Monday, May 30, 2011

2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept

2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. The Maybach 62 Landaulet looks
  • The Maybach 62 Landaulet looks

  • lukewho
    Sep 12, 06:35 PM
    I have no need for a separate tv; would like to just use my cinema display or iMac's screen...I am generally fine just sticking with DVDs and the occassional iTunes TV episode impulse-buy when I have some TV-jones. But I would occassionally like to watch me some live television - without having to make room for a separate TVbox in my cramped studio apartment. This new iTV box does nothing to fix this gap in technology, right? Basically, It puts my computer's media onto the TV, but not TV media onto my computer. I have heard about possibility of tuner cards, but don't know much about them. So, without having to pay-per-episode or per movie from the iTunes store what are some suggestions?

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Published: 3rd November 2007
  • Published: 3rd November 2007

  • wekes
    Aug 29, 04:47 PM
    I remember getting my old Power Mac 7500 in an ugly brown box with a message on it saying that apple wasn't using dyed boxes in order to help the environment. That's fine with me. However, I retrospect, I promptly dumped that box in the trash and acutally still use my newer and prettier dyed Apple boxes as storage containers in my storage room--something I never would have done with the ugly, wimpier brown one. So much for the borwn box helping the environment.

    IMHO, Greenpeace is not to be trusted. They are highly-biased activists who, like most activist groups (right or left), have the unstated, main goal of needing to justify their continuing existence. Greenpeace, in particular, is notorious for having blinders on to the point they don't have any perspective in the real world beyond the utopian fantasies. I'm all for having reasonable, workable policies that are responsible and benefit society, but letting Greenpeace be the dictator of what those policies should be is naieve and dangerous.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. 2008 Maybach 62 S Landaulet
  • 2008 Maybach 62 S Landaulet

  • roland.g
    Sep 12, 04:53 PM
    I'd be willing to bet the new iMacs and Mac Pros will only need a firmware update.

    Good to know, since I'm not waiting till Q1 to upgrade. Could you elaborate on why you think that.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Maybach Landaulet
  • Maybach Landaulet

  • iGary
    Sep 26, 06:21 PM
    November or December at the latest. It will simply be a Dual Clovertown Processor option added to the current BTO page with a new processor pricing lineup. It will be a silent upgrade.

    How do you know this for a fact? :confused:

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Maybach 62 S, 2007
  • Maybach 62 S, 2007

  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 01:21 AM
    MacOSX scales very poorly compared to (say) Linux, Irix, or AIX, owing to its Mach underpinnings. 8 cpus won't get you much over 4 until Apple rips out the Mach guts and replaces it.I don't believe you. I use applications that want 3-4 cores EACH. And I need to run 2-4 of them simultaneously. No way is Apple going to ship dual Clovertowns if they provide no benefit. I think AppliedVisual also does not believe you. In other words:

    You may be mistaken.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. 146 units in 2007 was only a
  • 146 units in 2007 was only a

  • Full of Win
    Mar 18, 10:37 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What we need need to do is to use our rights to their maximum amount. If you are on the so-called unlimited plan, download all that you can until you reach 4.5 GB per month (as shown by Also, download during the day if possible, to cost them even more for peak usage. Leaving data on the table every month is for suckers.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. The Landaulet takes the
  • The Landaulet takes the

  • spencers
    Oct 7, 11:01 AM
    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, a cupcake is going to take down iPhone?

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. maybach landaulet.jpg
  • maybach landaulet.jpg

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 14, 03:58 PM
    Wow, the Quad Xeon is the Pentium D all over again!

    The Quad Xeon is two Dual Xeons glued together, and the Pentium D was two Pentium 4s glued together.

    Its still faster than the Dual Xeons, but it isnt as good as it can be.

    Yeah... Kinda disappointing. Although, my 3D rendering work will benefit just fine from them as while it's CPU intensive, it's not bandwidth hungry and the software itself isn't all that great for thread scheduling, so it's better to run multiple software instances for each CPU/core. I'm curious to see how the Clovertowns compare to the upcoming AMD quad-core chips, which have full 4-way shared data pipe and L2 cache. I think it's going to be just like the AMD X2 vs. the Pentium-D all over again. AMD will hold the quad-core performance title until Intel releases their 45nm process chips with all 4 cores being fully linked. But such is the way it's been for the last few years, AMD and Intel continue to play leap-frog. Which is great for the consumer as it drives CPU tech ahead so fast... Too bad my wallet can't keep up. :(

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Фотогалерея Maybach (Майбах).
  • Фотогалерея Maybach (Майбах).

