Monday, May 30, 2011

Nissan 350z Nismo Edition

Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. NISMO 350Z is the ideal
  • NISMO 350Z is the ideal

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 12, 01:40 PM
    .....................................I am now convinced that many people who post in these forums are stupid(not refering to u sbarton) , If half these dumb comments went up on Xtremesystems/THG/Anandtech Forums people would get laughed at right out of the forums. Please if you do not have any sort of technical knowledge please do not post ignorant comments about how conroe deserves to go into an iMac and MacPro is too good for it.

    I find it very disturbing that while many of the forums I just mentioned are salivating for conroe chips to hit retail , the mac snobs in this forum act like it's some bastardized step child to woodcrest. Lets me tell you noob's something after seeing Coolaler hit 4ghz on a Kentsfield nothing impresses me anymore. lets see your MacPro score 2000 in Cinebench and render in 11secs.

    I can't wait till august so when i get my Conore i can break all your hearts. when u see my Conroe clock up at 3.6ghz and blow that overpriced MacPro trash out of the water. Then please tell me that Core 2 belongs in an iMac.
    I swear you people deserve to be stuck with IBM/Freescale for another 5yrs.

    .......................................................................APPLE IS USING INTEL STOCK PARTS[/B] incase you didn't know , so mixing the MacPro with Conroe/Woody would not cost a dime more. they will use a basic P965 chipset for Conroe and 5000X Chipset for Woody.

    uhm, where does that come from?:confused:

    so, why should your conroe based machine blow a mac out of the water? we don't know the specs yet. and as you state yourself they are going to use standard intel stuff. so speedwise they should be equal to any other PC. only twice as expensive.:p

    aside of that most people here were rather positive towards the intel switch. and most want a conroe based midrange mac. so why this post?:confused:

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. 2007 Nismo Nissan 350z
  • 2007 Nismo Nissan 350z

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 12:19 AM
    That's a complete joke, surely? There's no way you can compare console gaming, in basically a home arcade, to swiping your fingers around on a 3.5" screen. No way. I am a gamer, and always will be.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. 2007 Nissan 350z Nismo 24k
  • 2007 Nissan 350z Nismo 24k

  • CoryTV
    Apr 12, 11:30 PM
    You're assuming that if you didn't see a demo of it, it doesn't exist. iMovie has titling built in. They didn't demo titling this evening. Therefore, you're presuming this app has less titling than iMovie!

    That seems pretty silly.

    I made no such assumption, as far as less titling than imovie. But If there's a June release date, there is not 1 single major feature that hasn't been fully implemented. They are in final Beta. If they had a really high end titler/graphics engine, they would have shown it. Just like they would have shown high end grading. I'm not saying they're not coming at some point down the road, but I will eat a $100 bill on video if they have the full functionality of something like Color built in to this when it ships.

    Look maybe what this all comes down to is this: They had to start somewhere, and they wanted to start selling it as soon as possible, and hope people will use FCS 3 + FCPX together until FCSX (why not jump to 10?) is released in 2 years.

    Maybe this does have media sharing between stations, and pro tape i/o (which is still used by broadcast) But they don't need broadcast. That's the point. At $299 for the software, all they care about is people buying Apple Computers. And you know what? People buy Apple Computers who use Avid. Because they know at the very least, they can use FCP/Avid/CS5.5 on one system. And I do. And I will. I was just hoping at some point, I wouldn't have to choose between 3 NLE's on a per-project basis, as I will most likely be doing for the foreseeable future.

    I LOVE the shiny new features on this. Thank GOD for 64-bit multicore. But in a lot of ways, tomorrow, many people will point out that Avid has been doing resolution and framerate independent timelines with ZERO rendering for like 18 months now. And Adobe's new warp stabilizer and h.264/avchd/red support are still pretty freakin amazing.

    And I saw all the features through a tiny webstream, so maybe when I see it in glorious HD h.264 I'll change my mind.

    But there's no reason in the 4 years since FCP 6 they couldn't have done all this and more. (FCP 7 was a really minor update) That's my frustration. They've been sitting on the COLOR tech, and they didn't fully integrate it? So we're still going to have to deal with the horrible round tripping as a best case senario? Or they didn't take some of the ideas of motion and integrate them seamlessly into the timeline, so we still have to use a separate FX program? Trust me, you could do this, and it would still be a good UI.

