Monday, May 30, 2011

2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe

2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. Black 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • Black 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • bokdol
    Sep 26, 02:18 PM
    You're kidding, right? Here we are sitting around waiting on the C2D and you're saying that in about two months we'll have the option to buy a QUAD? Please say your kidding. PLEASE.

    not mac book pro...

    mac pro

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Used Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Used Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • combatcolin
    Oct 28, 10:57 AM
    Bugger only 8 Cores.

    Not swiping my Visa card till they get to 1024 Cores....

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Used Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Used Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 04:38 PM
    Cutting a deal with a hacker, if we can get one who's up high enough ...
    This sounds like you're under the mistaken impression that hackers are members of some kind of organization or ranking.... they're not. They are, for the most part, quite independent. There's no such thing as "Hacker, Class 3" or "Hacker, Class 1". Also, not all hackers write malware and not all malware writers are hackers. The more you offer such statements, the more you reveal that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. Supercharged Coupe. 2006
  • Supercharged Coupe. 2006

  • StudioGuy
    Sep 26, 10:45 AM
    I originally thought that this would make a nice "best" model for the Mac Pro, but the 5160 is surely a great chip. Given the slower clock speed (although not always a good indicator) and more cores, this might be a great chip for a Server, like an updated XServe.

    Not sure if the software guys are going to catch up enough in multithreading to make good use of 8 cores, but several folks on an XServe would appreciate it.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • mpstrex
    Aug 30, 10:27 AM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    Edit: Added some more bigoted quotes.
    Edit: Added a couple more gems.
    Edit: One more.

    Bigoted? Wow. I mean, yeah, some of those were crossing the line, but if I exercise my freedom of speech and say that many environmentalists subscribe to ideals and faith vs. facts, does that mean I'm a bigot? Jeez, I've been called worse when I say my opinions. People can say what they want; others certainly do when it comes to Conservatives and the Israelis (Nazis, Zionists, war mongers, etc.--and that's just IN the USA). I don't subscribe to hatred, but before you start labelling anyone who disagrees with your opinions and beliefs a bigot and irresponsible, think about how you're trying to stifle our freedoms of speech. Again, a few of those crossed the line, but I hope you aren't trying to stop us from talking.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. Supercharged Coupe. 2006
  • Supercharged Coupe. 2006

  • levitynyc
    Apr 8, 10:38 PM
    Why doesnt Apple allow you to plug a controller in the 30 pin adaptor? Wouldnt that be the best of both worlds?

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • danielwsmithee
    Sep 12, 04:10 PM
    Seems to me this could be done without Apple having to open up Front Row. If Elgato added some sort of "export recording to iTunes Video Library" option (that also deletes the original file after export completes), you could have your stuff recording on your mac and ready to stream to iTV. I'd imagine you could also set up some sort of Smart Playlist in iTunes to show unwatched recordings that carries over to the iTV interface.It's already there they call it export to iPod.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. Chevy Cobalt Ss Supercharged
  • Chevy Cobalt Ss Supercharged

  • happydude
    Oct 7, 02:24 PM
    Of course Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 23, 03:42 PM
    The word translated "day" can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period.
    I think ancient Jews thought each day began at dawn and ended at sunset. If I'm right, they would have thought summer days were longer than winter ones.

    Our Lord died died on Good Friday and rose on Easter, but does anyone know exactly what time he rose? The Bible says he rose on the third day. Say he died at 3:00 PM. on Friday. Then a 24-hour day from his death would end at 3:00 PM on Saturday, and another 24-hour day would end at 3:00 PM on Sunday. That's only two 24-hour days. We say it's daytime when the sun is shining and that it's nighttime when it's dark outdoors. Even we talk as though the word "day" stands sometimes stands for less than 24 hours.

    Many of the Bible's atheistic critics oversimplify because the ignore the Bible's literary genres, the meanings of ancient expressions, cultural details, and other details. If you say something, your sentence, the string of words, differs from what it means. That's why you can translate a sentence from one language to another. When you translate a sentence from English to French, the French sentence needs to mean what the English one means, or there's something wrong with the translation.

    To know what, say, Genesis 1:1 means, you need to know what its author meant by the words it consists of. If you impose a 21st-century meaning on a sentence that meant something else when the author wrote it, you're misinterpreting what he said.

    You and I see three colored objects and three people. You tell me, "Bill, Green is the third one from the left." You're talking about the third person, a man named "Joe Green," when I think you're talking about the third colored object. Green is the color of the third object from the left. The word "Green" is the last name of the man who's third from the left. The proposition "Green is the third one from the left" is true in both cases, but the string of words means one thing when you talk about the man. It means something else when you're talking about the green object. To find out which truth you're telling me, I need you to tell me that you're talking about the colored object.