  • deconai
    Aug 30, 09:53 AM
    A few years ago in college, my Geology professor (he works at NASA developing new energy technologies and teaches during the Summer as a side job) told us that Mother Nature is actually the largest contributor to greenhouse gases through the release of methane attributed to volacones. In fact, one volcano puts out more methane gas than the entire USA. Apparently humans are only responsible for a fraction of a percent of the greenhouse gases found in the natural atmosphere.

    Face it, global warming is a buzz phrase quickly falling out of fashion. The temperature changes we are experiencing are part of a cycle, nothing more.

    The real problem that humans create is the rapid consumption of the earth's natural resources. We need to remember to recriprocate this consumption with preservation.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Inspired by the Maybach 62
  • Inspired by the Maybach 62

  • xper
    Apr 13, 07:54 AM
    I will save my major comments until I see the shortcut layout, the amount of customization, and hear from the working industry . . . you know the ones too busy getting it done to attend the event. Not the ones that got paid go.

    The shortcuts hasnt changed and it is possible to remap shortcuts so no need to worry.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Back to Maybach Landaulet
  • Back to Maybach Landaulet

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 07:37 PM
    Interesting and "generic" use by Apple execs. This could be used against them, as compared to saying that our "App Store" is the largest of any of the available applications stores. Subtle, but significant.

    Good catch to all those who noticed Cook's generic use with "we've got the largest app store".

    The manual for (my wife's Android) phone is 156 pages long. I couldn't find the buttons illustrated in it to set up another email address other than Gmail.

    Last time I checked online, Apple's official iPhone user manual was 244 pages long.

    Not to mention that there's probably a hundred iPhone help books for people who can't figure it out.

    And to think that the ENTIRE Droid market is unregulated? More and more viruses will appear. You can't get a virus on an iPhone unless Apple somehow lets it in.

    Apple's approval of an app does not guarantee that it doesn't have a Trojan or other malware. It simply means that it passes their app rules and doesn't violate copyrights. Each OS update has included fixes for buffer overruns and other holes which could've allowed anyone full access.

    Perhaps you didn't realize MILLIONS of Android users downloaded malware.

    Hardly. Do you mean the ~100,000 who recently downloaded apps that the someone stuck a root kit in, but which otherwise didn't do anything? And which were deleted within minutes of Google finding out?

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. 2007 Maybach
  • 2007 Maybach

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 07:39 AM
    No surprise the iPad is just a fad and people are starting to realize how limited it is. Its frustrating on a lot of cool websites and no file system makes it very limited.

    You apparently missed the part of the report that says:

    A combination of strong Q4 sales and the announcement of the iPad 2's launch across major markets at the end of March contributed to Apple's iPad shipments being down 31% sequentially. The full impact of the iPad 2 launch will not register until subsequent quarters, as Apple gets the product into the hands of consumers.

    Interpretation in english:

    Two major factors contributing to the sequential decline of iPad sales this quarter:

    1) A lot of consumers received an iPad 1 as a holiday gift and did not need a 2 and

    2) Apple's larger multi-country launch caused inventory constraint and Apple was unable to sell more because they didn't have any excess to sell; i.e., it's a really popular device and we anticipate that being reflected in next quarter's sales report.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Maybach 52 S, Maybach 62 and
  • Maybach 52 S, Maybach 62 and

  • Hastings101
    Apr 5, 08:29 PM
    Things I miss from Windows:

    Select an item, push shift, and select another to select those two items and everything between them.

    Start Menu where you can find all of the installed programs easily and a bunch of recent or favorite programs as well (Apple's Menu Bar and the Dock try to accomplish this with recent items and stacks but it's just not as good.)

    Being able to easily theme the OS.

