Monday, May 30, 2011

Nissan Altima Coupe Red

Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red
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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 10:14 AM
    It's funny how we all want to be heard, accepted, and given a chance to express ourselves and fight for what we believe in, but the minute any group, church, or organization stands behind their beliefs, they're immediately labeled as hateful, homophobes with no hearts. Seriously, WTF? Aren't THEY entitled to fight for what THEY believe in as well? I think respect is a two-way street. We sure cry and moan and whine if we don't get any of it, but I see a lot of my own community acting quick to bad-mouth anyone that doesn't support our agenda. Maybe that's why I'm so "eh" about this whole thing.

    The thing is, a lot of these beliefs ARE hateful.

    People can believe what they will, but I'm under no obligation to hold my tongue; you may be entitled to your beliefs, but you are not entitled to have those beliefs - no matter where they arise from - go unchallenged.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Red
  • 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Red

  • richard.mac
    Mar 11, 01:54 AM
    crap! :( thoughts to the Japanese living there. earth is fierce atm! disastrous earthquakes in cities like there and in New Zealand and that flooding in Australia.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5.
  • Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5.

  • jellybean
    Apr 24, 08:06 PM
    And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope...

    I didn't expect some sort of Spanish inquisition :eek:

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  • AP_piano295
    Apr 26, 01:27 PM
    Not all religion is about the belief in God. In Buddhism (http://, it doesn't matter one way or the other if God exists or not. In many ways, my thinking follows the Buddhist way. By it's very definition (http://, atheism can be considered a religion. #2 a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
    Atheist believe in the non-existence of God; some as fervently as Christians believe in one.
    As for trying to prove or disprove the existence of God. Many men and women, much smarter and better qualified than me, have tried. All have failed. I don't bother with the impossible.;)

    I'm getting tired of shooting down this massive and prevalent mis-conception over and over again so I'll just copy paste my post from the "why are there so many atheists" thread.

    For a start atheism (ass I see it) is not a belief system, I don't even like to use the term atheist because it grants religion(s) a much higher status than I think it deserves. The term atheism gives the impression that I have purposefully decided NOT to believe in god or religion

    I have not chosen not to believe in god or god(s). I just have no reason to believe that they exist because I have seen nothing which suggests their existence.

    I don't claim to understand how the universe/matter/energy/life came to be, but the ancient Greeks didn't understand lighting. The fact that they didn't understand lighting made Zeus no more real and electricity no less real. The fact that I do not understand abiogenesis (the formation of living matter from non living matter) does not mean that it is beyond understanding.

    The fact that there is much currently beyond the scope of human understanding in no way suggests the existence of god.

    In much the same way that one's inability to see through a closed door doesn't suggest that the room beyond is filled with leprechauns.

    A lack of information does not arbitrarily suggest the nature of the lacking knowledge. Any speculation which isn't based upon available information is simply meaningless speculation, nothing more.

    Atheism is no more a religion than failing to believe in leprechauns is a religion..:rolleyes:

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 24, 10:04 AM
    Well�we can argue whether Canadians support a real military but we don�t have to go there. :p

    All I�m saying is that any respectable military has to prepare for sending a large group of soldiers into known suicide missions. This is what �cannon fodder� is. Sometimes you can�t hide it from the warrior. Sometimes they WILL KNOW that they will die. But this is absolutely necessary to purposely sacrifice their lives in order to achieve a strategic goal�or even victory. It�s much easier if these warriors are imprinted with the idea of �god and heaven�.

    Now, in these stupid overwhelmingly �crushing an inferior force� type of wars we�ve been engaged in, perhaps these situations don�t come up as much. Or if they do, you can hand pick a couple of �zealots� to do the job. But if there was a �real war�, like for example, if oil gets scarce and Europe turns on each other� Don�t laugh. If the �middle east� turn on each other all the time for oil, it can happen to �the west� too. You would be real arrogant to think that you are so much �better� than them. And if you ARE that arrogant about being a �sophisticated Westerner� think about China�or Russia.