    But fine, I'll plunk the $299 down and finally feel like I'm making use of all 8 of my cores, and pray for a day where I don't have to switch back and forth between apps.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo Wallpaper
  • Nissan 350z Nismo Wallpaper

  • sawah
    Mar 18, 08:49 AM
    Some of the responses on this thread are really amusing.

    The people who are defending AT&T's actions are either astroturfing shills, or dolts.

    Here's a newsflash: Just because you put something into a contract doesn't make it legal or make it fair. What if AT&T stipulated that they were allowed to come by your house and give you a wedgie every time you checked your voicemail...? Would you still be screaming about how its "justified" because its written on some lop-sided, legalese-ridden piece of paper?

    The way that the current data plans are priced and more importantly *marketed* to customers, charging for tethering is double charging for data.

    The correct thing to do would be to have multiple (at least 3) tiers of data and stop differentiating between tethered service. If the tetherers are using too much data then charge them appropriately. What AT&T is currently doing is telling you that you can use up to 2GB of data, and then trying to charge you extra when they see that you might actually use that much (due to tethering).

    I don't agree with some of at&t's policies such as this. BUT I signed their contract and I abide by them. If you didn't like what you were signing and weren't planning on following it, you shouldn't have signed it.

    They are NOT charging you extra to use the 2 gigs of data, they are charging you extra to use the data on a different device. I'm not sure how you feel like you are entitled to use it wherever you want. They are a cell phone company. If you want home internet, call a internet company.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. 2008 Nissan 350Z
  • 2008 Nissan 350Z

  • AidenShaw
    Jul 13, 09:06 AM
    Nope, it doesn't. Besides, I already told you in another thread that Intel agrees with my intrepetation on this matter. The see dual-dual systems as 2-way systems, whereas according to you, they are 4-way systems. Are you saying that Intel does not know what they are doing?
    Intel and AMD push hard to make sure that a dual-core processor is *licensed* as a single CPU. This is because there are a lot of big software packages that are priced according to the number of processors, often much more expensive for a 4-way than a 2-way.

    The CPU makers wouldn't sell as many multi-core chips if the systems were much more expensive (in TCO) than single-core chips. Therefore they pretend that a "processor" is what can be plugged into a socket. The software sees that there are "physical processors" (a package with pins) and "logical processors" (the CPU that we've been familiar with for decades, which requires SMP hardware capabilities to be useful with 2 or more).

    They say that software licensing should consider the *physical* processor count for licensing terms. (For example, XP Home will run SMP on a dual-core, but not on a dual-socket. XP Pro will run 4-way SMP on a dual-socket quad-core, but not on a quad-socket quad-core. Microsoft licensing looks at the number of physical processors, while of course the software runs according to the number of logical processors.)

    So, Intel/AMD/MS have an agenda that requires them to distort the meaning of the word "processor". They have to warp the word "processor" to justify the licensing stance.

    And, if you're so hung up on the hardware distinctions, consider:

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo.
  • Nissan 350z Nismo.

  • Applespider
    Mar 20, 06:29 PM
    Furthermore, if you are using iTunes music, and you are using iMovie/iDVD, you CAN use tracks in your videos. They import in and you can use them freely in your projects.

    Except there have been threads where people did this and when they sent it to friends to view, their computer had to be authorised to do so.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo Spoiler
  • Nissan 350z Nismo Spoiler

  • orak
    Oct 6, 09:50 AM
    What I really would like to know is when the eight-core Mac will be available.

    Does anyone remember how much lag there was between the availability of the Woodcrest chips and the time the Mac Pros came out?

    The new Quad core chips are expected to be out in mid-November. Considering that the new chips work with the current Mac Pros, so long as Apple doesn't plan on having big changes to the motherboard, they could theoretically update the product line pretty quickly.

    I've asked someone who needs to purchase large quantities of professional machines from Apple for a company, and he couldn't get info from tight-lipped Apple about this.