    Many applications don't quit when you push close a window on Mac. On Windows the program quits. It was a lot easier than having to go up to the menu for the application and hit quit.

    When you click maximize on Windows the application takes up all of the available screen space (excluding taskbar) instead of just fitting to what the application is displaying. While I do like what OS X does I wish it wasn't the only option available.

    The "Add/Remove programs" thing was also really nice. I know that all you have to do is drag and drop to the trash on Mac but sometimes not all of my applications are in my Applications folder and it's a pain to hunt for something.

    I could go on and on but I think that's enough lol.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. MAYBACH 62 S INTERIOR (2007)
  • MAYBACH 62 S INTERIOR (2007)

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 06:47 AM
    I was thinking the same thing. "In my day" a hardcore gamer was someone that custom built a gaming rig consisting of no less then 2 graphics cards (add a third and get SLI + PhysX), each costing at least if not more then a single PS3, the most expensive 'extreme' cpu they could find, and a small nuclear power plant for a PSU, then boasting about their 3D Mark scores.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Maybachmaybach landaulet
  • Maybachmaybach landaulet

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 11:58 AM
    Right, schools should teach you how to think. Besides, what a kid learns at age 7 will be somewhat obsolete by the time she enters the work force at 24, seventeen years later. For all we know, she could be given a Linux box at that time, or a Chrome PC, or a Mac, or something not even invented yet instead of a Windows box.

    A lot can change in almost 20 years.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. 2009 Maybach Landaulet Price
  • 2009 Maybach Landaulet Price

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 05:51 PM
    Until Vista and Win 7, it was effectively impossible to run a Windows NT system as anything but Administrator. To the point that other than locked-down corporate sites where an IT Professional was required to install the Corporate Approved version of any software you need to do your job, I never knew anyone running XP (or 2k, or for that matter NT 3.x) who in a day-to-day fashion used a Standard user account.

    Of course, I don't know of any Linux distribution that doesn't require root to install system wide software either. Kind of negates your point there...

    In contrast, an "Administrator" account on OS X was in reality a limited user account, just with some system-level privileges like being able to install apps that other people could run. A "Standard" user account was far more usable on OS X than the equivalent on Windows, because "Standard" users could install software into their user sandbox, etc. Still, most people I know run OS X as Administrator.

    You could do the same as far back as Windows NT 3.1 in 1993. The fact that most software vendors wrote their applications for the non-secure DOS based versions of Windows is moot, that is not a problem of the OS's security model, it is a problem of the Application. This is not "Unix security" being better, it's "Software vendors for Windows" being dumber.

    It's no different than if instead of writing my preferences to $HOME/.myapp/ I'd write a software that required writing everything to /usr/share/myapp/username/. That would require root in any decent Unix installation, or it would require me to set permissions on that folder to 775 and make all users of myapp part of the owning group. Or I could just go the lazy route, make the binary 4755 and set mount opts to suid on the filesystem where this binary resides... (ugh...).

    This is no different on Windows NT based architectures. If you were so inclined, with tools like Filemon and Regmon, you could granularly set permissions in a way to install these misbehaving software so that they would work for regular users.

    I know I did many times in a past life (back when I was sort of forced to do Windows systems administration... ugh... Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server edition... what a wreck...).

    Let's face it, Windows NT and Unix systems have very similar security models (in fact, Windows NT has superior ACL support out of the box, akin to Novell's close to perfect ACLs, Unix is far more limited with it's read/write/execute permission scheme, even with Posix ACLs in place). It's the hoops that software vendors outside the control of Microsoft made you go through that forced lazy users to run as Administrator all the time and gave Microsoft such headaches.

    As far back as I remember (when I did some Windows systems programming), Microsoft was already advising to use the user's home folder/the user's registry hive for preferences and to never write to system locations.

    The real differenc, though, is that an NT Administrator was really equivalent to the Unix root account. An OS X Administrator was a Unix non-root user with 'admin' group access. You could not start up the UI as the 'root' user (and the 'root' account was disabled by default).

    Actually, the Administrator account (much less a standard user in the Administrators group) is not a root level account at all.

    Notice how a root account on Unix can do everything, just by virtue of its 0 uid. It can write/delete/read files from filesystems it does not even have permissions on. It can kill any system process, no matter the owner.