    Hey, maybe our fighting force will be so robotic one day that it doesn�t matter. War will become an ego contest between engineers and no blood will be shed. But until the technology becomes reality, we still need cannon fodder capability for potential tight situations. ;)

    I did address the cannon fodder issue in another thread. The military uses psycological tools like ceremony and symbolism to "honor and glorify" it's dead as motivational tools. Religion may have been used in the past but in a military system composed of so many disparate religions, it would be difficult to use religious motivation these days in any meaningful ways. Perhaps since the US military is made up primarily of black (Baptist) and Hispanic (Catholic) soldiers, it's easier to use religious motivation on them. As I said, from my personal experience, religion is not a motivational force in a modern army.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2010 Nissan Altima 2.5 S, Red
  • 2010 Nissan Altima 2.5 S, Red

  • reel2reel
    Apr 15, 09:50 AM
    That's awesome.

    Humans can be some nasty creatures.

    Yep, this hate is dying off. Demographics are destiny. Younger people, writ large, are not homophobic or anti-gay.

    But they're still pretty good at hating and excluding for other reasons. Some things never change, unfortunately.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. of the altima coupe and a
  • of the altima coupe and a

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 12:07 AM
    When your moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature are bigoted and wrong, yes, we will attack you. Get used to it because that is the direction the world is moving, like it or not.
    Matthew 5:10-12

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 21, 01:26 PM
    I'd agree with you. Look at the craigslist computer forum and you'll see a high number of non-tech savvy folk. He's just making a gross generalization or taking a small % and extrapolating it to the whole, both of which are flawed.

    On a side note, my cup holder is flipped. Every time I put my drink on it, it spills right off. How do you keep your cup parallel to your desk on yours?

    Doesn't everybody turn their computer on the side?

    I alternate, so put it on the right on odd days on the left on even days.

    That way my neck doesn't get strained so much when I have to read something on the screen.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Black; 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe; 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Black; 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Black.
  • 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Black; 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe; 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Black; 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe Black.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 04:16 AM
    Amazing. Not a word in response.

    Bill, all gay people want is to be accepted for what we are, not what you want us to be.

    Not so different from what you want, is it?
    I want to be accepted as I am. But my heterosexuality is not who I am. It's not my identity. It's a property I have. If I became gay, the homosexuality wouldn't change me into someone else. I wouldn't become, say, Jussi Bjorling, my favorite singer. But if I did become gay, I would have a property I never had before. If I become someone else by gaining or losing a property I might or might not have, I'll become someone else when my hair turns gray.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red.
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red.

  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 07:06 PM
    And the HD capabilities of iTV exceed Eyehome.

    You do recognize that there is not currently an HD system in place from Apple. If HD streaming does work, and I'm certainly not convinced of that at this point, you still have to shoehorn the entire system. The content you purchase from iTunes is not in HD and probably won't be for at least a year, probably 2-3. Therefore, the only HD content will be content that you added on your own, via 3rd party solutions.

    So enjoy your patchwork HD system, I'd prefer something more seamless, and supported by Apple.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red

  • takao
    Mar 13, 06:47 AM
    It won't be an issue. Please refer to my previous post in this thread.

    I feel like the fear mongering done by the international media is just unreal-- is everyone that uneducated?

    well flooding the inner containment vessel with seawater + added boric acid is by all means an absolute last resort option in any playbook
    (hardly a DIY solution: many reactors have the option and external connectors to do just that)
    afterall they don't even know the situation inside because the temperature sensors aren't working anymore
    also since that water can't be exchanged directly it means that they might have to cool the containment construction from the outside with additional water

    obviously it won't be a disaster on the scale of chernobyl but it is already high up on the scale of disasters (6 reactors without cooling, 2 core meltdowns), it's pretty much confirmed that nuclear material has been spilled even if it was just hydrogen blowing up the external construction
    it shouldn't be forgotten IMHO that a lot of radition will be spilled in the clean up progress (not only radiation: boric acid is actually quite toxic)

    as a consequence the german government for example is already thinking about taking back their early decision to extend the use of their current nuclear plants

    edit: according to some reports the evacuation zone was extended to 20 km
    edit: don't forget that reducing the heat of a molten core might take quite some time so i wouldn't call the danger off as well: even when being cooled it still might have just enough remaining heat to melt through the bottom of the pressure chamber. i suspect we will know more in 24 hours

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2011 red nissan altima coupe
  • 2011 red nissan altima coupe

  • skunk
    Mar 27, 02:37 PM
    What he's saying is that sometimes its the person thats the issue not the article, and using the word homo is funny because that also refers to homosexual.