    You wake at 7:00 AM on Friday. The next calendar day begins at midnight, but there's only 17 hours between 7 AM and midnight. Truth is objective, but the meanings of words, phrases, and sentences depend on context. So do the referents of the words, the people, places, or things that words, phrases, and sentences denote.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • Evangelion
    Mar 20, 12:39 PM
    We've had this dictionary discussion before.

    And apparently it needs to be had again, since people STILL don't understand what the word means!

    But when a book author finds somebody using a photocopier to make a copy of their book instead of buying it, the word used doesn't matter as much as the fact you got something they were selling without paying.

    The word does matter, since the word carries with it certain meaning and different acts (described by different words) carry different penalties. If you hit me in the face, could I claim that you were trying to murder me? after all I could have died. Or are you saying that all of a sudden the word does matter?

    Copying copyrighted material against the will of the copyright-holder is wrong, I'm not disputing that. What I am disputing is the notion that it's stealing. It's not, fair and square.

    Same logic: Musical artists aren't selling you round bits of plastic. They are selling you a copy of their music. Same logic: When you buy PhotoShop, you are buying more than the CD and some packaging. You are buying a license to use it, and even if you download a copy without taking something away from somebody else, you are getting something worth money and the owner/producer has reason to expect payment.

    What you are describing is copyright-infringment, not stealing. Of course, RIAA and the like would just LOVE to label those who download music as thieves, since that word has such strong negative connections. But they are not thieves and they are not stealing no matter how much RIAA tries to claim that they are.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • dumb terminal
    May 6, 02:42 AM
    I challenge you to walk down the west side, anywhere... but take 9th avenue from say... the 57th St to the mid 30's. Just get in a cab. Make a phone call in regular traffic. I'd be willing to wager that at least 75% of the time you drop a call, once, if not twice during that trip. It happens to me nearly every day.

    Heck, I work in an office in the Flatiron District, and on my work iPhone, it is literally an act of god if your call lasts longer than two minutes. I get slightly better times at home in Brooklyn (Prospect Heights), but I'm averaging about 5-6 dropped calls during the day. It's frustrating (and embarrassing at the same time) when I lose a call with a client, and after calling them back, they ask "Are you on AT&T?" And not to mention the absolutely atrocious data speeds.

    Strangely, my (personal) Verizon Blackberry has never had a problem anywhere in NYC. Hmm :rolleyes:

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 07:20 PM
    Those verses you quoted are, as I said, historical.They purport to be the historical record of the exhortations to kill of El himself, much as the Quran.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. This 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt 2dr
  • This 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt 2dr

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 10:26 AM
    No amount of arguing is going to change this fundamental issue.

    One of the things I liked about the Nintendo 3DS was the thumbstick.

    A lack of a physical keyboard, and a better controller for games, can be an issue with the iPhone. It certainly was a design problem with BOT ( I'm designing a game specifically with touch controls in mind. The original design had a flaw. A lot of the action would be covered by the player's hand.

    Yet, I don't think it's impossible to create great gaming experiences with just a touch screen. Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja and Cut the Rope are excellent examples of touch-based gaming. I don't think that could be easily duplicated with a controller.

    What should Apple do about it?

    ...a slide-out controller? Apple accessory?

    Doesn't Steve Jobs hate buttons? I thought I read that somewhere.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Supercharged Coupe
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Supercharged Coupe

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 07:28 PM
    Which is why copyright is a bunch of bull.

    I think you missed the point of that one. h'biki was saying that if someone, let's say someone well-known, like Britney Spears, got a copy of your wedding video and used it to make a music video for her latest song, that it wouldn't hurt anyone. It'd just be infringing on copyright, after all, even though it's your face and your wedding that's now on MTV without your permission.

    And to your earlier comment, yes, breaking the law is wrong. If the law is unfair and unjust, you change the law. The exception to this is when the law, again, as I said and you must have skipped, causes you direct personal or meaningful financial harm. Then you might have an argument for breaking the law. Otherwise, the right thing to do is to have the law changed. The digital music situation fits into this category. If you break the law, you don't encourage the law being changed, and there is no immediacy of threat to justify your illegal actions except that it's more convenient for you and that you don't care about the law. You're the reason DRM exists in the first place.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Supercharged Coupe
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Supercharged Coupe

  • phineas
    May 5, 01:06 PM
    This post and the results are why I am hoping vzw picks up the iPhone, if they dont, well guess I'll go to tmobile:eek:, Nahhhhh I'll just sell the iPhone and go back to vzw.

    AT&T's crap is getting to be too much, wait till the Zombie invasion, I bet there network will be the first one to go down

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • Lau
    Aug 29, 11:05 AM
    Apple is more green than dell. period.

    Makes me question the whole report if greenpeace thinks dell is more green then apple.

    Do you have evidence of this just out of interest? I too was surprised to read this, so I'd be interested if you had evidence the other way.


    Did I read that correctly?