    Administrator on Windows NT is far more limited. Don't ever break your ACLs or don't try to kill processes owned by "System". SysInternals provided tools that let you do it, but Microsoft did not.

    All that having been said, UAC has really evened the bar for Windows Vista and 7 (moreso in 7 after the usability tweaks Microsoft put in to stop people from disabling it). I see no functional security difference between the OS X authorization scheme and the Windows UAC scheme.

    UAC is simply a gui front-end to the runas command. Heck, shift-right-click already had the "Run As" option. It's a glorified sudo. It uses RDP (since Vista, user sessions are really local RDP sessions) to prevent being able to "fake it", by showing up on the "console" session while the user's display resides on a RDP session.

    There, you did it, you made me go on a defensive rant for Microsoft. I hate you now.

    My response, why bother worrying about this when the attacker can do the same thing via shellcode generated in the background by exploiting a running process so the the user is unaware that code is being executed on the system

    Because this required no particular exploit or vulnerability. A simple Javascript auto-download and Safari auto-opening an archive and running code.

    Why bother, you're not "getting it". The only reason the user is aware of MACDefender is because it runs a GUI based installer. If the executable had had 0 GUI code and just run stuff in the background, you would have never known until you couldn't find your files or some chinese guy was buying goods with your CC info, fished right out of your "Bank stuff.xls" file.

    That's the thing, infecting a computer at the system level is fine if you want to build a DoS botnet or something (and even then, you don't really need privilege escalation for that, just set login items for the current user, and run off a non-privilege port, root privileges are not required for ICMP access, only raw sockets).

    These days, malware authors and users are much more interested in your data than your system. That's where the money is. Identity theft, phishing, they mean big bucks.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. 2009 Maybach Landaulet priced
  • 2009 Maybach Landaulet priced

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 28, 07:35 AM
    Almost all of that is due to the iPad. They had around 4% of the global market for computers last year.

    And growth is bad?

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Maybach 62S Landaulet
  • Maybach 62S Landaulet

  • Fraaaa
    Apr 15, 09:53 AM
    So Trevor is for people that consider suicide - yet the video looks much towards LGBT only.

    2007 Maybach Landaulet Concept. Maybach+landaulet+black
  • Maybach+landaulet+black

  • MacCoaster
    Oct 13, 01:31 PM
    Originally posted by javajedi

    You are absolutely 110% correct. We've allready dismissed BackToTheMac's outlandish fallacies though :)

    I think he gets the picture now....
    Yup. Proven technology. I sure hope he gets the picture.

    Mar 19, 01:29 PM
    But can a user be considered to be a party to that agreement if they have not used iTunes to access the store - does the purchasing process still involve an agreement approval stage using this software? Presumably not.

    Yes. By signing up for an account to use the iTunes Music Store, you are bound to their terms of service. Those terms only appear in the official iTunes client because that's the only source for the music. Just because those terms don't pop up on the screen if you use this PyMusique thing doesn't mean you aren't responsible for knowing. For example, if you do not receive a bill in the mail for your credit card, you are still responsible for making the payment and paying any late fees--it is your responsibility as the borrower to make the appropriate payment on time. By using the service, you are implicitly agreeing to the terms of service and use, including Apple's rights to prosecute (should they choose to) for your violation of those terms (i.e. using a non-approved client application). This is enforceable; whether Apple chooses to do anything about it remains unclear.

    Also enforceable is the DMCA violation (and yes, it is a violation, because you are BYPASSING technology designed to secure DRM). Even though you paid for the songs, you also paid for the license for that song (which includes DRM), and you are breaking encryption by bypassing it. Walking through a hole in a fence is still trespassing, whether you made the hole or not. Again, from a legal perspective, this is a punishable violation.

    I'm not saying that I like having my digital music locked down more vigorously than a CD I buy. But there are logical reasons for doing so. Namely, that the digital version, if un-DRMed, can be copied and transmitted with no special software or effort. If I want to share a CD, I have to burn a copy (requiring hardware and software) or extract the audio digitally and transmit it. Digital music does all that for you, and Apple's DRM gives you appropriate fair use rights. The DRM is designed to prevent casual copying that results in lower license sales.