    So I just wanted to hear some educated guesses to help with my impatience. :)

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo S Tune
  • Nissan 350z Nismo S Tune

  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 04:27 PM
    I have seen this stated a few time - but not stated anywhere by apple.
    All I picked up form SJ was " we are pleased with the quality"

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo Interior
  • Nissan 350z Nismo Interior

  • macfan881
    Feb 28, 01:32 AM
    Hardly. If you're that serious about getting into iPhone development, pony up $1200 for an iMac and run Windows on it too. Apple will never port their dev tools to the PC. It makes no sense at all.

    uh yeah you are specailly like that type of attitude if Apple Never opened iTunes/iPod to windows computers do you really think the Music Store would have had 10B downloads no.. well eventually but it would never have been so quickly as they have done. Trust me Apple will eventually open up to windows on the iPhone Sdk the iPhone is only 3 years old.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. 2007 Red Nismo Edition 350Z
  • 2007 Red Nismo Edition 350Z

  • jholzner
    Oct 25, 10:57 PM
    I can't really decide what to think of an 8 core mac pro.

    Right now FCP barely uses all four of mine.
    It seriously seems that they a) haven't updated software pending an OS update, ie; leopard, to take advavtage of them or b) more cores really only helps the multi-tasking.

    In any case I think my mac pro isn't quite as fast as it could be sighting the activity of my cpus during a render.

    HDV render = 60% on every core. WTF?

    True but that new color correction software Apple just bought has some pretty steep requirements. I bet the next version of FCP will really be able to take serious advantage of their new wares. Also, I bet Leopard is going to be optimized to the limit for this type of hardware. Just my guess.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo S Tune
  • Nissan 350z Nismo S Tune

  • spencers
    Oct 7, 11:01 AM
    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, a cupcake is going to take down iPhone?

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo S Tune
  • Nissan 350z Nismo S Tune

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 03:23 PM
    Yes it would. Ever heard of economies of scale? If Apple told Intel "we want to buy 600.000 Woodcrests from you", they would get a nice discount. Spread that purchase over several different CPU's, and the discount is not that nice anymore. Furtermore, having two different CPU's, two different chipsets and two different types of RAM in single line of computers, is going to make inventory-management and maintentance quite a bit more expensive than having single lineup with one type of compoennts.

    This may be the case for say HP or Gateway , however Apple is Intel's new Darling and gets the best deal in the industry , so good infact that it prompted Dell to no longer feature Intel as it's exclusive chip vendor and as a resuld Dell will be introducing AMD based Desktops in August just to spite Intel for doing this.

    No matter how u configure a machine a Single CPU Woodcrest will never be as cost effiecient as a Conroe. Not to mention the need for ECC-ram , and expensive EPS12 PSU and Server Mobo.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan+350z+nismo+front+
  • Nissan+350z+nismo+front+

  • caity13cait
    Sep 22, 03:46 PM
    Hi maybe this topic has been covered in the last 4 pages, but if the itv has video out won't that mean that you can record off of it, like hook it to a dvd burner or even a vhs? Maybe I am missing something here.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z Nismo Black.
  • Nissan 350z Nismo Black.

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:01 AM
    I don't agree. If those groups got organized, their message would eventually get picked up my the media. It's not like LGBT groups were started last weekend and, bam, the media picked up on it. It took decades for them to get to this point of media attention.

    And I agree with Heilage: the message from the video doesn't only apply to LGBT folk.

    Got organized? Like that sad attempt at a "Fat Acceptance" movement? News flash - nobody likes fat people because they are seen as ugly and gross. Find me a single obesity related story on the news that isn't accompanied by B-roll of headless fat bodies walking around the city holding ice cream cones.

    Imagine if every time a gay related story were on the news they showed B-roll of men in darkened gay theaters and closeups of prescription labels for antiretrovirals.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. 2008 Nissan 350Z
  • 2008 Nissan 350Z

  • killr_b
    Oct 25, 10:48 PM
    I can't really decide what to think of an 8 core mac pro.

    Right now FCP barely uses all four of mine.
    It seriously seems that they a) haven't updated software pending an OS update, ie; leopard, to take advavtage of them or b) more cores really only helps the multi-tasking.

    In any case I think my mac pro isn't quite as fast as it could be sighting the activity of my cpus during a render.

    HDV render = 60% on every core. WTF?

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan Z33 fairlady 350Z Nismo
  • Nissan Z33 fairlady 350Z Nismo

  • Hunabku
    Jul 11, 10:59 PM
    For its high end, there is no way on earth apple would release anything less then a quad woodcrest. If they did it would be dead in the water. The advantage of having apps like Photoshop not universal is that apple has to give us that much more horsepower to run them under rosetta.