    Sorry, I may not have been clear. I meant it as in I would much prefer to use OSX over Windows or Linux, and so would find it difficult to choose, say, a Dell because it ran Windows and I would find that unpleasant, even if Dell had a better environmental record.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. Chevrolet COBALT SS
  • Chevrolet COBALT SS

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 06:33 PM
    Is there anybody here who has ever changed their mind about digital rights management, i.e., accepted and then rejected it or rejected it and then accepted it over time? We've heard many members trying to convince others and I wonder if everybody has their mind permanently made up.

    Has anybody ever "switched" on this issue?

    Actually, I have. I'd been vehemently opposed to both the DMCA and DRM for the past several years (what's a good liberal to do?). I always held the opinion that it wasn't really doing anyone any real harm. I buy music, and the music I downloaded was probably not music I'd buy anyway, so I didn't see it harming sales. But then I came across more people like many in this thread, who believe that they are entitled to more than they agreed to or paid for, and who justify and rationalize their piracy to the point where it's just absolutely ridiculous, and now I see why DRM exists--because people don't actually want "fair use" or a way to preview music before buying it and supporting the artists they like. All they want is free music that they can pretend they own and control in a manner to which they've never been allowed by law.

    Before digital files, no one would have argued that copying a CD and giving it away was wrong. But now the scale is much larger and it's much easier, and there are people pretending that it's legal or that it's now okay because the RIAA is somehow more corrupt than it was 10 years ago when filesharing was a niche activity for technophiles.

    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt

    Oct 26, 03:27 AM
    OK. I know that many of my apps aren't going to take advantage of this level of multithreaded power, but I can't help but get excited by this development. After so many years of sluggish improvement, it feels like we're in the midst of rapid (and radical) change.

    I'm hoping that the 8-core, 3.0 (or faster) GHz MacPro arrives the same day as Leopard and about the same time as CS3. I'd gladly swap my 2.66 GHz quad core...:)

    Many of the applications that graphics, audio, and video producers use do take advantage of the extra power. It just happens differently than one might think -- it has via better multitasking. It is up to the user to learn how to use quad and eight core boxes to improve production.

    We've been learning this technique for the past year with PowerMac Quad Core and are blown away by how much more work we accomplish.


    2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Ss Supercharged Coupe. 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
  • 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS

  • Andronicus
    Apr 28, 12:57 PM
    It doesn't matter what you think. It only matters what people are buying. Many are buying iPads for browsing/facebook/farmville instead of another HP or Dell laptop.

    And a Mac or Dell PC needs a computer to be usable. Several of them. There's a computer (maybe two) inside the disk drive that it boots from, the mouse, and any access points or routers that it uses to connect to the net. Etc.

    Well it doesn't matter what you think either then! :p

    And that's a stupid argument, I'm pretty sure 99% of people on this forum understood what I meant when I said, a computer shouldn't need a computer to be usable. :rolleyes:

    May 5, 10:51 AM
    I have had ATT for almost three years now - and I haven't had one dropped call.

    Apr 24, 04:04 PM
    Give an example, please.

    Finance -> interest -> Loans

    There are "Sharia-compliant" loans.

    Oct 7, 02:14 PM
    Cause it's not. I played with the iPhone SDK for a test app and had to relearn a few things. For example, the + or - in front of a method, which means instance or class method (or vice-versa). I could find the right information (or Google keywords) to get it without a few bouts of swearing.

    Then my company got a contract to port an iPhone app to Android. And by port I mean rewrite since we can't share anything from obj-c to Java.

    Coming from a C/C++ background, the learning curve was really quick. Plus Google did a relatively good job with its SDK and emulator which work pretty well on both Mac and Windows.

    For me Objective-C is user-friendly enough.

    Oct 8, 04:39 PM
    I completely agree. As a software guy myself (maybe I'm a bit biased :)) I think the real magic is software. I think most would agree with me that Apple has a rather "unique" approach to software engineering, that sets it apart from the rest of the pack. Afterall, this is the biggest reason we use Macintosh. In my opinion, this is much more important than speed.

    Mar 18, 08:07 AM
    Tethering Charge not justified.
    How can you say charging twice for the same Data is justified?

    I pay for internet I use the internet. People have been brainwashed to side with the carriers.

    You pay for a bottle of water $1
    You pour it on your head then the person says Thats another $1 you owe
    Why? because you used the same water you just bought to wash yourself not drink.

    Its the same issue, Data = Data use is use, how you use should not be charged different since on the supply side makes no difference.

    this is so twisted I cant tell you enough.:mad:

    this analogy is so stretched as to make no sense.

    but even water, there are residential rates and commercial rates... you can't mix the two .. there are limits and plans.

    you arent paying for the same data twice. you are trying to change the agreement after the fact.

    dont like the agreement. dont enter into it.

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