entirely legal forms of protest for the most part. "Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans" is NOT a bad thing. Again, the reason we have society is because we have rule of law. Restrictions on actions protect the freedoms of others who cannot secure those freedoms on their own. DRM has nothing to do with "the natural association of humans," either, so I don't know where you're going here.

    Again, I am bound by these laws but I do not need to AGREE with them. Do you agree with them? [That is a direct question btw.]

    All actions (free or not free) require sacrifices. So what is your point?
    It doesn't matter whether you agree with them or not. You don't have the right to break them. I do believe in the law, I believe DRM protects artists in theory, and I do not believe that people have any excuse for breaking the law in this case. It is not a social injustice, it is not a repressive law, and it is not your natural right to do whatever you want with something that does not belong to you (the music of others). I believe that DRM is flawed because not every stereo, car, computer, music player, cell phone, PDA, internet appliance, and jukebox in existence is compatible with one another, making it difficult to listen to your music in all of those environments. But the competition is the best form of "free association" available: you're given a choice how to get your music. Not all of it works with all of your devices, but that part is up to you. If I buy a book written in Russian, it's my fault that I can't read Russian and assuming I can't translate it (which is very time consuming), I have to buy it again in English. That's the way it is, and it doesn't infringe on anyone's freedoms.

    Option C (Something Different): Think for yourself and live life according to your own laws

    I will take C cuz it allows for both A & B while reserving my ability to think for myself.
    Neither options A nor B restrict your ability to think for yourself. What option C does is make you liable to punishment and prosecution. Live life how you feel is best, but understand that if and when you choose to break a law (we all do it, and speeding is a perfect example), you might benefit from it, but you also have to prepared to pay the fines when you get caught. Do I really care about people stealing music? No, I'm not the RIAA. Do I think it's ridiculous that people can rationalize it to the point where they think they're entitled to it, or that it's acceptable to break the law for their own convenience, or worst of all, that they're not really even breaking a law? Abso-freaking-lutely.

    Cagiva Planet. Cagiva Planet
  • Cagiva Planet

  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 01:33 PM
    You make an interesting point. My counter: Why are Apple not releasing the full list of regulated substances? Do they have something to hide?

    Because it's not required, and not the law. If Apple was not complying with current EPA regulations, they'd be investigated by the US Government. Greenpeace is asking them to go beyond current laws, which are quite stringent as is.

    Cagiva Planet. CAGIVA Planet Slideshow RIP
  • CAGIVA Planet Slideshow RIP

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 23, 03:03 PM
    I haven't yet heard a good argument from a theist that used the principles of entropy or thermodynamics.

    Could you put forth one of those points?


    Of course this is a Christian Apologetics site so necessarily biased.

    Oct 6, 04:59 PM
    OK, it seems like Woodcrest was officially unveiled by Intel on July 27 and the new Mac Pros were available for purchase (same day they were announced) on August 7.

    So if it goes like that, we could see these things as early as late November, right? Just doing some wishful thinking! :)

    Ugh, it's gonna be hard waiting until December or January. I just hope the price won't be so much higher than what we see now.

    It's difficult to say. Intel has been making engineering samples of Cloverton available to companies like Apple and Dell and motherboard makers for a while now. From the time Intel formally announces availability to the time we can buy a Cloverton Mac Pro should be a matter of days, maybe a week or two. Now, if there are problems with cooling or voltage or BIOS/ROM incompatibilities/bugs to work out, then it could be longer. I'm pretty confident that it won't be a delay anywhere near as long as the Merom Macbook[Pro] delay.

    2.66GHz (or 3GHz? maybe?) Cloverton Mac Pro for me... :D Hopefully they have a better graphics card offering than the current choices too.

    Mar 18, 09:09 AM
    How is someone stealing bandwidth, if they are paying for unlimited data. If anything ATT is stealing from them by not allowing them to use their data that they paying for....

    ATT isn't stealing anything. And they are giving you unlimited data on your phone and your phone only because THAT is what you agreed to.

    If you want to change the rules, then att can enforce the rules YOU agreed to.

    Aug 29, 01:50 PM
    But diesel has significantly more particulate matter in it - bad for respiratory health - particularly in cities.

    Not after the 2007 US regulations go into effect. Even with current regulations, though, diesel has less particulate matter per mile traveled than pump gasoline, if you factor in the increased efficiency.

    How much gas does it take to manufacture 1 gallon of gas? What if the E85 started being manufactured without using energy from oil?

    I should have clarified, sorry. I meant to say that E85 requires the same amount of oil-based energy to create as the gas refining process.

    In the future, H-based fuels can be manufactured with renewable energy sources. Gas/oil is never going to be a sustainable route because the raw products are finite.

    True. But the assumption of energy innovation is a mistake, given the failure of oil-alternatives over the past 100+ years. This does not mean that looking for alternatives is fruitless (the opposite is true), but giving up on fossil fuels before an alternative is found is a gross error.

    Out-right banning GM is a mistake. But putting the control of GM foods into the hands of powerful multinationals - and not in the hands of the people of Africa - would be a bigger mistake.

    God forbid that someone gets richer by ensuring that my family doesn't die.

    EDIT: Can I just clarify that it's nice to discuss these things without suggesting that Greenpeace "F Off" or that Apple is causing World Destruction?

    Apr 28, 01:42 PM
    After reading much of this thread's replies, I can honestly say that MANY MR users are living in 2009. The tablet is a PC. Yeah, maybe it can't do 100% of what a MacPro can do, but it does 90% of it. You can use the iPad as a PC and do lots of productivity.

    Sure, I wish it was a stronger machine, but it does word processing, it connects to the internet in different ways, it plays video, it plays music, it stores things, it can share things, it can compute, it is personal, it can do spread sheets, it can make movies, it can take photos, it can play games, it can do lots and lots and lots. Why wouldn't it be a PC? Because it doesn't render CGI films? Hell, it's close to having Photoshop already. Sure, it's no iMac, but an iMac is no MacPro.

    If you aren't calling it a PC in you will in 2012 or 2013. Get used to it now, Technosaurus Rex'ers.

    Ipad CAN only DO prolly 20% of what a MacPro CAN DO. Your wording is off.

    Oct 11, 02:44 AM
    Morning all,

    Two things. Guesstimates on release of quad-core Mac Pros (time to upgrade here). And MultiMedia, how do you like the Dell 24" LCDs?

    BIf Apple wants to be aggressive, it will happen next month. But if they don't, it could be as late as January. I am sitting on a large pile of cash to buy one the day they are added to the configure page. Love the Dell Screens. They have refurbished 30" models for $1349 now. :eek: :)

    I know no one here likes to read my stories of inadequate power, but even with the Quad G5 and that cheap 2GHz Dual Core G5 I picked up at Fry's, I still have to put my Multi-Threaded Workload into a Queue that all runs much slower than it will with 8 cores. I am very excited about the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro.

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