    There's probably a phrase which sums it up more concisely.It's a homonym... :)

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. The Altima Coupe#39;s sleek lines
  • The Altima Coupe#39;s sleek lines

  • Don't panic
    Mar 14, 04:14 PM
    Trouble with this argument is that if everything goes completely tits-up with any other kind of power station, the results are indeed containable, but in the case of a nuclear power station, the results can be catastrophically bad. It is taking a worst case scenario to a whole different level.

    oh, i am not arguing that, i am just saying that, given the circumstances, things so far has not been as bad as they could have.
    of course things could still go south, but hopefully they won't

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2008 Nissan Altima Coupe
  • 2008 Nissan Altima Coupe

  • hcho3
    Nov 12, 12:35 AM
    Jesus christ...
    I cannot wait for iphone to go to verizon, so you all whiners can get off the AT&T network. My signal with AT&T is not perfect, but it is good enough to meet my standards. I get 2-3 drop calls out of 50 calls I make. So, it it not OMFG.

    Verizon service is better in my area, but it is not that much better. Verizon pissed me off enough with their poor customer service in the past. It will take me more than good signals to go back to VZ.

    People seem to think like Verizon will save all of us from AT&T signal issues. Yea... sure....
    We will see. We will see.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red

  • latergator116
    Mar 18, 09:26 PM
    I think this program is great. It will make it a lot more convenient for people to play their music anywhere they like. DRM is one of the reasons (in addition the the crummy AAC format) I don't buy music from the iTunes music store. I like being able to play my music where *I* want; I don't want Apple/RIAA putting any restrictions on that.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red

  • CaryMacGuy
    May 5, 04:20 PM
    I consistantly drop calls. I will be just sitting in the living room or in a bedroom and BOOM call drop. I am not even moving around and a call will drop. It is really frustrating.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 20, 08:21 PM
    Once you use Windows, you are doing something stupid :D
    Well not really, I guess if you want a computer that is cheap and weak, you can get a Windows computer.

    My Windows PC is not cheap. I built it my self it is made of better parts then any apple computer made. It is also fast as hell for what i use it for (Videogames). Please do not generalize all non-mac pcs and for the love of anything right in the world do not compare an OS to hardware.

    Applying a cost to tethering is your carriers choice.
    In many many places tethering comes for free on the iPhone. Certainly does for me and I'm with Australia's most abusive carrier.

    If your carrier allows free tether on one phone but not another isn't that anti-competitive behavior?

    Its build right into the OS to allow tethering for Androids. I am not sure how exactly it is performed on iOS.

    This is the company who is in court saying that App Store is a registered brand name, and thou shalt have no other App Stores.

    Then they themselves say that THEIR App Store is the largest.

    Hippoc... hypocr... how was it spelled again?

    The android market has been growing at a faster rate then the Appstore. It will react to the growing amount of users on the platform. But what i am about to say complete makes the last comment null. It does not matter how many apps it matter how many apps are usable. I will count a giant app store as a plus when anyone can put all those apps on their phone.

    The experience is degraded because Android lacks the Apple-integrated experience that we care about. Saying Android can do anything iPhone can do is like saying that both an Hyundai Accent and a Ferrari will get you from A to B. Yes, both can do this, but it's the experience that matters. The point isn't the fact that both have apps and both can browse the internet. Most people don't care about overclocking their phones or installing custom ROMs or "software freedom," whatever that means.

    I'm a former two-year Android user. The transition to iPhone 4 was great.

    I can say that the Google integrated experience is what I care about or if I Chose lack of one.

    unless you really really want widgets and Flash, otherwise I can't think of anything better on Android.

    Btw: my Prius gets much better gas mileage than a Ferrari. :)

    I don't think apple really has any think better on android. Android does have a file system, better notification and real multitasking.