    You don't own the music you've bought, and you don't have any legal right to redistribute it because your license does not allow it. Should you be able to use it on any type of device you choose? Yes. Does DRM prevent that from happening? Often, also yes. Can you choose a different format that works with all devices (standard MP3 imported from a CD)? Yeah, but not on purchased iTunes music. Until DRM and file format technology becomes standardized, you have to deal with "early adopter syndrome" in a volatile market, which can result in purchases not being universally compatible (betamax/VHS/laser disc/DVD anyone?). Make a choice that works for you.

    By purchasing AAC with Apple's DRM, you are choosing a file format with known and public limitations that will only work with a specific combination of hardware and software. You chose the delivery platform; you can't buy Windows software and then complain that it doesn't work on your Mac without buying it again. That's the way business works. Of course it would be fantastic if buying a license of Office for my PC gave me a corresponding license for all the other computer platforms I use, but that's not the case. Even say, Dreamweaver, which gives you Mac and PC installers, is only licensed to be used on one of the computers. I can install it on both, but that doesn't make it right or legal, even if I think that Macromedia is horrible (which I do).

    In conclusion, breaking or bypassing DRM, while understandable on a basic level for getting compatibility with everything, is against the law. Using tools to do this which violate the iTMS terms of service is also a legal violation. The best way out of this situation is to support a universal standard that ensures compatibility with all devices and file formats. DRM isn't going away, and it shouldn't. But it should also not work against honest customers who just want iTunes songs to play on their Rio. Long post, my apologies.

    Oct 27, 03:56 AM
    ah i'm so glad i check this website, sold my Quad G5 day before yesterday, and put in an order for a Mac Pro, that would have arrived Tuesday, fortunately (at least i hope it turns out that way) i saw this news last night, being unable to cancel online, i had to call and have just now cancelled the order. Don't know how to read into this, and i doubt customer services are in possession of such information but when the lady asked me why i was cancelling i mentioned hearing about new version coming out, it was news to her she thought i was making it up, so she put me on hold, and came back after a minute or two, i was worried she was coming back with news saying i couldn't cancel my order or something, but she had a different tone as if someone told her the news was true and she was happy to cancel.

    But seriously i wish there was some more concrete news of the Octo core, i'm going to have to finish off a lot of work this weekend before i ship my G5 on Monday, as i'm going to be without a Mac for at least 2-3 weeks, and even if the new Revision comes out as planned lord knows what the waiting time will be, what if they have option of x1950 or something and we are looking at the delays like before?

    Looks like i have an excuse to get one of those new fangled MB Pros. no Mac for a month, can not imagine it. :(

    Apr 9, 01:15 AM
    Oops. Looks like someone hasn't visited the App Store in like, never.

    Since you're still in can you grab me a Palm Centro? I'm feelin nostalgic.

    I used to have an iPhone, and I like a few of the games for it. I even liked playing them on my iPad.

    Considering how the phone barely makes it through a day without being charged, a separate dedicated handheld console is a blessing to most gamers.

    Most people that say iOS games are good and cheap end up spending lots more money on more iOS games than they would on a few dedicated games. Plus, I always prefer to have a physical copy... I don't like the idea of all my downloads going walkabout some day.

    Oh, and try to be more mature in your reply next time please. That was uncalled for and childish.

    Mar 14, 01:13 PM
    in japan though it's a little bit different. thats why there also isn't much open panic: simply for the fact that the majority of japanese don't want to be seen 'losing it'
    I suspect you are somewhat mistaken on that point. Mostly, what happened happened, not much they can do about that now. Some eyewitnesses I hear on the radio were saying they felt eerily calm during the shaking, now they are mostly fatalistic, I would think. Panic just amounts to a waste of energy.

    off topic side note: for other nuclear plant designs this events could have been massivle more dramatic

    That remains to be seen. Right now, they are still struggling to keep this disaster from happening. The situation is hardly what I would call stable.

    Sep 20, 08:00 AM
    I know of at least one company ( in the UK who won't be too happy if they keep that name.
    Pay attention. That's NOT the name. That's just what we're calling it today.

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