    Of course the chips will be woodcrest otherwise steves key note at wdc of the systems would be utter poo-crap - and we all know apple builds products just so steve-o can be the man on stage---


    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. 2007 Nissan 350z NISMO #0277
  • 2007 Nissan 350z NISMO #0277

  • onicon
    Apr 15, 09:20 AM
    Knowing how bullying feels like when it's done to you, no matter why or what the difference is, i really appreciate them doing this.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. nissan 350z interior.
  • nissan 350z interior.

  • skunk
    Mar 24, 07:19 PM
    Not supporting actions is hate?

    You do real that Tomasi is talking about the attacks on "People who criticise gay sexual relations..."Don't be so disingenuous. The Catholic church has stigmatised gays relentlessly.

    Nissan 350z Nismo Edition. Nissan 350z 35th Anniversary
  • Nissan 350z 35th Anniversary

  • Sherman
    Oct 13, 01:46 PM
    Another rumor I've heard going around is one of Intels Pentium 5.

    We all know about the amazing 4.7Ghz P4 but it's actually not that much faster than a 2.5Ghz P4 because they added so many steps to get up to that clock speed.

    In the P5 they tried to stop this troubling trend and found out, they could only get a 1.3Ghz P5, pretty much equal to the G4, without all those extra steps.


    Apple OC
    Apr 23, 05:42 PM
    exactly ^^^ you either believe or you don't

    Oct 12, 11:11 AM
    Did you just get the 2007 model? If so how do you like it? Can't you lobby sales to give you the credit? You bought while the coupon was in effect - just overlooked it. It's another $96 off man. Worth asking about. Get one first then call sales.

    The one I ordered the other day shipped yesterday and I'm expecting delivery on monday. I requested the forum coupon and will see if they will credit me. But I don't know. i'm not planning on going through the brain damage of ordering another monitor with the coupon and sending one back just to save ~$100.

    I currently have a 30" Dell that I bought last year when Dell first introduced them. I love the thing... My only gripe is 1 stuck pixel, but Dell requires like 7 or more to replace and I didn't swap the monitor within my 30-day window because the pixel didn't show up until after nearly 3 months. :(

    I have an Apple 30" on my other G5 quad and I've never had the two side by side, but I think I like the Dell one better. I use a Gefen 4x1 DVI-DL switcher and have the G5 and two PC systems connected to the Dell with an extra cable for my MBP or whatnot if I want to connect that. I ordered the second 30" because I'm going to expand my desktop to dual 30" displays. :D I had to order another Gefen switcher for the second monitor too since the G5 and one of my PC boxes both support dual-link DVI out of both DVI ports as will the Mac Pro I'm planning to buy in the near future.

    Sep 12, 04:18 PM
    It's already there they call it export to iPod.

    Well there you go. But I assume it's converting the video to the low res format that the ipod can play. Do they have an export option that keeps it at the same quality it was recorded at?

    Aug 29, 12:54 PM
    The fact is, Apple computers make up well under 8% of the total world computer marketplace. FAR less if you include all the mainframes and minicomputers in that estimate.

    If Apple did absolutely *nothing* special to please environmentalists... no recycling programs whatsoever, etc. - it would have relatively little impact on the overall situation. The fact is, they DO take some steps towards being environmentally responsible anyway.

    Truthfully, it's a much more serious issue if a *large* computer supplier like Dell scores badly in this area. They pump out MANY more PCs on corporate desktops all over the world. Apple has to showcase it when they can find a business that bought thousands of their computers at a time. For Dell or IBM, they could point to that in several companies in any major American city.

    Groups like Greenpeace border on fanatical....

    This is a real bummer to me. I pride myself on making as little an impact on the environment as I can, but make my living using computers to make music... and I use all Apple products... so I'm feeling really guilty about this right now.

    Mar 19, 07:48 AM
    So getting to my point, it would seem like this guy is spending a lot of energy trying to piss off media corporations. The only conclusion I can see is that he wants the attention. Flirting with lawsuits sounds as crazy as publishing trade secrets on your website. :D There's also this pro-Real Networks thing I think I am getting from his site, but that's for another thread...

    Actually from what I know about the DCESS thing is that he is just a linux geek who wants to use mainstream products on his linux box. It has nothing to do with attention or media companies.

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