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. Nissan Altima Coupe Red.
  • Nissan Altima Coupe Red.

  • EricNau
    Apr 25, 12:02 AM
    The ACT test is like the SAT but for the middle of America. I got 36* and literally only studied the day before.

    *weight my arguments posted on the Internet accordingly.
    Long time no see. It's nice to have you back. :)

    Nissan Altima Coupe Red. 2011 red nissan altima coupe
  • 2011 red nissan altima coupe

  • ct2k7
    Oct 7, 11:12 AM
    This is by far far the most ridiculous request I have ever read.

    Apr 15, 09:27 AM
    What's LGBT?

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered.

    Apr 9, 12:36 AM
    I got far more enjoyment out of Infinity Blade for 6 dollars than I did out of Pilot Wings Resort 3DS for 40 dollars...just sayin.

    They want 40 dollars for *that*? I went to go play with a 3DS and it had the pilot wings resort game. It came off as a very cheapy game (I was wishing they had something more interesting as a demo *sigh*)...

    I have several games on my iphone that I'd play for a lot longer including some puzzle games (boxed in, Sudoko, Myst), some that were ported over (Final Fantasy II, Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed), simulators (Asphalt 5, Need for Speed Shift). The most expensive of those was FFII at 8 or so dollars (and I got it on sale for 5!), and some were free (Sudoko, Boxed In) and many were .99 (on sale. If you like Gameloft games such as PoP and Assassin's Creed and Asphalt 5, if you wait and watch you can generally get them for a buck *grin*).

    And that's just the ones I've started (Squaresoft and Gameloft both had sales recently so I picked up 5 or 6 games, mostly rpgs, all for less than 20 bux plus still have some other Gameloft games i bought I haven't gotten to, like Hero of Spartan II. Plus I got Riven for 3 dollars).

    Yeah, sure, no touch controls. But the controls are decent enough that they don't take too much away from the fun and the games are still fun and I'll take the slightly less good controls for the much bigger difference in price. Especially if they are charging 40 dollars for something like Pilot Wings resort, something I'd probably only put on my iphone if they had it free for a day.

    Anyways, I won't trade my iphone for the 3Ds even just for gaming purposes. Unless the 3DS actually gets good games, but in general I usually find Nintendo gets cheesy crap. I think I'd be much more excited over Sony's new handheld whenever it comes out. But, my iphone is good enough and it is a lot more portable (it's smaller than either and will fit in my pocket) and the games are cheaper so I'm happy enough with it. If i had disposable income I might consider the Sony as well (maybe, it looks kinda sizable and I honestly like my iphone as a gaming machine partly cause it is small enough to go everywhere with me as it fits in my purse. Shoot, all the games can easily come with me too cause I don't have to carry a bunch of cartridges, they're already loaded in).

    Apr 28, 07:47 AM
    However the iPad is not a pc, so this report is a bit on the Apple side here.

    Very true. Plus it could be a fad to own the latest toy. We won't know until some time passes. Anything new from Apple gets a lot of attention.

    Wait til the newness wears off.

    Apr 28, 08:48 AM
    Those "servers": each server has two Intel Quad-Core Processors running at 50W, 24GB of memory and a 120GB disk drive. Sounds like a nicely packed PC doesn't it?

    It doesn't take a smart person to prune information out to support their claim, while redacting information which doesn't. Why didn't you include the full spec?

    "Weta Digital uses HP�s BladeSystem c7000 chassis with BL2x220 server modules, with redundant HP Virtual Connect networking modules, full HP redundant thermal logic power supplies and fans, redundant management modules, each server had two Intel L5335 50w processors, 24GB memory and a mixture of 60GB and 120GB hard disk drives."

    Most definitely NOT PCs. Sorry, try again.

    Mar 20, 08:54 PM
    it might be morally okay to use songs in your wedding video, but it's not morally okay to break the law in order to put them there when you have legal means of either doing so (which is the case--buy the CD)As I understand it, the issue of using music in your wedding video has nothing to do with breaking DRM, but instead with violating copyright. Even you get the music off of a CD, it would still be illegal.

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